Every woman at least once faced with this unpleasant problem, as the presence of the house home of ants. These tiny and small insects quickly and easily converted into living hell. They are trying to find food for themselves and search for it in many different places: in the sink, on the table in the bin. Their presence in the house or apartment starts to irritate, annoy, because they are a nuisance and are carriers of various dangerous diseases to humans. It is important to know how to deal with ants in the apartment and that it needs.
- Causes of insects
- The main types of ants
- How to deal with pests
- The use of folk remedies
- Boric acid
- Detergents
- Insect control using poisons
- How to display red garden ants
- poisonous baits
- barriers
- preventive measures
- Special repellents
Causes of insects
The most frequent cause of ants in the apartment is free access to water and food. When the house behind not made clear the table, periodically crumbs fall to the floor, the dishes are not washed immediately, there is an open trash can - a paradise for insects. However, even in the homes of very neat housewives can suddenly appear, these uninvited guests.
If on the territory of the home was seen at least one ant, you must immediately begin to think about how to get rid of them.
The first step is to remove all the food, especially sweets, for example, the sugar bowl on the table, or the trash can, not freshly washed sweet spots on the floor and the walls, which attract insects. Fighting household ants - it is a necessary work, but it is quite complicated. In order not to run the situation, you must begin immediately.
The main types of ants
Ants come in different types. Pick means you must fight based on the type of insect. It all depends on what the ants are in the house:
- yellow;
- red;
- red.
In the struggle with the red ants most effective sugar, borax and boric acid. All components are mixed, the finished composition crumbles into problem areas.
Red species do not appear in the house, if to cover the gap, through which they enter the house, the usual bacon.
You can get rid of yellow with a mixture of 6 g of borax, 60 ml of water, 12 g of glycerol, 60 g of sugar and 6 g of boric acid. water must be warm up to 70 degrees and add all the ingredients. Arrange the mixture into areas where insects are most often.
How to deal with pests
To expel intruders from the kitchen can be a variety of ways. You can try traditional methods. The first step is to make sure that the kitchen is not the food remained in the public domain, the walls and floor were clean.
Accidentally spilled sugar, crumbs on the floor and a table, left food, trash, which is regularly taken out - these are the main reasons for the appearance of these insects in the house. The most reliable means against household ants - cleanliness and tidiness. All cleaned, washed and stored in its place.
Repel insects can wormwood, elderberry and mint using plants. The smell of these herbs will scare a certain time these pests, but only when they have no some food.
One of the most original options of getting rid of ants know not many. This means you can try, but no one can guarantee effect. The right words on the nature of wild insects, bring them to the apartment or house and release. Most people say that wild insects obscured for a household ants back to where they came from, because they are not accustomed to living in an apartment.
These methods are used by people who want away peacefully ants from home. When there is no effect, it is necessary to think how to get rid of household ants with poisonous agents.
The use of folk remedies
Relatively recently, the majority of people struggled with ants using effective and affordable ways to folk. Hostess in the areas of their habitat scattered chili, cayenne and black pepper. This powder for a long time forced to leave insects liked the apartment.
Was used as a bay leaf, cinnamon, citric acid, which is excellent repel ants. They can be installed in those areas where insects are seen. Before you lay out all sorts of condiments and spices, it is necessary to try other options for combating domestic insects.
Boric acid
Boric acid - an effective tool against the invasion of various insect species. At the same time safe for human health and life, as opposed to specialized poisons. It can be purchased in almost any drugstore, and the price of the drug is low.
To get rid of household ants effectively and quickly, it is possible try the two ways:
- boric acid and sugar;
- drill to the jelly.
Option using the jelly is quite simple. Preparing (or purchased) jelly in one drop is necessary to add a quarter teaspoon of borax. Insects it will bring a treat in your colony and poison the womb, without which they would have to find another place.
The method of sugar is also quite simple. Required 100 grams of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. boric acid and water cup. This mixture was mixed, and it soaked cotton balls, which are then laid in the most problematic areas.
The use of boric acid has its own results, but not immediately, but only 1.5 months, because it is necessary or expected, or use other means that will be able to act more quickly.
Fairly effective tool - household cleaning products. Dishes should be well washed with a special liquid to the insects are not attracted to the smell of food.
When an ant has been seen in the house or apartment, you need to:
repaired all the cracks with plaster or putty that there is less opportunity for insects to get into the house;
- removed in sealed bags all the housework fragrant "chemistry";
- carefully wash the floors water with a disinfecting composition.
When, despite every effort, ants appeared again, they should be sprinkle with soapy water. Bryzgalku need to cook with water, which added to dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. This method will scare away insects.
Insect control using poisons
During the selection of poisons should be paid attention to the possibility of infection with a single insect the entire colony. Due to this fight with the ants will be much easier. To date considered the most effective:
- "Regent";
- "Raptor";
- "Masha";
- "Dichlorvos";
- "Bubit";
- "Combat";
- "Front Line".
As part of these preparations is sweet bait that attracts insects and poisons through one of contagion.
Different adhesives and gels help to quickly and effectively get rid of the insects. they act acrossa few hours after infection. Much attention in the application of poisons should be paid to security: it is necessary before each preparing a meal to wipe all surfaces, do not leave food, which can be reached infected ant.
How to display red garden ants
The most important evil in the garden are the red ants, aphids are bred, through which then feed on. She - the main trouble most gardeners as destroys the entire crop. Even if you get rid of aphids, red ants will always bring it anew. To save the crop, it is necessary to deal with aphids and ants. On the site you can use chemical weapons - gels and baits.
poisonous baits
Baits - quite effective home remedy for ants that are showing positive results in the fight against insects. Baits are installed in places where the ants appear most: sink, table, cabinet, trash, stove, refrigerator.
The use of baits is considered one of the most effective methods of struggle against insects: ant poison one - multiple die. In the role of baits are usually used boric acid, but in this case it is necessary to follow the small children and pets, so they do not appear in person contact with the trap.
Barriers against insects - another home remedy for ants. Under the barriers necessary to understand the different repellent odors. In addition to chemicals, can be used well safe and natural:
- turmeric;
- essential oil;
- cinnamon;
- sunflower oil;
- red and black pepper;
- citrus oil.
Barriers need to be installed in places where there is food and water, the insects could not get to the food. Daubed the floor around the table or table legs. To the barrier to be effective, it must have a width of 6 mm and not be interrupted.
Pet medications ants in the form of barriers - this is the most humane and safe remedy. The result does not appear immediately, but it is worth it.
preventive measures
In order not to think, for whatever reason any home ants and how to deal with them, you need to take care of the purity of the home and avoid the appearance of insects. Like all insects, ants go to those places in which there are all the conditions for their livelihoods - water and food.
So, in order to not appear in the apartment ants, you need to:
from the table to clean all utensils;
- not leave food on the table and in other places, in which insects are easily accessible;
- perform cleaning to avoid crumbs, fat and sweet spots;
- keep order and cleanliness;
- every day to perform wet cleaning in the kitchen, if you can not wash the floor, it should be vacuumed;
- store food scraps in the garbage in bags and with a lid, and the bucket must be tightly closed to the fragrance did not attract vermin.
Daily cleanliness will make it possible not to think about how to destroy the small ants.
Special repellents
In the fight with ants at the same time they began to use folk ways technical innovations - repellents. They need to plug it in. Electrical emit ultrasonic signals which repel insects. However, the way to deal with ants is not very effective, despite the great diversity of these devices on the market, and include them only in those rooms in which a person is least likely.
Fighting ants in the apartment and the house - occupation is very unpleasant and difficult. That the house did not have insects, you need to exclude the possibility of freely eat. Elementary order and cleanliness - the guarantee that these small insects will not linger long in your home. Even when one ant and penetrate into the house, then it will go back with nothing, and will look for other places where you can get food.
To get rid of ants, it is advisable to use several ways to combat the same time: repellents, poison, herbs, folk remedies, bait. Only this comprehensive approach will make it possible to destroy the insect effectively and quickly, and they will never appear in the home.