At the birth of the second, third child, a question appears - and where they will sleep? Well, if the apartment is big enough, it is possible to equip everyone not only sleeping place, but also private "working" space. If we have to live in a standard "socket", which places a large family never enough, you should consider the option of acquiring a bunk bed.
Bunk bed in the interior - it's always a significant space saving small space that can be used for other purposes. In the children's space, not occupied by furniture, stands at least 70% of the entire room. About how to choose the right configuration, manufacturing materials, style bunk beds, more in the text below.
- Bunk Bed: how to choose?
bed design
- High-tech style
- romantic style
- Eco-style
- Minimalism
- Bunk beds for two children
- Bunk beds for parents and child
- The beds of the two tiers for one child
- Bed-transformers
- The materials used for the manufacture of bunk beds
- Convenience and safety
- conclusion
Bunk Bed: how to choose?
When you select a two-tier bed always pay attention to the following criteria:
- Quality - the materials from which it is made, must be durable, environmentally friendly, natural desired;
- stability - in the assembled state is unacceptable even the minimum amplitude of the rocking structure. Have any of the children will not be kept on the top shelf, fall, get a serious injury;
- practicality - this piece of furniture is selected comfortable ergonomic. With a convenient frame, mattresses, suitable for children's sleep;
- certification - in the documents accompanying the product must show the detailed specifications, the maximum growth, weight of the person who can sleep in a bed;

- Appearance - the furniture is chosen such that appeal to children as much as possible consistent with the style of the nursery, if there is already renovated. Otherwise, the design of the premises will have to "adjust" under the crib purchased;
- Security - it is above all. Ladder upstairs should not be too slippery, ideally - have a slope, sufficiently thick, frequent steps. The upper tier is preferred with flanges that protect against falling. Welcomed the presence of at least one handrail, which can be grasped when climbing stairs;
- smell - if the products from bad, unpleasant, sharp smell, then buy it is not necessary. Over time, variations in humidity, air temperature, "flavor" will only intensify, and the evaporation of harmful substances may seriously disrupt the immune system of those who will sleep on a cot.

When planning non-standard, the room is narrow, then the position will save the built-in two-storey construction. It can be mounted in the recess, between the two walls, and others.

bed design
They differ in design, length, width of beds, stairs location, storey height, coloring. The classic two-tier is made of wood, it has a simple form, a very modest decoration. It is complemented by the present slide, a small sports area with rings, swings, ropes. When the children a lot, and the ceiling height allows, it is the third floor, but the design is in this case firmly attached to the wall. The construction is completely without legs comfortable for the little ones, but then you should pick up quite a thick mattress, think about the additional floor heating.

Two suspended bed to attach directly to the wall, do not have legs. Stairway also attached on the wall, presents an protrusions niche. These cribs are made in close spalenke folding. Or may be suspended upper tier, lower - stand on legs. The second "floor" are often suspended from the ceiling, attached to the wall at the same time. Many companies offer sophisticated design, combining two or three beds, a computer, a desk, a compact cabinet for clothes, hanging shelves and so on.
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If you can not find a suitable design model, it made its own, custom-made, individual dimensions, the sketch in stores.
High-tech style
High-tech style is well suited to the children's "room for growth". Clean hi-tech rooms are suitable for boys, girls bedroom interior "diluted" elements of Provence - a small amount of light drapes in pastel colors. Crib made in this style, it is partially or entirely composed of shiny metal, have a built-in chrome fixtures. In general, the room will become a multifunctional, virtually all furniture can be transformed. Colors are preferred silver, beige, cream with the addition of black, red.

romantic style
This design direction is perfect for girls of the room - the abundance of textiles, ryushechek, flounces, lovely pillows, little animals in pastel colors. The bed itself can be wood, chipboard, performed in light colors have a smooth shape, a small amount of decoration in the form of painting colors, gradient tints. When making a "romantic" bedrooms boys in the interior should be added to darker tones, loft-style elements, industrial, marine, or other.

When choosing the style of the room should be at least partially taken into account the views of children on this subject, did their best to please everyone.
Bed in eco-style is made of solid wood, preferably with a complex pattern of fibers. The design may be a two-storey "house", where each child will have a separate "nest" in which he will be able to retire. Sides are closed thick curtains with floral ornaments, on the ends can be cut decorative windows. The decor welcome a large number of self-made toys, decorative knick-knacks. Designated children's are styled by the natural environment - from driftwood made strong ladder, at the same bar as the mote, suspended swings. Color is better to choose tea, vegetable, warm.

If the children's area is located in a cramped apartment-studio, the bed can also be separated from the rest of the room long curtains.
Minimalism is characterized as simple contours, a limited number of colors, the almost complete lack of decor. Bed will be strict, but elegant, preferably built in, with a plain pastel linens, stairs clear of regular shape, without any superfluous details, inserts. The rest of the furniture in the room is also chosen extremely simple, it is better matt, solid, without the "bells and whistles". This interior is convenient to equip children of different sex, age. Welcome small amount of bright color accents, preferred combinations of black and white, yellow, purple, orange with green.

"Floors" beds arranged one above the other or offset to the side - then under the top tier has a built-in wardrobe, a child seat. If there is sufficient space bottom bunk is perpendicular to the top - crosswise. The two-storey structure must be chosen so high that from the top bunk to the ceiling was at least a meter beneath it was comfortable to sit on, to clean up the bed. The ground floor is a wide, folding, in its place is often "study" of the child. Also out of the lower beds can be extended an additional part, making a double space.
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Bunk beds for two children
When the children of different ages, the youngest child usually sleeps on the bottom shelf. For space saving design is equipped with drawers under the bottom of the lower berth. If a ladder made with spans boxes are located there. Under the top "floor" is also made compact storage space. Bed can carry a zoning function - on both sides of it will settle individual game, the jobs for each of the children. If children are heterosexual, they are already more than seven years, in the room should be equipped with separate room for dressing.

Bunk beds for parents and child
In this case, the lower tier may be a semi, double - until the little man, my mother will be able to sleep next to him. After there will still children, the eldest went to bed upstairs. In another embodiment of a child asleep on the bottom tier, the parent - at the top. In today's small studio apartment on the bunk beds will fit a family of three - from the bottom, using a double bed, the parents, the child is at the top. If it is a large loft bed, then the top will accommodate parents and children - at the bottom.

In large buildings, where it is often a lot of visitors, a two-tier structure can be designed entirely for adults. On the bottom tier, instead of the usual bed, a double sofa bed.
The beds of the two tiers for one child
Loft bed is more suitable for the decoration of the bedroom of a teenager. Big boy, the girl can easily climb up, do not be afraid to sleep on the second "floor". Under the bed plane mounted computer table, writing operation, built-in wardrobe for odezhek, shelves for books, CDs, souvenirs. Teenage mattress height should be 12-15 cm. Younger is also equipped with sports, play area - hill, houses, tents, horizontal bars, and other decorations. It is desirable that the above details were taken - to the extent that, as the baby grows, they are replaced by others.

There are some facilities that are the height of the second "floor", the length of both regulated - crib grows with your children. In some models, one or two shelves can day rise vertically to the wall - like a train at night using the sleep. Lower in the daytime "turn" in the table, folding a narrow couch. If children are three, additional plane located under the lower bunk. At night she put forward, forming an extra bed, the day is "hidden", a mattress lying on it at night, with the onset of the morning getting back, on the couch.

The materials used for the manufacture of bunk beds
From the materials traditionally used:
- different types of wood - they are durable, wear-resistant, durable, aesthetically pleasing look;
- chipboard - low cost, but do not last a long time;
- Metal - durable, practical, but not suitable for every style;
- MDF - a nice inexpensive option;
- bent-plywood, thick plastic - used for the manufacture of individual parts.
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Wood for the bunk bed is chosen sturdy, without dropping out knots, burrs, chips, cracks. Preferred are: mahogany, oak, beech, spruce, Nordic pine, birch, hornbeam. Wood does not emit toxins into the environment, but the manufacturer should be required to request the document on radiation safety material - environmental certificate. Individual suppliers indicate the place of origin of lumber.
In the manufacture of particleboard, MDF, wood waste are used, various film materials, formaldehyde resins, many of which have varying degrees of toxicity. Coating materials, film coatings should also be selected maximum harmless.

As different materials are used filler children's mattresses - coconut, polyester fiber, natural latex. They have to choose hypoallergenic. Cases made from natural tissues are preferred stain resistant - teak, bamboo fabric. Mattresses orthopedic needs, medium hardness.
Convenience and safety
The convenience, safety, care should be taken in the first place, especially when children are small. If the bunk bed will be hosted four children, "levels" should be double, ladders be available on both sides. The second floor is equipped with low handrails, handles, railings, for which you can grab at tripping.

The ladder depending on the location of a two-tier structure is to:
- vertical - does not occupy too much space, but the most traumatic;
- inclined - a poor option for small spaces, because to be quite narrow, but it will also affect the security;
- with "Podium" - has drawers under each step, even a baby can get through it.

Cot, ladder must withstand the weight of any adult - up to 150 kg. Parents will have to climb time to time to clean toys, perestelit linens, etc.. The furnishing of child should avoid any sharp corners - they are the most traumatic. When buying any furniture you need to carefully inspect, check all fasteners, moving parts - the quality of the connection details safe operation of the product depends directly. The space around the bunk bed, just in case, you should lay a thick, soft rugs - this will reduce the likelihood of serious injury after falling from the upper bunk. Fireproof furniture covers are also offered by most manufacturers.

"Color Security" - a modern term for what coloristic interior decoration should be as harmonious, non-irritating, soothing. Shades are selected taking into account children's preferences, because they, and not their parents have to live there.
When bunk beds are carved or legs are too thin, structural strength is at issue.

Bunk Bed will be a real salvation for close one-room apartment, a small nursery, rooms for two or three children. If the kids even more, the number of double-decker beds increase. Adolescents and adults tired like sleeping on the "second floor" where no one can reach. Younger interesting climb up, inventing various games. There are many design ideas bedroom design for two or more children. To save on the purchase of this product should not be - the health of small family members still expensive.