Homemade things were making almost all people: at least part of the school curriculum. Some did not stop and did everything more complicated crafts, with the acquisition of new skills. Sooner or later the question arises of creating products really useful on the farm. For example, a self-made armchairs and chairs - high practical use in view of its place. In this sense, they can "compete" with the storage systems. Work on the furniture requires the application of considerable physical effort, precision and high concentration at crucial moments. If a person retain skills and will continue in the same vein, in addition to the chair with his hands, in the same way can collect whole sets of furniture or even manually make the whole interior. The experience of other people in the step by step instructions make the job even easier, faster and more efficient.
- Types of seats for independent production
- What materials do
How to - master classes on manufacturing
- Bag chair
- The fabric and foam: Master frameless seat
- Easy chair with armrests made of plywood
- Folding garden chair Kentucky
- Convertible chair bed
- Chair from plastic bottles
- How to restore the old chair
- conclusion
Types of seats for independent production
Conventionally, the options can be divided into:
- solid;
- semi-soft;
- soft;
- rocking chairs.

First, create individual elements. Then they were treated and bore holes, is applied to them coating materials. In some cases, improve the already completely finished product. With regard to individual types of seats, it is particularly hard is the lack of upholstery. Usually - it's just a chair with armrests. Semi-soft variants represent chair upholstery and filler inside. Soft trim is normally present on the seat, armrests, backrest. Consumption of fabric will be low. The first two models are more suitable chairs for the garden. Soft kind chairs - fully lined with elastic material, perfect for interior of the house. For the garden, porch and the house will suit a rocking chair. It can be furniture made of different materials or wickerwork. Different types of chairs made from pallets, boards with exposed beams, bars, vine. Sometimes metal is used, the algorithm of operation then will not differ greatly from the master classes with wooden models.

What materials do
Craftsmen use the means at hand, the old clamshell. Of tissue taken any options, and different pieces of new, remnants, scraps. You will get a decent seat of wooden chests and iron hoop. For geometrically straight line of products is ideal pallets, crates and various pallets. Bars, planks and beams are collected in the chair with various angles compounds. Wicker chairs make for a long time, using the creative approach. Variants woven pattern is innumerable. Traditional chairs are constructed from solid materials. Reliable frame is formed of bars, logs, MDF, particleboard, chipboard, metals, boards and plywood. On the soft and frameless products spend more time, money and materials. Sometimes metal is used, the algorithm of operation then will not differ greatly from the master classes with wooden models. For manufacturing use including fabric and foam.

That the product will last for many years and did not cause any discomfort, you should choose the modern environmentally friendly materials!

How to - master classes on manufacturing
For frame and frameless chairs we developed a lot of drawings. Beginners should choose a viable option by the criterion of difficulty and imagine how the finished chair will look in their environment.
See also:Modern kitchen tables Interior
People stop range of 10-15 products, the production of which involves some clear scheme of work. There are solid, semi-soft and soft models. The latter are divided on the frame and frameless. Folding are lightweight durable frame with decreasing dimensions, so easy to carry. Of wire and bars collect the original uniform of Kentucky, which will decorate any environment. Sport model with multiple fixation straps called bucket. Futon - a popular version of the chair, which was converted into the mattress all in one motion. Sliding models serve as bed and chair. Also manufactured chair with a high back and greater stability.

Bag chair
It is familiar and at the same time a special option for the home and garden. Materials required:
- Cloth for the external cover;
- for internal;
- 1 or 2 of lightning, the second will be needed if the internal shroud, it was decided not to sew, but also to do with the lightning;
- thread;
- filler.
Of the tools:
- roulette;
- pencil;
- scissors;
- graph paper for patterns;
- sewing machine.
The product consists of a cover and the inside. Cover, in turn, a double and has an upper and inner parts. The outer part is removed and cleaned, for this it is made with a zipper. The inner pouch usually has a hardware and filled with polystyrene balls of two-thirds. Sami balls do not exceed half a centimeter in diameter, so the content is easy to take the form of the body. Fabrics for slipcovers pick light, smooth texture, good to pass air.

In the process of creating a home-made bean bags resorted to sewing. First on graph paper make the pattern of the wedge, the top and bottom. It was transferred to the fabric and cut with margins of 1.5 cm. All you need 6 wedges, hexagon-top and be the bases for carrying handle - for the upper cover, and everything is the same except for the handle - for the bottom. The edges of the pieces are processed on a sewing machine zigzag pattern. Two lateral wedge add up the inside out. Worn down by 15 cm on both sides on the long edge. At the ends of the joints do rivets and zipper set, sew. Then, working with the other wedges stachivaya side seams and form a handle. All parts and connect undertake the lower cover, which produce a similar manner but without a handle and lightning.

The fabric and foam: Master frameless seat
Selected foam density of 25 kg / m³, and that any of the following tissues include:
- Flock.
- Chenille.
- Skotchgard.
- Velours.
- Jacquard.
Of the tools you will need a set of tailor:
- Pins.
- Lightning.
- Sartorial meter.
- Crayons.
- Knife.
- Tailor's shears.
- Needles and thread.
- Sewing machine.

Frameless chair with foam has three components: the more or less rigid foam plate, the inner case with Lightning from a strong, lint-free material and an outer sheath to increase the life of the inner, also with lightning. Patterns and structure covers both pick the same.
The first step is determined by the details. Usually it - two identical elements of the seat (700 × 700 × 150 mm), two identical small segment of armrests (700 × 250 × 150 mm) and a backrest cushion (400 × 250 × 150 mm). When addressing this issue, go to cutting foam. Proceeding from the described dimensions, cushions make 150 mm thick. For economy products sew three layers - of 3 sheets of 50 mm. One 150 mm will be more expensive. Later pillows are sewn by a Gypsy needles. Then basting cases, make the first fitting and stitch them. After this, in turn form the seat, armrests and backrest.
See also:Chests of drawers in modern interior 75 photo examples

Easy chair with armrests made of plywood
Require such devices:
- foam;
- the cloth;
- glue;
- screwdriver;
- screws;
- drill;
- iron scissors;
- compass;
- meter;
- hammer;
- hacksaw;
- soldering;
- plywood sheets.
Starting with manufacturing cardboard templates that need to cut elements from plywood boards. The product will be created from the cross bars, so expect to advance their bending, size and inclination. Also we plan the size of the chair. For example, we choose a seat height of 44 cm, a width of the chair - 75 cm, depth - 87 and the height - 93. All wooden elements of grind. The ends of the reinforcing metal rims and side parts painted. With the help of glue fasten foam cushions on the backrest and seat. Optionally, it can be done on the arms. Material fix the stapler. For processing by a seat bore holes and fasten screws rims. Cloth trim back seat, and then move on to the rest of the chair. All the elements are connected with screws and screwdriver. fasteners place and fix with adhesive joints.

Folding garden chair Kentucky
Kentucky, also known as Kentucky - stylish option for any interior, garden and terrace. For its production will need the following materials and tools:
- Hammer.
- Joiner's glue.
- Drill with a drill on a tree.
- The wire diameter of 4 mm.
- Brackets for fixing a wire.
- Clippers or scissors for cutting wire.
Bars still need for short and long backrest parts 4 and 2 pcs. accordingly, the seat rails - 6 pc, to the front and rear legs -. 2 pieces and connecting parts 9.. Dimensions of identical type elements are chosen identical to within millimeters.

Regarding the choice of materials, the conifers, including solid larch do not exactly fit. Coniferous material in violation of linearity due to different loads stratified. The best will be dense multi-layered wood: oak, beech, elm, walnut. Suitable moisture resistant aspen.

In step backrest assembly elements applied to the seat part. The top of the backrest should fall on the front seat, and the bottom - at the bottom. back bars at the same time lay down on the seat part. Then, alternately pushing transitional bars, the seat back and open the furniture like a fan. Between the bars fixed backrest part. Then wire transition edge boards are connected to the lower portion of the back.

Convertible chair bed
You need to prepare sticks, boards, screws, hinges, sliding mechanism and nazhdachku and fabric, one way or another suitable for upholstery bed, for example, eco-leather.
Seats and backrests manufacture of boards. Sidushku forming from 3 parts, including - of 2 sliding. They should be a frame of bars. Of the timber sidewall are doing well with chair rails, legs and five pillars. When fixing all the details apply screws and glue for better fixation of these fasteners. The surface of the wood and treat sandpaper. The sliding mechanism chosen with loops, as do the gaps, so that his work has not been trouble-free. The seat is secured with screws to the web with bars - with iron hinges. For compatibility, all three Seats must have the same dimensions. The loops themselves are bolted to the side to a transformer to maintain stability in any position. Looped fasteners and fix feet. When folded they are "hiding" in the chair.
See also:The beds in the interior of a bedroom

Chair from plastic bottles
You will need:
- glue;
- Scotch;
- foam or padding polyester;
- bottles themselves.
It requires a large number of empty plastic bottles, with the same size and color. Over aesthetics products have a lot of work, in the sense that you need to follow the flatness.
The first thing bottle in a total amount divided into 2 halves. Tanks from the first left in its original form. In bottles from the second pile cut off the tops, which taper into the neck. Entire bottle party with a lid are threaded into the cut elements, and then glued or fastened with adhesive tape. So get a lot of the same size pieces. The elements are interconnected and assembled in the ottoman. From the following group bonded containers made back and is attached to the highchair. The upper part of the backrest is formed rounded, exactly like the following elements - armrests. They perform both cylinders. Plastic chair should soften seating. To it are attached upholstery fabric with synthetic padding or foam filling. Often soften even the armrests.

Preference is given to a half-liter and liter bottles, as they form a dense and comfortable seating fabric.

How to restore the old chair
Old, dilapidated and broken products will have a new design, if all stages of the planning for improvement. First of all remove the wooden elements of the armrests and legs. They were purified from the lacquer, while the needs of restoring the integrity of the glue and varnish again. Carefully remove the old upholstery. Filler in most cases replaced, and a new attached furniture stapler. cut out new parts and is secured in a similar manner on the old upholstery. Then restore the chair updated members armrests and legs. It is not necessary to throw away the chair, which broke down some tiny detail or simply rubbed interior - their repair will be quick and relatively simple. In this case, often repairing chairs middle and second half of the XX century with old-fashioned narrow armrests. The apartments and houses there were many such articles of Soviet production.

Interior and outdoor areas are in need of the seats and at the same time - in the decorating elements. With both tasks cope bean bags, Kentucky and other presentable model. It is not difficult to determine what options are best for a particular house, apartment or land. Somewhere will be transforming appropriate chairs with plenty of features, sports, children's rocking chairs. Some make these models their own, using their experience in the creation of large and small furniture items. Chairs are divided into solid, semi-soft and soft, options with and without frame, original designs like bags and rocking. To manufacture something like that use tools for working with wood and sewing. With due diligence and compliance with domestic technology products obtained in exactly the same way as the factory. Some of these tools are useful in the restoration of old chairs.