The emergence of insects in the home causes a lot of negative feelings - from disgust to fear of contracting an infectious disease. With flies and mosquitos all is simple - get rid of them forever impossible. But you can buy a fumigator, inserted into the socket and easy to open windows and doors in a house. With little insects crawling all the more difficult.
- Where there are cockroaches
- The appearance and characteristics of
- how to get rid
- Boric acid
- shops poisons
- Crayons
- Gel
- traps
- aerosols
Where there are cockroaches
Favorite habitat of black cockroaches - it's basements, cellars and sewage. The first of them suffer trouble owners of apartments, located on the lower floors, and the owners of private houses. peddlers infections and garbage are very fond of damp rooms and proliferate there.
There are several options for the appearance of this shit even on a perfectly clean kitchen:
- The apartment is on the ground floor, and oriental cockroach moved into it from the cellar;
- due to the fact that insects can dwell long in the water and not drown, they can through the sewer pipe into the toilet and get him to crawl to the toilet or the bathroom;
- cockroaches could bring to his accommodation and the owners themselves by buying a second-hand home appliances, carrying a computer or a microwave oven of the garden;
- bring unwanted neighbors can visit, in which they are already well settled;
- They come in a suitcase from a trip - in the cheapest hotels they frequent inhabitants;
- the latest version of the banal, but the most common - from the neighbors.
The appearance and characteristics of
Almost all the insects that most people evoke a sense of disgust, but the oriental cockroach is ranked first in the ranking. Treat them may develop near that scientists are entomologists. And by virtue of their activities.
To mix with red Prussians can not be due to the black color. Females reach sizes to 5 cmAnd males up to 3 cm. Torso they hid under a sturdy shell - to squash an insect need to make an effort. About unpleasant crunch that accompanies the destruction of black cockroaches slippers, not to mention better. The flat shape of the body and strong legs allow the insects to move quickly on the surface of (those who have tried to catch up the insect, convinced of its high-speed movement).
After copulation, the cocoon is formed chitin (ootheca) in females genital sinus. Cocoon has an oval shape and appearance similar to egg. Inside are 16 testes. Ootheca has a dense coat, thanks to which the future offspring of insects to be in complete safety. For several days, the females drag it over an egg, and then dumped in a secluded corner. During this time, it increases to 1.2 cm. The cache is a cocoon for 44 days until mature larvae are small. Appearance juveniles is similar to the adult cockroaches. One female can produce for life 2-3 cocoon with offspring. The life expectancy of adults up to 5 years.
Due to the fact that these pests live and breed in the garbage cans, the sewer system, and various other places, they are carriers of dangerous for people bacteria and infections. Running throughout the apartment, oriental cockroach on his legs and on the villi spread infection. They can cause a number of terrible diseases: dysentery, diphtheria, typhoid fever. And even with fibers of the apartment get larvae of various helminths (worms) and of its inhabitants are infected.
Discarded females chitin cocoons and feces (small black dots), are often the cause of allergies. Creating their own colonies in household appliances, pests are a common cause damage to the instrument. Cockroaches infest the whole apartment.
how to get rid
Actions to be taken to remove as any living creatures crawling and sewer black longhorn beetle, almost indistinguishable. If you see one of them, you need to immediately act on a specific system:
- Mainly by penetrating the housing are water and sewer pipes. You need to check whether there is in what may be a leak site. Particular attention should be paid to the risers.
Go to the neighbors and find out whether they were carried out disinfection of housing. If yes, then ask in what way they got rid of pests crawling everywhere. Many of the chemicals that are used repeatedly, they do not cause loss of life and therefore it is necessary to use other means.
- To find out where the locations of the population in the apartment. In the beginning, you need to carefully inspect the kitchen, bathroom and toilet room.
- Choose a method to treat and disinfect the premises.
- Close all access to the water.
Traditional methods to get rid of the black cockroaches in the apartment does not exist. Do not do it with herbs, orange peel and bay leaves. Pungent smells just make them move to another place.
People only effective way - is freezing facilities. But use them only in winter, when you can turn off the heat and leave the house.
Boric acid
Effective in combating cockroaches is large boric acid powder. It is worth it inexpensive and can be purchased in all pharmacies. Boric acid does not smell, no harmful effects on the human body, but for this pest the strongest poison. There are two ways to use this drug.
Uninvited guests love the water, so you need to sprinkle powder all the places of their access to it. I am trying to find your way to the water, oriental cockroach stumble upon powder antennae and legs. Action acid for them deadly. Plus, huge cockroaches bring the powder particles in the pockets of relatives that will lead to the death of the latter.
Monochamus live on the Earth much longer than humans. During its evolution, they become cunning and cautious. Adults have learned to circumvent places with face powder, and not infected. To outwit them have to do tasty bait. It is necessary to prepare a thick mixture of raw egg and boric acid consistency similar to pudding, and roll of her small balls. Finished bait should be spread in the likely places pest population. Delicious smell make them explore balls. This would lead to their death. But there is a big disadvantage of this method of getting rid of the parasite - to complete their destruction will need a few weeks to lay out "delicious meals" at home.
shops poisons
To quickly get rid of the large black cockroaches in the apartment, please refer to ready chemical preparations. Today on sale there are many such substances.
Cockroaches are afraid of action specific toxic crayons. Using them is simple - to draw the line. Insects can not crawl through this obstacle without consequences. but the method not very effectiveBecause the procedure must be prodelyvat often, and all kinds of insects through the gap will still fall into the house.
Good reviews for combating unwanted guests received from consumers toxic gels. In stores you can buy a poison to many, well-established manufacturers, "Raptor", "Liquidator", "Killer", "Globol" and a number of other effective means. Their original packaging - a big syringe filled with toxic compounds, which can immediately start using. It should be on the perimeter of the apartment, apply a small droplet on the plinth means every 10-12 cm. 3-7 days the problem will be solved.
Traps - a device in the form of capsules circular or square shape, with holes for entry and exit. At the heart device is placed poison. Through holes insects fall into the trap, contact with toxic compounds and on their legs and lint spread deadly particles, thereby infecting their fellow. Boxes should be attached in the most likely places the population sewer dwellers.
By studying the methods of getting rid of the black cockroaches in an apartment, you should pay attention to another kind of trap. they are made in small cardboard houses, internally coated with a special adhesive agent. Inside these devices placed bait. Insects, following the lure of smell, crawl into the box and stick to its walls. Such devices are very effective and absolutely safe for humans.
aerosol spraying of toxic substances in places where pests rather effective method of dealing with the latter. But it has a major drawback - all of these drugs are very harmful for people. Spraying poison should be indoors, wearing a mask and gloves. After processing of the housing must be for a few hours to get out. On his return the room should be well ventilated.
And also need to take preventive measures:
- It is necessary to clean up the garbage on a daily basis after cooking, do not leave food and crumbs on the tables and bedside table.
- It holds monthly general cleaning of premises, to prevent the emergence of junk in it.
- Close all the possible ways to access insects in the house - to close up the gap, install protective mesh ventilation system.
Fight against insects must immediately as soon as they were discovered. If none of the above methods do not help, you should call a special service. Experts from such organizations to quickly and accurately cope with their tasks.