Do not think that the bugs appear only in apartments where completely complied with health standards. This is not the main prerequisite for the emergence of insects as the main criteria for the choice of the place of residence bed bugs are difficult to access, lack of sunlight, and most importantly - the proximity to the power supply, ie man.
- The reasons for the appearance of pests in the house
- The main ways of penetration of bedbugs
- insect detection methods
- Biologists think that the emergence of bedbugs in the apartment
- How to get rid of parasites in the apartment
- mechanical removal
- The use of chemical agents
- Folk remedies
The reasons for the appearance of pests in the house
Klop, unlike other types of insects that live in the human dwelling, completely indifferent to the presence of organic waste in a flat, dirt and other elements, creating a favorable environment for growth and development of parasites. He eats only the blood, so it is very important to co-exist with any warm-blooded creature. It may be a dog, cat or other pets, but most of all bloodsuckers like to live next to a man, because it is easier to bite through the skin, and blood you can drink your fill.
The second important condition the existence of insect pests is the availability of hiding places where they can hide from cleaning, sunlight and long remain unnoticed. Such towns abound in every home: cracks in the walls, baseboards, floor, furniture, space for tables, beds, radiators, heating, etc... In addition, the bugs can choose for your home backs of books, toys, clothes, especially one that is rarely worn.
The main ways of penetration of bedbugs
There are several options for the appearance bloodsucking parasites human habitation.
Travel and tourist trips
Often travelers to save money deliberately choose a cheap hotel or accidentally fall into a dirty nursing home or a hotel room, and do not think about the possible consequences. And in vain, because the bugs that inhabit these places can crawl into your suitcase, bag, folds of clothing, to continue their journey with you, and in the end of the road - you have to be in the apartment. Well, if insects could detect even while traveling, then there is a likelihood of complete recovery from the bloodsuckers not dovozit them to the apartment.
For example, it is possible to iron clothes iron, steamed things, wash items in hot water, or just throw the infected subjects.
Rest at nature
Fans of outdoor activities is also at risk to bring into the house bloodsucking parasites. After all, in the woods a lot of places (in the ground, under the bark of trees, and so on. D.) And warm-blooded animals, on the skin which can live bugs. Parasites quietly making their way into the folds of clothing, backpacks, bags of food, and for a long time hidden from the person, Does not prove itself, so I manage to detect their presence is extremely rare.
Once in your home, the parasites begin to actively proliferate and harm you with their bites, thereby delivering a lot of problems.
Unfortunately, our lovely pussies are the main carriers of bugs. If you are in the apartment live petThat needs regular walks, one can assume that the bugs were in the house is that way. Parasites clinging to the skin or wool cover dogs and cats, well penetrate into the house, where he quickly grow roots and begin to multiply, simultaneously causing damage to all members of the household.
Nor is such an uncommon way of penetration of bedbugs in the apartment. If your neighbors do not belong to the supporters of cleanliness and regular cleaning, then sooner or later they can be got parasites, including bugs that subsequently perekochuyut into your apartment. Neighbors bloodsuckers can move through cracks in the walls, skirting boards, frames, parquet floors, as well as through the windows, doors and even communicating with each other ventilationopenings. In such cases, to get rid of bedbugs is possible only by joint their removal as a disinfestation of your apartment will not give any positive results.
stretch of open country
If you are a proud owner of the suburban area, or live in a private home, the bugs can get into your home through a window or porch. So do not forget about elementary safety measures and regularly monitor the cleanliness of the room. The only way you will be able to timely detect parasites and as soon as possible to get rid of them.
Old clothes and furniture
Purchasing books, toys, furniture and clothing stores in commissions, you risk not only to become the owner liked thingsBut arrived with her new apartment dwellers. So before you buy any object used, you need to carefully inspect it to make sure that there are no parasites.
insect detection methods
To detect the presence of parasites in the apartment, it is first necessary to clarify how the home looks bug. Detect insects is difficult as these bloodsuckers rarely reach a value of more than 5 mm, while their length varies depending on the the degree of saturation of the blood. The same criterion determines the mobility of the insect: a full bug is inactive and lazy, so it is easy enough to find. Another thing - a hungry parasite, which is practically impossible to detect.
Home bug is usually reddish-brown color and chitin skin, due to which the parasite is very difficult to destroy by mechanical means. Therefore, to get rid of parasites is better to use other, more effective ways. If you notice on his body found suspicious bites or small insects secret places of his apartment, You should immediately take steps to destroy them, to protect the house from the invasion of parasites. Most often, bedbugs can be found in the folds of the curtains, upholstered sofas and chairs, clothes. There is visible and traces of insects: droppings, eggs and larvae.
There are several features that are specific to the infection apartment bugs:
A restless night's sleep, the feeling of itching and the feeling that someone is crawling on the body. In the morning on exposed skin can detect multiple bites in the form of tracks.
- Peculiar smell spoiled or expired raspberry brandy. The smell secreted by adults secret.
- As the grown bedbugs getting crowded in their chitin shell, they drop it, and that can be detected during the inspection of contaminated bed.
- Dark points representing insect feces.
- Specks of blood present in the bed. Since the bite of the parasite blood clots is not immediately possible the appearance of brown spots on the bedding. In addition, the person tossing and turning in his sleep, after eating can crush a bug.
Biologists think that the emergence of bedbugs in the apartment
Danger bedbugs home is also in the fact that they are in a short period of time are able to occupy virtually the entire apartment. Even if the house was hit by only one individual of a female, to be sure - very soon the entire population of these blood-sucking insects. How is this possible?
The fact that female bedbugs are capable of a few months to keep the fertilized cells inside their cells. That is an adult individual can wait for the onset of favorable conditions and only then proceed to the birth of offspring. It is understood that the male at this stage is no longer needed.
In addition, the bugs are very fertile: one female lifelong able to give birth to 500 young individuals, laying 5-6 eggs every few days. And when you consider the fact that young bedbugs ability to reproduce appears already one month after hatching, the area of infection is increasing exponentially.
The parasites spread over the foxhole. They can be found in the frame of the sofa, beds, household appliances, cabinets for linens and paintings. If time does not take measures to destroy insects, their population grows to immense size, and they are forced to look for new areas for settlement. And then the object of their attention are adjacent apartments, where new colonies of bedbugs.
Since the parasites multiply quite quickly, within a few weeks, their number increases many times. Especially this favors a good indoor climate - comfortable temperature and humidity appropriate level. The bugs lay eggs throughout the year, however, upon the occurrence of poor living conditions for the process is suspended.
Upon detection of at least a few signs of infection apartment bedbugs should immediately proceed to destroy the parasites. Indeed, to cope with a small population of bloodsuckers is much easier than to deal with a huge colony of insects.
How to get rid of parasites in the apartment
Currently, there are many ways to get rid of bedbugs.
mechanical removal
This method is the most economical and safe because it does not require any investment and acquisition costs of special preparations. However, the effectiveness of this method is quite low because it does not always work to catch and destroy completely all the parasites. In addition, it is a very long process that takes a lot of time.
The use of chemical agents
Chemical industry offers a wide range of various preparations produced in the form of a powder, aerosols, crayons. Cope with parasites help the following means:
- Raptor. Action spray is directed to the defeat of the nervous system of insects, which inevitably leads to the development of paralysis and subsequent death of both adults and larvae. The whole process takes no more than 24 hours.
- Malathion. From powder preparing an aqueous solution which effectively kills larvae and insects themselves.
- Dichlorvos. It is the most common, effective and economical means, which after processing does not leave stains and spots. However, dichlorvos has high toxicity and has a sharp, weathered bad smell, so is not for everyone.
- Kombat. The principle of operation is the same as that of the Raptor - causes paralysis of the nervous system. The kit includes a special nozzle for hard to reach places.
- Trichlorfon. The drug is highly toxic, so caution when working with it.
- Masha. Chalk outline the space localization of parasites. The drug has a prolonged effect, keeps well on any surface.
- Konfidant. Tool used mainly by professionals. It has a duration of action (more than one month from the date of treatment).
- Pyrethrum. Powder made from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials.
Folk remedies
Upon detection of the parasite in the apartment must be, first of all, to assess the situation correctly.
Remember! Folk remedies are effective only in case of a small colony of bedbugs and provided that it is known the place of localization of parasites.
As a rule, such measures can only scare away pests, which soon may return. There are few of the most popular folk prescriptions:
- Liquid having a strong pungent odor. This can be kerosene, turpentine, vinegar, salicylic acid, naphthalene, jet fuel, and so on. D.
- Wormwood, tansy. The grass should be expanded in the apartment, especially in areas of maximum accumulation of parasites and their paths of movement.
So, knowing where bloodsuckers appear in the apartment, and possible their habitats, you can easily prevent insect invasion of the home, and if necessary - time to find them and take appropriate measures to destroy bedbugs. Do not ignore the first signs of infection of the apartment, because in the future it may turn out quite serious problems.