Mole - one of the most famous household insects. And when it comes to kitchen supplies, or activity traces detected on the clothes, then each owner starts to think about how to quickly get rid of this uninvited guest. You can certainly try to catch her hands, but the good of it will not be enough. Just because you probably will fall a male, which is completely harmless to humans.
- Harm to things and food
- Methods of dealing with the moth in the apartment
- Folk remedies
- Preparations in the form of an aerosol
- Simple and durable fumigators
- Special sections
- How to get rid of the food moths
- preventive measures
- How to deal with cabbage moths in the garden
Harm to things and food
The biggest harm caused to a person moth caterpillarWho like to eat not only the domestic products, but also woolen garments in closets. In one day, the larva is able to chew through-hole in a wool sweater. The apartment can live one of the 30 species of moths, and each of them can cause considerable damage to a person.
The favorite habitat of adult insects and larvae, are engaged in eating woolen clothes are cabinets. Mole likes to settle in them because It does not tolerate fresh air and bright light. Accordingly, it will be cracking down only with those things that are not worn for a long time. If, however, it will fall winter clothes, then she will not understand, it is made of a material, and will systematically destroy one thing after another.
To get to the food, hungry caterpillars can gnaw not only plastic bags, but also synthetic fabrics. Caterpillar moths are pretty skin coat unpretentious insects and quietly carry the temperature up to the mark 0 ° C. Moreover, they may be left without food and does not die for a whole month.
Methods of dealing with the moth in the apartment
Mole has long been plagued by man, and in that time he managed to come up with many effective ways to deal with these insects. can be used against it is not only time-tested traditional methods, but use modern drugs. On such a high-performance vehicle, as naphthalene, certainly known to many. But in view of the fact that it was used almost everywhere to destroy the larvae, some representatives of this species have adapted to this method.
After some time, surfaced previously unknown facts about the effects of naphthalene on human health. Studies have shown that this drug safe for peopleBecause it is a carcinogen and may induce malignant tumors. Therefore, people who have learned about this fact, decided to abandon the naphthalene and turned their attention to people's eco-friendly means.
Folk remedies
The most popular folk remedy that is actively used against moth is tobacco. Its action is due to the smell, which can not tolerate insects. And there are several ways of using tobacco. It can be used as a plant that during flowering be left on the sill, and from time to time to place it in the cabinet, where it may be mole.
However, the most commonly used dry tobacco leavesWhich is introduced into fabric bags and hung in places most likely habitat of insects. Similarly insect acts dried lavender. Enhance the effect of this tool, you can use household or strawberry soap pieces which need to be expanded in the pockets of clothing that may be of interest mol or its larvae.
And to protect kitchen furniture and supplies can be used fresh orange peel.
You will be able to see much less unpleasant butterflies in your home, if you keep growing geraniums. Its peculiar smell will be protected against this harmful insect. Mol to not reached the lockers can be periodically tearing the leaves from the plant and to lay out on the shelves.
But we must understand that all the above natural remedies can only repel insects. If the extent of the infection eaten at home are great, in which case you will be able to help only chemical drugs, which are now presented on the shelves in large quantities and in different options.
Preparations in the form of an aerosol
To destroy the moths can be used aerosols and spraysWhich are potent insecticides with solutions contained in cylinders under high pressure. After spraying, the components contained within the beginning to have a toxic effect on larvae and adults. Their main advantage is not only easy to use, but also performance, and affordable price.
However, it should be noted that after treatment with this drug they have room to breathe, not only moles, but also being there for people. And if a healthy person will be able to transfer it, for people with allergies it will be a big problem.
Processing facilities aerosol - a very time-consuming procedure. The owner will have to spray not only the surface of the cabinets, but also all the clothes, and in addition to her furniture upholstery and carpets. And usually to carry out a complete procedure, the contents of one bottle is not enough. When two or three hours after the treatment will take place in the premises is necessary to clean thoroughly perestirat all things and ventilate. If the processing facilities from moths exactly follow all the instructions, you can be sure that you are no longer met any representative of this kind in his house.
The kitchen is much smaller places that should be treated by aerosol. This is mainly wardrobes and bedside tables that before the procedure should be freed from the products. As for the places of maximum concentration of larvae, which are usually found in food stocks, their handle insecticides prohibited.
Simple and durable fumigators
Popular tools that are often used by the owners in the fight against moths in the house are fumigators. They are very easy to use - it needs to include the drug in the socket and allow it to act. If you want to clean from ask your cabinet, you will need an extension cord. The effect of the drug can be seen at once - it will take from 3 days to 2 weeks.
But still, this way of dealing with the moth larvae preferable to the use of chemicals in aerosol form as insecticides in the air concentration will be much lower. It operates such a device is very simple: after connecting to the network contained in this device aromatic insecticidal plate is heated and gradually begins to evaporate toxic substance.
But in some devices the plates may be replaced by special fluids that have a similar detrimental effect on insects. Fumigators - a rather compact devices that measure 95h60h50 mm. The action applies to the fumigator area to 30 square meters. m. The main advantages of this method of combating moths are reasonable price and long-term use. However, be careful when using a fumigator in the dining room and the kitchen. It is necessary to ensure that concentrations of chemical agent vapor penetrated into the cabinets in which to store food.
Special sections
To destroy the moth larvae in the apartment in the home can be used not only aerosols and fumigators, but Special sections of the moth. They are used as a preventive measure, since they apply only to adults, and even then they can only scare. But from these larvae are ineffective. Most often they are used to a large-scale infection moth apartments.
In stores this facility is available in the form of suspended and attached plates with different flavors, providing a deterrent effect on insects: chamomile, mandarin, lavender. Two sections of the tool handling missing 0.5 sq. m cabinet area. They last for about four months, after which they should be changed for new ones. These drugs should be kept away from children and animals in places with restricted access and away from food.
If you are interested in how to win the larvae of moths all, you should remember the main thing - just simultaneous use natural and chemical methods in combination with the physical way will help you to achieve this. To catch the butterflies, you can cook special traps for flies.
If you notice signs of insect activity in the rump, but they are still not very much you can do as follows: sort grain and then to heat them in an oven at 60 ° for 40 minutes. If after the next inspection you find in the closet insect nests, they must be immediately eliminated, and the place where they were found, a good vacuum. After that you need to go through all the stuff out of the closet and check for the presence of the moth, and then send in a cool place for 24 hours.
How to get rid of the food moths
The most likely habitats moth food - cereals, flour, dried fruit. If caterpillar larva stage will be able to get to your inventory, they will very quickly destroy them. The adults do not harm the product, as they have no mouth. Therefore, they do not eat anything. Butterflies moths in his short life time to defer up to 100-150 eggs.
If the room will be created favorable conditions for the breeding of insects, then in a very short period of time there may appear a colony of this pest. During the fight against the larvae of moths must be very careful to choose the methods and measures for its destruction. In the beginning, you need to check stocks of cereals, flour and sugar. If insects are found and damaged products, they will only have to throw out, or you can try and ignited them in a frying pan and sift.
Places where usually the hostess are products that must be treated or fumigated termite sprays. In order to prevent the shelves laid repellent preparations:
- orange peel;
- lavender;
- garlic.
Additionally you need to hang fly stripsAnd get rid of moths flying butterflies can be catching them by hand.
preventive measures
If you want as little as possible to deal with the larvae of moths, you will need to the following activities on a regular basis, which will help you to prevent its occurrence in your home:
- All cereals and flour and sugar are sure to store in a tightly sealed container.
- Make a habit of regularly ventilate the room and carry them clean. At least once a month you need to clean the upholstered furniture and rugs using disinfecting agents.
Before you send in a closet for storage winter clothes, be sure to wash or clean it. Mole is very often likes to settle things with sweaty and dirty. Upon completion of cleaning wool and fur items they need to be packed in plastic bags or wrapped in thick paper covers, pre-treating termite drugs. Some things you can just wrap the newspaper. Butterflies moths never inhabit them, as they can not tolerate the smell of printing ink.
How to deal with cabbage moths in the garden
Mole can be found not only in the apartment, but also outside the urban residential areas - in the country. There, harm caused person cabbage moth. It has an unpleasant appearance, and many vegetable crops, especially cabbage, strongly affected by its activities. This happens at a time when the eggs hatch and the caterpillars are beginning to eat inside cabbages, as well as to destroy the other crucifers. Gnawing moves, they immediately kill the plants, causing them can no longer continue to develop and die.
To defeat this pest, you must use different methods. Cabbage moth can adapt to the drugs that have been used in the previous season. But in any case against it is always necessary to use chemical weapons. Among the drugs available today against the diamondback moth are proven following:
Aktellik. Very potent agent against moths, having a toxic effect. In the shops are sold in vials of 2 ml. Used in the form of spray: for the preparation of the mortar with 30 ml of the preparation diluted in 10 liters of water.
- Bitoksitsilid and Lepidocide. The first results can be seen, two days after treatment. The protective effect lasts for two weeks.
In order to get rid of moles, you can use a variety of drugs. Chemical agents have repeatedly proven to be effective, but because of the harm that they can have on health, more and more often the owners choose a safe folk remedies. However, the most effective way possible to deal with these insects, if you combine all of the currently available methods of dealing with the moth in the apartment.
In this case, the owner must keep in mind that after the destruction of the moth it may reappear. Therefore, in the future it is necessary to take preventive measures on a regular basis in order to prevent re-infection apartments these insects.