Small flying gnats - one of the most common household pests. Of course, not gnats cockroaches, but they are able to deliver a lot of trouble. Most often lice occur in the kitchen, that is where they eat and store food, and because of their presence in the house seems to be particularly unpleasant. If it is unclear how to get rid of mosquitoes, it becomes awkward to invite guests to your home, so as insects in the house - a clear sign of uncleanliness hosts.
- Possible habitat
- Folk remedies
- baits
- Destruction of flies soil
Possible habitat
Midges prefer dark places with high humidity, they love garbage, leftover food, rotting organic waste. Accordingly, guess where they may be slot easy. Knowing where insects accumulate, it is easy to understand how to get rid of lice at home, as well as to prevent their occurrence in the future.
- Bin - the most attractive place for insects in the apartment. Rubbish must make regular, in any case not to leave a full trash can, for example, at the time of departure. The best possible use of trash bags, but if for some reason inconvenient, it is necessary to frequently wash and dry trash. From time to time, clean the trash and the area around it using household chemicals.
- Check all banks with cereals and spices in cabinets. If one of them were found lice, you need to throw the entire contents of the jar and rinse thoroughly. It is advisable not to keep the house large stocks of sugar, buckwheat, rice - you need to buy as much as polshuchitsya eat for a few weeks. Mote voracious, they quickly arranged to take up permanent residence there, where a lot of food.
- Vegetables and fruits that are not stored in the refrigeratorAlso attract mosquitoes, especially when they start to rot. From time to time you need to check to see if the port began to stocks of potatoes and onions, there are no distinctive rotten odor. Everything that went wrong, you need to throw away immediately.
- Any crumbs and uncleaned food debris also like gnats. It is necessary to do regular cleaning, do not leave unwashed dishes in the sink overnight. We must wipe all surfaces in the kitchen, to leave no traces of cleaning and other cooking.
- This also applies to pet bowls. Remains of dog and cat food attracts mosquitoes like a magnet. It is recommended to accustom the animal there several times a day to keep the rest of the bowl is empty. Rodent cells also need to be cleaned regularly.
- Midges are the factory and aquariumsSince these insects like moisture. To avoid black flies in the aquarium, you need to be changed frequently enough water in them or use special means for its purification.
- Sewer pipes - another favorite habitat of the winged little things. If the sink kitchen sink, in the bathroom is not clean from time to time, there appears putrid plaque, which is very like gnats. From time to time necessary to process downspouts compositions such as "mole" or "Tiret".
Small black midges or gnats soil plant parts in house plants, And bring them out it is very difficult. Simuliidae such can be brought to work or to suburban area. Soil moisture like flies, so do not water the plants too often. Also, do not fertilize the ground in pots with a solution of onion peel and pour the tea into the soil residues. Despite the fact that it improves the nutritional value of the soil for plants, such as fertilizer is a good food for the mosquitoes.
- A good remedy for lice in the apartment - the frequent airing of the room. You should also avoid excessive humidityWhich is so like these insects.
Folk remedies
Get rid of the insects can be, growing plant with a strong odor, which they can not tolerate, or using odorants repellent midges.
- Grow on the windowsill a tomato. Midges can not stand the smell of this plant, and does not stay in their homes, where tomatoes are grown in pots. Bonus: perhaps a tomato will produce fruit. If the tomatoes seem too demanding, you can make at home geranium - its scent too Mote does not like.
- You can get rid of lice using decoction of cloves. Her fragrance gnats, too, can not stand. To pour a teaspoon of dried cloves two glasses of water, mix well and simmer for two hours. Mote will do everything possible to leave the house.
- They can also deter odor camphor. Camphor powder sprinkled on a heated pan and wait until the chemical compound starts to evaporate. You should immediately remove the pan from the heat and carry through all the rooms to get rid of parasites.
- Another option unbearable for insects smell - oil burner with essential oils of anise, basil or eucalyptus.
- Expanded in flat dry peel of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, mandarin). You can also spread out around the house dried pieces of horseradish root.
This method can be quite unpleasant, as have actually collect insects by hand and then get rid of them.
The easiest option - to leave the kitchen for the night beer bottleWhere on the bottom will be the little unfinished liquid. In the morning you will find most of the winged inhabitants of your apartment in a bottle. You can instead take the beer bottle can of stewed fruit or jam with the remains. Finally, you can also make the bait of rotten banana skins or rotten vegetables such as cucumber, peppers, potatoes and zucchini. The bait is placed in a glass or plastic jar, cover with cling film hole, where they make a few holes for mosquitoes.
Keep in mind that using the bait will not be able to get rid of lice at one time. The procedure should be repeated as long as they do not cease to appear in the container with the bait.
Destruction of flies soil
If the pots bred gnats, you can get rid of them by spraying plants with a solution of special agents from soil pests. These funds are inexpensive and can be purchased at a hardware store or a large supermarket household goods, such as "OB" or "Leroy Merlin". You can also go to your nearest flower shop and ask the right tool out there.
You can use one of the following means of lice:
- Intavir;
- Grom-2;
- Bazudin;
- Akhtar;
- Fitover;
- Aktillik.
If regular processing plant chemicals does not help, you can go to drastic measures to get rid of insects and replacing the whole earth in the pots. You will need to carefully remove the plant from the pot without damaging the roots, shake off their land and rinse (Water or with a weak solution of potassium permanganate), throw the soil from the pot, and the pot carefully rinse. It is important that new ground was not there midges.
To disinfect the ground, you can leave it for a few days in the freezer. The temperature should be low enough so that all the larvae were frozen.
Faster way - warm up the earth in the oven at a temperature of 70-80 degrees about half an hour. When the earth has cooled, you can fill it in pots.