How to deal with red ants in the apartment: effective techniques, the use of special and folk remedies

Features combating household antsThe appearance of ants in the apartment - a signal to start active actions, even if the field of view was one or more insects. Small and harmless-looking goose can become a huge problem, with thousands of populating your home, they can be found in the toys on the tables, in the closet and cabinets with clothes.


  1. Who are the red ants house
  2. The more dangerous insects
  3. Methods of dealing with red ants
  4. Special products
  5. The use of folk remedies

Who are the red ants house

Description red ants houseIn human habitation often settle red or household insects. Their homeland is India. On the ground murahi live everywhere except Antarctica, Iceland and Greenland.

Important feature of these insects is a social lifestyle. They live in ant hills, where there are three castes: workers, males and females.

It is worth noting that the ants bring home not only to the harm they relieve people from other parasites, feeding on moths, fleas, spiders and so on.

 Difficult to deal with household ants, as ants are omnivorous and due to the fact that people tend to kill only working insects, and uterus, and the males are in a secluded a safe place and even if the destroy all visible animals, after a few days the population again restored.

The more dangerous insects

Harm and the danger of domestic antsIn addition, the presence of insects annoying, they also hawkers microbes. Ants crawling everywhere in the bin, and then bread, easily moving from one apartment to another.

In addition to a variety of diseases, the ants are able to cause damage to household appliances, Selyas inside the instrument.

As well as their metabolic products and bites can provoke development of a variety of allergic reactions, Itching and pain (more common in younger children).

Methods of dealing with red ants

Terms of breeding domestic ants from residential premisesIf you find their home a few individuals need to know what is the scouts who do not come alone. Scouts learn the apartment for suitability (food, temperature, and so on), and then transmit the information to their colonies.

That is why to the annihilation of the uninvited guests should proceed without delay. If small parasites have chosen your apartment immediately proceed with the general cleaning.

When selecting from the home of ants in the apartment, it should be remembered that the means of cockroaches may be ineffective in relation to the ants to destroy only working individuals. To get rid of ants you must find the nestWhere is located the uterus, reproducing numerous offspring.

Often to kill ants in the apartments of high-rise buildings have to unite with their neighbors, because worker ants run between rooms, and uterus may be in a neighboring apartment, and in your.

Description of the means to deal with household antsFirst we need to find an anthill. The fact that the uterus is never beyond the colonies, because they do not know how to get food, feed her working individuals. That is why it is advisable to feed the working poison, so that they subsequently infected females and their larvae.

Find jack-ant is very difficult, because it can be located and their neighbors, and under the baseboard, and in the hollows under the wallpaper and so on. And therefore worth a try infect females through workingApplying boric acid or other agent (concentration of not more than 2%), which does not kill and infect the worker, and then the uterus, subsequently killing both the first and second.

Purchase a remedy for ants in the apartment can be at hardware stores. However, it is worth remembering that the chemical can be overly aggressive and at times it is better to remove the use of pets and children out of the treated areas, as well as use personal protective equipment (Respirators, gloves, and so forth).

Special products

Effective means for getting rid of ants in the apartmentsSpecial pens and gels ( "Mashen'ka", "Raptor", "Pinetrum", "FAS", "Global"). The gel contains substances toxic for insects and a bait for working individuals who eating gel, bring it into the socket (drug acts during the day), infecting the entire colony.

Advantages of such drugs that Nest is not required to seek and destroyed the entire colony, and minuses - on the destruction of all birds need about a month.

pencil draw a line on the wall, the corners and ant trails, pieces of his insects carry on their feet in the slot.

low cost can be recovered from the positive properties of pencils, low toxicity animal and human, easy application, and of the downsides - the need for re-treatment and quite a long period of time (two months), the destruction of the population.

Among the facilities are the following:

  • Insecticide sprays (Get, «Raptor», Raid). The composition of such funds, as a rule, consists of toxic substances, and therefore when they are used better to remove from home pets and children. Pluses aerosols: rapid action and easy application and cons - toxicity and ineffectiveness when used is ant.
  • Trap means ( "Thunder-2", "Lightning", "Raptor"). There are several types of traps: Velcro, electric charge or poisoned food. The most recent effective. Effective traps with food like gels, but they are safer.
  • Call disinfectants. One of the most effective methods, allowing 100% to get rid of insects, besides experts on their own looking for nests and worked the room with powerful tools. Disadvantages of this method: a fairly high price and the need to leave the apartment at the time of processing.

In addition, chemicals for getting rid of red small insects, there are ultrasonic repellents, Reviews of these tools are quite controversial. Undoubtedly, the powerful sound waves that they emit, will bring some discomfort insect, but no more.

Well-established means of (the numerous positive reviews) are the following:

  • "Chops". The mixture was flavored with chocolate, which is in a plastic syringe. Using a syringe poison applied in places where insects. It acts very quickly.
  • "Absolute". Powerful drug (similar in consistency with adhesive). How to use: Carefully lubricate the plinth and corners of the apartment.
  • Aerosol "Fumitoks".

The use of folk remedies

Folk remedies and methods of removing pet ants from their apartmentsIf the red-red insects still come to your home, start spring cleaning. You must hide all the food in airtight containers and carefully wipe the cabinets, tables and other surfaces where there may be food stains or crumbs.

Then should prepare goodies for the parasites that they love (sugar or jam). One glass of water needed to dissolve one tablespoon boric acid and one tablespoon of honey or jam. Stir the mixture and leave where insects congregate. This method will help get rid of the red-red pests.

In addition to sweet, they prefer meat, and should be prepared so special minced with boric acid. From the resulting mixture to form pellets and to decompose on paper where insects gather. Boric acid may be replaced by baker's yeast.

And you can also use powder funds from the Colorado potato beetle and diluted with water (50 grams means half a liter of water) to dial into a syringe and sprayed on the walls, baseboards, corners. Wait for complete drying.

To permanently protect against re-colonization of these pests, you need to observe some simple rules:

  • periodic wet cleaning with a weak solution of soda;
  • mandatory cleaning food debris;
  • dish washing and wiping plate (after each cooking and eating).

It is worth remembering that the insects move to the anthill is always on the same path, if this track process Garlic juice or talcThey will be disoriented (ie they will not be able to bring food to the nest) and a female, and the whole colony will die. One of the radical methods of struggle is gasoline, poured it ant trail.