Design a garden plot - a complex phenomenon. Every self-respecting summer visitor, the owner of a piece of land located around the house, wants to arrange this space as much as possible beautiful. But if "dead" decor is easy to place almost anywhere, the live ornamental plants - no. They often need light, some other special conditions. Shade-loving and shade-tolerant perennial flowers for the garden, blooming all summer, will solve most of these problems.
- Characteristics of shade-plants
Top Shade Plants for a suburban area
- Aquilegia
- Geranium garden
- Volzhanka
- Hydrangea
- Heuchera
- host
- Astilba
- Fern
- Actinidia ( "kolomikta")
- Rogers
- Ligularia
- Brunner ( "eritrichium")
- Black cohosh ( "black cohosh")
- Dicentra ( "broken heart")
- How to care for shade-loving plants
- conclusion
Characteristics of shade-plants
The more the garden of tall trees, outbuildings, arbors, the higher the fence, the house, the very area, the shady it will. Shade-tolerant flowers or stsiogeliofity tolerate shading either continuously or intermittently, in contrast to the light-loving - heliophyte. Permanent low light affects the appearance of the plant:
- shade-leaves double-sided, light-loving - equilateral;
- shade-tolerant flowers almost always have wide, large leaves and large distance between them;
- flowers growing in the shade, decorated smooth leaves, while light-loving foliage - folded, impressive;
- shadow leaves of plants - matt, with a lack of moisture fade quickly;
- shade-root system is usually located under the surface of the soil, a thick rhizome itself.
In determining the degree of illumination of a space at the site, are guided by the following parameters:
- shadow - here at least two or three hours a day light enters;
- shadow sparse - space located under the leaky canopy garden trees here grows well and bears fruit most famous flowers;
- penumbra - the sun's rays illuminate the site for more than three or four hours, usually in the morning or in the evening;
- deep shadow - is located near the buildings, fences, sunlight does not penetrate there at all, that it is acceptable for very few species.
In the shadow of excellent feel many kinds of grasses and ground covers, shrubs and vines, conifers and ferns.
When choosing perennials for shade, it should be borne in mind that some places bright highlights in the spring, but shaded in the autumn, are on the morning sun, in the shade - in the evening.

Top Shade Plants for a suburban area
Suitable for cultivation in the country of ornamental perennials who feel good in the shade, there is a great variety. They are conventionally divided into groups:
- shrubs - have very different heights, they are put in groups, individually, as a "hedge";
- grass - undersized to play a role in the background landing site;
- flowers - medium "growth" ranges from 15 to 40 cm, they easily become bright accent garden compositions.
On your site successfully grown garden geranium and Volzhanka, Dicentra and Columbines, hydrangea and host Magonov and dogwood, Heuchera and black cohosh, Brunner and Rogers, fern and akindiyu, Ligularia and Astilbe, cotoneaster and privet.

Columbines are called Orlik, or watershed, referred to as perennial grasses. there are more than 120, but only 35 of all domesticated species of the plant. Leaves on long stalks, flowers of most species are solitary, drooping, blue, white, magenta, yellow color scheme, there are also two-tone. Seeds from aquilegia small, and can be propagated by dividing the bush. The plant feels well in partial shade, moist loose soil, flowering begins in the second year life, but highly ornamental saves about five years, easy to form hybrids with crossover pollination. Popular varieties: ordinary, fan-shaped, blue, golden, Olympic, Canada. flowering period - 20-35 days, a single flower lives two to three weeks, mature seeds are poisonous.

Geranium garden
Geranium or garden geranium - teneustoychivy shrub, drought-resistant, not afraid of frost. By the geraniums are about 400 species, but is cultivated in the garden 12. Most of them have dissected hairy leaves with long petioles, flowers have five petals. The most commonly planted following types who like a shadow: blood-red, swamp, forest, krupnokornevischnuyu, marsh. Most of the geraniums in bloom for about a month, it is recommended to plant islands. Decorative flower retains 8-11 years, after which gradually dies middle. Plants need good drainage, fertile soil, moderate watering, partial shade.
When buying seedlings of geraniums, make sure that this type intended for cultivation in the open air rather than in a home greenhouse.

Arunkus nettle, also called Volzhanka, ideal for shady areas of the garden. Shrubs reach two meters high, a meter wide, are creamy white inflorescences in long panicles, feathery "torn" leaves. In the natural environment, there are 12 species. Blossoms arunkus little more than two months (June and July), but retains a beautiful appearance to the late fall. At one point Volzhanka grows up to 18-20 years, propagated by dividing the bush just the young plants is recommended. Grown from seed can not bloom earlier than the third year of life. The most popular cultivated species: kokoryshelistnaya, Alpine.
Dry panicle arunkusa used in the preparation of winter flowers - they must be dried in the shade with good ventilation.

By hydrangea provides more than 70 species, but the most common such as tree (variety sterilis, Annabelle grandiflora), macrophylla (grade expression, peppermint Everian) paniculata (cv Mathilde Limelight, jackpot, Unique), and Chereshkovaya, dublistnaya, Ash, radiant. The plant is suitable for the creation of hedges, design of large spaces. Flowering hydrangeas planted in the shady areas, longer than the sun. Themselves flowers - white, blue, pink, maroon or purple, are collected in inflorescence. The height of the bush, depending on the species - 0.7-3 meters, among the hydrangeas, there are vines (eg, petiolate). In the spring, before the buds have blossomed, it is necessary to produce cutting - this procedure makes the most luxuriant bloom.
See also:Design arbor: what kind of ideas to choose 75 photos

Long-term Heuchera decorate their bright leaves most shady parts of the garden. Plant height of about 0.5 meters, the flowers look like panicles of white or pink color schemes, flowering occurs from early July to mid-September. landing site is chosen depending on the variety: in the shadow of Heuchera plant with dark green, pale yellow leaves, delicate penumbra fit pestrookrashennym instances. Planting is recommended to neutral soils, hills, for winter mulching plants. Certain varieties of Heuchera able to change the color of the leaves two or three or more times in a season, a variety of garden design. Popular varieties include tryasunkovidnaya, blood-red, the hybrid cylindrical, American, melkotsvetkovaya.

Host - one of the most unpretentious of ornamental garden plants. Its leaves are heart-shaped or are narrow, matte or glossy, self-colored or variegated. The flowers resemble bells bluish, purple, white, pink color scheme, located on long peduncles. On the same place the host with no problems growing up to 25-30 years, with each year it becomes decorative. All grades are divided into undersized - 25 cm, average - 50 cm, large - 70 cm and above. Plant host in the sun is not recommended - decorative foliage thus reduced. The plant is demanding to moisture, because the soil carefully mulching with pine needles.
If you plan to propagate host summer she cut off all the leaves - when new sockets are growing very quickly.

Astilba has a beautiful shiny leaves, fluffy panicles of flowers. In nature, there are more than 40 species, but in floriculture is used no more than 10. The plant is classified according to the color of flowers - white (Diamond, Avalanche, bergkristall), white and pink (Brunnhilde, Europe, American), deep-pink (Gloria, grenades, Cattleya), red (gluten, Vesuvius, Feuer), purple (opal, Siegfried, amethyst). Astilbe height of 30-120 cm, depending on the species. Flowering occurs from June to September, the leaves remain decorative until late autumn. Transplant is required every three to five years - old plant is divided into parts in early spring, the seeds are propagated extremely rare.
See also:Ornamental trees Garden: descriptions and names

Ferns great feel as lightly shaded beds and a spreading high-ephedra. Plant height - 25-50 cm. The most decorative differ following types: Woods, chistousnik, groomer, athyrium, listovik, maidenhair, gymnocarpium. Ferns planted in the fall or spring, it's great going through a severe drought, it does not require special conditions for normal growth. If the plant is transplanted from the forest, then along with it is advisable to take a little forest land to acclimate to the new location took place the most successful. Reproduction is performed by budding, dividing the bush, and the spores ripening on the lower leaf surface.

Actinidia ( "kolomikta")
Actinidia refers to deciduous vines, has variegated leaves tend to curl it, relying on any vertical or inclined surface. Plant height - up to seven meters. From Actinidia can get delicious fruits, vaguely resembling the kiwi. To do this, put a number of male and female specimens - preferably use seedlings younger than four years, as older take root poorly. Kolomikta is hardy, propagated by layering, cuttings, at least - seeds. Plant may be in the sun and in partial shade, pruning is carried out in mid-May, September. The fruits are suitable for food, ripen in August and September.

Rogers is not choosy to the choice of place of growth - it is suitable for both deaf shadow and hot, sunny areas. Ideal sparse shade - on overly dark areas of the bloom is not abundant. This herbaceous plant small pink, white, pine forest flowers gathered in the inflorescence, shiny leaves, reminiscent of maple or chestnut. Most popular: buzinolistnaya, stopolistnaya, konskokashtanolistnaya. Reproduction by dividing the bush or produce its rhizomes, cuttings. If planting is done in the autumn, bush quickly reach large sizes. During flowering Rogers should be fed in the heat - mulch.

Ligularia is capable of becoming one of the brightest accent any garden. Put him on the banks of ponds and planters in the most shadowy corners of the land. Ligularia there are up to 150 species, their height - 50-250 cm, the color of leaves - pale yellow, dark green, red, some varieties change color of the leaves in autumn. Themselves flowers - mostly yellow, similar to chamomile or collected in elongated inflorescences. Common types: scalloped (grades Desdemona, Othello, orange queen), Ligularia przewalskii (klenolistny, rocket). Flowering lasts 20-30 days, the flowers and the leaves wither, but quickly recovered in the bright sun, when the shadow comes. Transplant is required every four to five years, in the heat needs abundant watering.

Brunner ( "eritrichium")
Brunner or eritrichium refers to perennials, has only three species. Of these, only cultivated in gardens and large-Siberian. Thrust the plant is desirable in places where in the morning the sun is shining, and the shadow falls in the afternoon. Optimally suited shore waters, where in any weather kept constant soil moisture. Plant height - 20-60 cm. Leaves Brunner - heart-shaped, painted green, but more often speckled with white or bluish patches. Faded foliage must be removed periodically. Flowering occurs in late May - June, for nearly a month, inflorescence lax, bluish, the seeds begin to ripen in late June. Propagation eritrichium seeds or dividing the bush.

Black cohosh ( "black cohosh")
Black cohosh or black cohosh - hardy, cold-resistant, unpretentious, elegant perennial. He is able to grow in one place for more than 20 years, grows to 60-180 cm in height. The flowers are collected in inflorescence, painted in cream white, pink color, has an unpleasant smell, flowering begins in late August, when most plants have faded. The best landing place - damp shady corners of the garden. It is important to know that all instances of toxic - planting, pruning, other care should be carried out in rubber gloves. Species: simple branching, clustering, serdtselistny.
A decoction of the roots of black cohosh has a property to scare away many types of pests.

Dicentra ( "broken heart")
Dicentra, whose flowers resemble small hearts of different color schemes, grows well in the garden and on the windowsill. The plant has delicate leaves, prefers moist soil, drainage quality, nitrogen fertilizers. If you put the sun Dicentra bush is small, but will bloom early in the shadow - will grow larger, will bloom for a long time. At one point, "a broken heart" grows well up to five years, after which it is recommended a transplant. Reproduction is performed by propagation by cuttings, dividing the bush, at least - by planting seeds. Depending on the height of the flower varies from 20 cm up to three meters. Popular varieties include the beautiful "golden tears", elegant, gorgeous, klobuchkonosnaya.
See also:Wicker fence with his hands

How to care for shade-loving plants
Care of vegetation, preferring the shadows, a little different from what you want to perennials that prefer sun. The soil in the shady areas near ponds, fences, buildings, more moist, but in the shadow of tall trees - dry as a magnificent crown almost does not pass water. To moisture after watering as long as possible not to leave the soil, mulching is done with the help of sawdust, pine needles, dried grass, synthetic nonwovens. This is especially important when the garden is located in a hot, dry region.
Curly varieties should be allowed to "crawl" on the wall of the house, gazebo, clinging to the substituted specifically trellis. Species capable to grow excessively, and sometimes requires a limitation dug 30-50 cm in depth pieces of slate, plastic and others. Thinning, weeding, hoeing, pruning, timely transplanting, pest and disease prevention are also necessary for most garden perennials.
Hot summer abundant watering needs even flowers growing in the corners where sunlight barely penetrates. The water in this case should not be ice - it is desirable that it is slightly warmed in the sun. the very quality of the soil is also important - the soil is recommended to fertile, well-drained, rich humus, compost, fertilizer stores. Fertilizing is needed throughout the growing season - from the appearance of the first leaves, blooming buds to full ripening of fruits, seeds. The acidity level is adjusted individually for each species - appropriate structure "dressed" directly into the planting hole.
Shade plants are planted in groups on miksbordah, alpine slides, climbing - along fences, buildings, large - as tapeworms, hedges. Popular and landing in a certain pattern: flower beds when the survey is expected from all sides, the highest species are thrown in the middle, then - average, on the edge - low or dwarf. Flower composition executed monochrome, contrast, made close to each other in colors. It is important to choose the vegetation so that the bed was the most decorative appearance from spring to late autumn - when some perennials faded, to be replaced by others bloom. If desired, the flowers, especially ampelnye Located in tubs on the veranda, vertical tiered beds - constant watering is very important here.

To separate places shaded garden not left empty, they are planting appropriate vegetation. Unpretentious, perfectly dolgotsvetuschie perennials grow, bloom in the shade of houses, sheds, under the canopy of the average density of fruit, dekorativnolistnyh and even pine trees. Among them are low-growing and huge, erect and ampelnye that allows you to choose the most suitable types to create a beautiful landscape design of any garden.