How to get rid of centipedes in the apartment of chemical and folk remedies

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The emergence of centipedes in the apartment is clearly not like the owners. Often this is due to the unusual, but unprepossessing appearance of insects. In fact, for the people they are completely harmless. On the contrary, they hunt for cockroaches, flies, bedbugs and other insects, they are therefore useful inhabitants. Although it is very few people know, most people try to eliminate the unexpected guests. In addition, if the insect becomes too much, it is any resident of the apartment can be intimidating.

How to get rid of centipedes in the apartment
The emergence of centipedes in the apartment is clearly not like the owners


  1. Professional advice and prevention measures
  2. What is the centipede (video)
  3. Chemicals to control insects
  4. How to deal with woodlice in the apartment (video)
  5. Folk remedies against centipedes

Professional advice and prevention measures

Centipede home - a fairly common guest in the apartments. They enter the house alone, so deal with insects is quite simple. Here are a few simple rules that must be perform:

  1. Eliminate moisture. The presence of water is essential for the existence of this insect. Be sure to keep track of nowhere to dripping from the pipes and valves. Necessarily in the bathroom need to wipe dry the floor, to avoid drips and puddles. In the bathroom, you can establish a good hood or keep the door ajar. This eliminates the retention of moisture and air. Also, you need to check the water and remove all damage. You must make sure that the room is not mold appears. The fungus is very attractive for the flycatchers. You can buy a special adsorbent which is to dry the air. Such packages should be left in places where moisture accumulates most.
  2. Constantly ventilate the room. Flycatcher prefers warm, so that as soon as the cooling begins, she prefers to find a warm place for the winter, and it could be someone's home. That is why it is recommended to carry out airing, but in moderation.
  3. Make good lighting. These insects prefer dark secluded place to hide during the day. Fully all the angles will not illuminate, but the gap must be checked.
  4. All the cracks, seams necessarily need to be processed and repaired.
  5. Eliminate food for centipedes. This insect can be powered not only by other insects, but also the human food residues on household plants. If you remove all the conditions for a comfortable existence in the room, the centipedes will go out of the house in search of more suitable sites. That is why it is very important time to take out the garbage and do not leave food on the table. It is also important to eliminate all the insects out of the house.
How to get rid of centipedes in the apartment
Centipede home - a fairly common guest in apartments

All of these tips will help you not only to rid the house of centipedes, but it will be a good prevention of recurrence. These actions are necessary to be performed and accurately keep track of your own home, so you do not have to share it with undesirable neighbors.

What is the centipede (video)

Chemicals to control insects

Many people are thinking about what the best ways to bring out the house centipedes. Now we know a lot of drugs that are used to eliminate these insects. However, experts recommend to resort to this method only in extreme cases. In this case, it is sure to remember about safety.

Well it copes with the problem of insecticide in the form of powders. They need to sprinkle in places where you can often see the insects.

Substances get on insects, which leads to poisoning. But as bait such powders do not work.

To prevent the penetration of centipedes in the room through the window from the ground, it takes the lower part of the building also handle the insecticide solutions, but need to use only those that are designed to open air. Need to do a strip of a width of not less than 1.5 m.

How to get rid of centipedes in the apartment
Many people are thinking about what the best ways to bring out the house centipedes

To get rid of possible flycatchers using such chemicals:

  1. Reid - this tool is sold in the form of an aerosol. It is used as an insect crawling and flying type. Agent is not toxic. It has a pleasant scent of lavender. After treatment, you can be in the room, but do not forget about ventilation.
  2. Medilis-tsiper - means in liquid form. It needs to be diluted in water, and then sprayed with a solution of habitats centipedes, using a spray gun. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, so that eliminates virtually all insects in the house. Has a specific flavor, so be sure to use protective products for the face, hands and body.
  3. Stareks - drug in the form of a spray. They need to handle all the crevices where the unwanted guest can be. Means is considered very effective and its cost is low.
  4. Lambda zone - this preparation comprises lambda-cyhalothrin. For pets and people is completely harmless substance. Characterized by a complete lack of flavors.
  5. Globol-original - means in the form of a paste. The preparation includes deltamethrin and diflubbenzuron. Almost no flavor, but you need to be very careful when using it. It shall be deemed very effective - pied permanently cease to be a problem.
  6. Henkel commander - means in the form of an aerosol. It has a handy applicator, thanks to which it is easy to spray the substance, and the active ingredients will penetrate even the most inaccessible places. The drug is very effective, but keep in mind that he has a very strong aroma. Be sure to observe safety rules when using the spray.

Some people prefer to chemicals with natural ingredients. For example, they are very popular sprays which contain pietrin - natural substance (ground to a powder state camomile inflorescence).

Be sure to keep in mind the protection of the organism, as such products may be toxic. Eyes need to wear special glasses, and on his hands - gloves. On the face - a dust mask or cotton-gauze bandage. Be sure to wear tight clothes and closed in order to protect the whole body.

How to deal with woodlice in the apartment (video)

Folk remedies against centipedes

To get rid of centipedes in the apartment, there are a variety of methods, but if you apply the chemicals are not allowed, you can use folk remedies. They are completely safe for humans. In addition, these funds have been used for many years, so that one can not doubt them.

Apply sticky traps is not necessary, they are ineffective in fighting Flycatchers.

Black and other species centipedes fear of boric acid. It is an excellent insect repellent. The substance has neyroparalizuyuschimi properties. It acts in a way to most insects, including the centipedes. But there is a difference from the version that is used when you need to output cockroaches. When troubleshooting flycatchers do not need to mix the substance with food and lay in the secret places of the house. Boric acid can get rid of centipedes only where they reside or are temporarily. For example, if there are centipedes of ventilation and drainage, it is necessary to scatter the material in these places. Experts advise handle boric acid as a possible large area. Then exactly centipede poison.

How to get rid of centipedes in the apartment

It is possible to operate in a different way, but also to use boric acid. Centipedes hunt cockroaches, bedbugs and other insects. To mix boric acid in powder form with the yolk of an egg, and then roll the balls that need to expand in places where most live bedbugs and cockroaches. Of boric acid in this case it suffers as extraction and predator. For humans and animals boric acid is completely safe.

If the house was got a black centipede or its other variants, you can use cayenne pepper. It is necessary to scatter in the places through which usually penetrates flycatcher in the home.

Another option - is the use of pyrethrum. It inflorescences of chamomile, which ground to a powder state. The insect can kill brown and diatom powder. But it is better if a centipede swallows insect that had previously been poisoned by such compositions.

Another simple method of removing skolopendr - mechanical. These insects do not breed indoors, but not go home colonies, and one by one. Mechanical method involves the use of a conventional vacuum cleaner or a fly swatter. It is best to hunt for flytrap in the night. If you do not want to kill her, you can just catch it in a jar and then let out on the street away from the house.

How to get rid of centipedes in the apartment
Ate alone does not come out to deal with this problem, you can contact the special services, which quickly carry out the processing facilities

Now we know a lot of tools to help deal with this problem. Though actually centipedes are beneficial. For example, they eliminate bedbugs, flies, cockroaches from home. Although not everyone will be able to share a house with such nasty-looking insects, so it is best to use special means for their removal. Ate alone does not come out to deal with this problem, you can contact the special services, which quickly carry out the processing room.