Flies in flowerpots - how to get rid?

  • Reasons for flies to appear
  • How to get rid of flies in colors?
  • Chemical control methods
  • Folk remedies for insect control
  • Useful advices:

If you have flies in flower pots, how to get rid of them should be resolved very urgently. Indoor plants bring a lot of positive emotions, please the eye, and the air in the apartment from them becomes clean, and therefore it is necessary to take care of them properly, so that further you have the opportunity to receive from the vegetation benefit, not harm.

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Reasons for flies to appear

Every person who engages in flowers or is simply present in an apartment or house tries to create ideal living conditions for them. But sometimes in the colors there may be various troubles, but the most important is the earth flies. How to get rid of them are often tormented by flower growers? Their presence of special joy neither flowers nor masters does not deliver. But even from them many diseases appear.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of such insects in the vegetation. The most famous is:

  1. Too moisturized earth.
  2. Purchased land: it can be contaminated or simply of unsatisfactory quality.
  3. Too frequent use of "coffee", "meat" water make-up.
  4. Delayed removal of diseased leaves.
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How to get rid of flies in colors?

There are a lot of ways to get rid of midges in flowers, but some help them, others do not.

The simplest actions that you can immediately perform as soon as you notice undesirable insects in your house:

  1. Dry the ground if it is very wet, and then - less water the flower and more often loosen the soil.
  2. Change all the earth in colors.
  3. Try to water a very weak solution of potassium permanganate, because if you make it strong, it will simply burn the plant.
  4. Also help a weak soap solution - they pour all the earth.
  5. Take the garlic and cut it into slices. Put on all the pots with flowers.
  6. In the ground, stick a few crusts of orange. You can use both fresh and dried peel.
  7. In the flower shops are sold special means against insects. Take advantage of them.

To be sure, you need to get rid of not only flies, but also from their larvae. There are a lot of ways for this, from traditional to unusual. All the most effective you will find in the chapters of this article below.

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Chemical methods of control

Water the land with chemicals precisely if the fly larvae are in the soil.

Important! Most often used such means as "Raptor", "Bazudin", "Grom-2", "Mukhoed."

Rules for the use of such tools are very simple:

  1. Be sure to read the instructions for use - it will clearly be written when and how to water your flowers.
  2. Before any treatment with chemical or household products, you need to change the whole earth to a new one. The depth of penetration of the larvae depends on the diameter of the pot. As a rule, it is not more than 5 cm.

Important! Adult plants do not harm such means, but a young plant can easily suffer. But they help not only get rid of the larvae, but even of black flies, so their application is still advisable, but only with the observance of the dosage and the scheme of irrigation.

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Folk remedies for insect control

For the destruction of flies in flower pots, there are various means for home use.

Wood Ash

  1. Take the wood ash.
  2. Sprinkle the soil in the pot.

Important! With the first application, it significantly reduces the number of insects. After repeating the procedure, the problem of how to get rid of flies in colors will stop bothering you. And the ash is an excellent fertilizer, which means that you simultaneously solve the problem of feeding your green friends.


If you have a dry mustard powder, do the following:

  1. Take a glass of water.
  2. Dilute mustard in it - 1 tablespoon of powder is needed.
  3. Pour the ground on top of the solution.

Important! Also use a solution of potassium permanganate. He will help get rid of the whitefly flies. The insect got its name because of its almost transparent color.


Another effective folk way of how to get rid of midges in flowers is aromatherapy. We have already mentioned citrus and garlic above, but still use ashes from ordinary paper.


  1. Take matches.
  2. Rumble the sulfur heads.
  3. Put them in the ground.
  4. After a while there will be no insects.

Important! You can use all these means, but you need to remember that not all flowers are able to survive such treatment. Therefore, choose the appropriate option for a particular type of plant in your home.

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Useful advices:

  1. Processing of colors is carried out several times, but there should be a break in a week.
  2. After the treatment of the plant, do not water for several days so as not to reduce the concentration of the preparation.
  3. The main reason for the appearance of flies is excessive humidity, so water the plants properly. They usually prefer that the liquid comes from below. This is very simple, if you pour water in special pallets.

Flowers in pots in your apartment will always please you with their flowering and growth, if they are properly taken care of. And such a problem as flies and their larvae will not disturb you if you follow the above tips and methods for their destruction.