The appearance of ants in the house - very unpleasant and serious problem. They crawl into the house, looking for food. Usually in the apartments settled red insects that differ from the garden in a different color and size. They equip their colonies in remote places: behind baseboards, under the parquet floor in crevices, floor decks.
It is believed that ants are harmless. In fact, this neighborhood can lead to a deterioration of human health, since the insects are in contact with sewage and carry infection. In addition, their bites can cause allergies and severe itching. Therefore, if the apartment there were red ants, you must get rid of them as quickly as possible.
- Way insect penetration into the apartment
- Means against ants
- repellent odors
- Preparation of baits
- use of chemicals
- How to get rid of ants in the kitchen
- preventive measures
Way insect penetration into the apartment
Ants are ubiquitous and industrious insects. For residents of the house is the invasion is a disaster. In the apartment they penetrate very easily thanks to the small dimensions and the innate perseverance to overcome any obstacles. The flat small number of ants can be recorded with the package ground with garden plot. They multiply very quickly thanks to its fertility.
Penetrating into the apartment, the first thing the ants have settled in the kitchen. If nothing is done, they can master and other areas of living space. Starting a fight with them, you should know that they usually hide during the day. To get rid of them in the house or apartment, you should use several ways. You can use both professional and folk remedies for ants.
Means against ants
To get rid of ants in the house, there are the following options for effects:
- scaring;
- luring;
- destruction.
repellent odors
To get rid of household ants have settled in the kitchen or elsewhere, you can use Repellers. Although they can not be 100% effective to name, but should not be ignored. Quite often it is enough to apply a set of measures to scaring and overlapping access to get rid of ants.
Fight these insects help odors. This will require the simplest of ingredients that are in use at any housewife. It can be in the room to spread the leaves dry or fresh mint. In a private house, this plant is recommended to be planted around the perimeter, it discourage any desire ants enter the house. Furthermore it is possible to use wormwood dosage camomile, lemon, cloves, parsley, unrefined sunflower oil and other strongly smelling substances.
To get rid of ants in the house, take the garlic clove and rub them insect penetration space in the room. Some products, such as flour or sugar, is not always possible to protect against the ingress of housing, it is recommended to put to him the bay leaf.
It may also be arranged in places insect penetration into the house protective barriers. This should be a continuous line in 1 cm thick. The following ingredients are taken as a basis:
- cinnamon or turmeric;
- Vaseline;
- ground black pepper;
- a piece of chalk;
- powdered activated carbon;
- powder for children.
Such methods help to get rid of household ants in the house without the destruction of the entire colony.
Preparation of baits
These insects like the sweet, and this feature can be used for their own purposes. The jam, honey, sugar, used as bait. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the sweetness toxic substances mixedKilling ants. It is best to know in what place is their nest. These insects reproduce very quickly, some of them can ease off, but if you can not destroy the female, then the apartment will be constantly ants.
Socket can be located in remote places, and kill the female can be through working individuals. First you need to decide where to put the sweetness. Best of all, if it will be a place in the house where the ants appear more often, for example, by the sink, on the floor in the hallway, kitchen and so on. During insect extermination in an apartment or a house there should be no small children and pets.
Recipes poisonous baits:
On the cover of the cans or small plate put any jam previously mixing it with 0.5 hours. l. boric acid and 1 h. l. yeast. The essence of this method lies in the fact that working individuals to deliver this food to the female in the nest. The very female never gets food, because it simply can not.
- Jam or honey mixed with a tablespoon of water, whereupon a tablespoon of boric acid.
- One of the most popular methods is considered to be a honey trap. To do this in a jar with water, add a tablespoon of honey or sweet jam and left in place. Insects crawl there, and climb back can no longer, resulting in drowning.
- Boric acid is used in dry form. Take a small quantity of the dry mixture is mixed with honey and without adding water twisted small balls that are placed on the floor. The great advantage of the boric acid is that it is harmless to people and animals. As the insects will be attributed to the nest mixture should pour a new bait. A week later, all the household ants disappear completely.
It is possible to produce yeast paste. To do this in a glass of warm water diluted yeast to a viscous mass is formed and its sweetened honey, jam or sugar. The resulting paste must smear all the way insects move.
- Take borax and sugar and stir them until smooth, roll up balls and put in places where ants usually appear.
In addition, these insects like waterAnd to get rid of them, it is necessary to protect the ants on the ability to find it.
use of chemicals
If there were ants in the house, it is important to quickly get rid of them. In stores you can buy tools specifically designed for this purpose. Drugs that are prepared on the basis of chemicals, have a strong effect, but to achieve the result they must be used repeatedly. Traditionally Insecticides used:
- Raptor gel;
- fumitoks;
- Taiga;
- Dichlorvos.
The most effective drug is considered to DEET. By this means must process paths and clumps of space ants. It is recommended to use chalk Masha. But there is an opinion that the insects quickly adapt to it, and after a while it becomes useless, and you need to use other means.
Next remedy for ants in the house - protivobloshiny drug Front Line. It is effective only if the insect bit more. It is also a good option - means Regent which is diluted with water in a syringe and sprayed all places ants move.
How to get rid of ants in the kitchen
not recommended for use in this location to use a hazardous chemical insecticides. Therefore, to solve the problem with household ants help eco-friendly and safe means of:
- Ammonia. These insects are completely transferred to the smell of ammonia. To prepare the tool 100 mL of ammonia were mixed in a liter of boiling water. The solution was treated all the kitchen items and surfaces, including furniture. A strong smell of ammonia disappears after 20-30 minutes, and insects such fragrance feel for a long time. Such disinfection should be performed at the first appearance of ants. As a result, you can get rid of them in a relatively short time.
vinegar (9%). Get rid of the insects in the kitchen helps the vinegar, the smell of which they do not tolerate. This means, dilute an equal amount of water needed to process all the kitchen surfaces. Part of the solution is poured into a spray bottle and spray hard to reach places: behind a cupboard and a stove, under the sink, cracks in furniture and skirting.
- Cinnamon. It is considered effective cinnamon sticks, releasing to the air the volatile active compounds and possess very persistent aroma. Sticks pounded in a mortar or milled in a coffee mill, after which the resulting powder scatter congregate and move ants. They also do not tolerate much cinnamon as ammonia and vinegar.
preventive measures
In order to avoid your home of these insects, you need to follow preventive measures:
- be washed regularly and keep the premises clean;
- Food should be kept in a sealed package and do not leave food for too long the open on the table, and the bread should be kept in a breadbox;
- trash to throw away every day, so it does not accumulate;
- all the cracks leading to the neighbors and the street shall be sealed to the ants could not get inside.
Thus, if the apartment suddenly appeared ants, then deal with them various tools to help both professional and folk. Before you choose any one thing, it is necessary to analyze the situation. If the insect bit, it is best not to use powerful insecticides, to once again not to endanger his family.