Many people have to deal with such trouble in his apartment, like bedbugs. It must be said that these parasites are a danger not only for humans, but also pose a threat to the health of pets. More than 1 thousand. years there are these creatures, and during this time they bother people by biting them. On the site of the bite there is a burning sensation, itching, and redness develop various inflammatory processes.
- home bedbugs
- Folk remedies
- Overview
- aerosol formulations
- Insecticidal powders and chalks
- liquid insecticides
- Heat treatment
home bedbugs
Scientists have proven that these parasites throughout their lifetime can carry on itself various pathogens, which may have a viral etiology.
bedbugs are carriers of dangerous diseasesSuch as hepatitis B, plague, tularemia. It is therefore important to bring the bugs as soon as they were found in the home.
If the apartment appeared the bugs, then there is a problem quickly and permanently rid your home of unwanted guests, while using the most effective means.
The main feature is the case with bedbugs is that they quickly multiply. Adult female of the parasite, if the temperature in the room is comfortable, a day can lay up to 15 eggs.
If the removal of parasites from space activities are not carried out regularly, the apartment for a short time may become excessively contaminated with parasites object.
And in this case, it is simply impossible to cope with the colonies of bedbugs without the involvement of specialists. And then the owners of the apartments have to resort to the costly proceduresThat conduct disinfection of the organization.
Folk remedies
There are many folk remedies that are apartment owners, faced with bedbugs can use against these parasites. No need to be an expert to figure out how to bring bedbugs home.
Even if you do not know where bed bugs have penetrated the house, you need to immediately start a fight with them.
To bring bed bugs in the home, you can use this plant as wormwood. It is necessary to prepare the grass, and then expanded it in the room where the bed bugs were found, under the furniture, baseboards.
It is desirable to do so wherever possible. The scent of wormwood parasites can not tolerate. When the air in the room is filled with the smell of the grass, creatures seek as soon as possible to leave this room.
But the effectiveness of this method is rather low. For people who live in metropolitan areas, to find this plant is quite challenging. Some people in the wormwood can be an allergic reaction, or they can not tolerate the smell of grass.
The downside of this method is also a fact that the immunity of bedbugs, which was developed earlier, blocks a natural reaction that occurs in these creatures in the wormwood plant.
For the reason that many thousands of years mankind has been fighting with bugs, there is a large number of recipes that can be used alone to prepare an effective means of removal of bedbugs. The most effective ones:
In 100 ml of water is necessary to dissolve 30 grams of the soap solution. To this it was necessary to add turpentine in an amount of 10 ml and further 15 ml kerosene.
- The amount of turpentine 100 mL diluted with 100 ml of ethyl alcohol, and then these components were added 5 g camphor
- 100 ml of kerosene should be diluted with the same amount of turpentine, and then adding to this composition 20 grams of naphthalene.
- 40 ml of turpentine should be diluted in 20 grams of phenol, and then add as an additive in the composition of salicylic acid.
The given recipes of traditional products based on chemicals have been used for a long time and managed to prove their effectiveness. it a great help those who do not know how to get the bugs out of the house on their own.
The complexity of the proposed use of recipes is that some of the components quite difficult to find. Sometimes it turns out that the prepared solution at application does not give the desired effect. This situation occurs for the reason that the parasite was previously developed a defensive reaction against the agent.
Modern chemical drugs are characterized by high efficiency in the fight against bedbugs. They differ ease of use, The owner, who is often faced with an issue like bugs, for a long time can keep the funds of controlling parasites in his apartment.
They can be applied independently at reprocessing, or as a preventive measure against the occurrence of these creatures. In people, the most common tool that is often used to control insects is Chalk "Masha».
Chemicals, of course, bear a certain danger to humans as well as animals and plants. Therefore, when a decision is made to use chemicals to kill bugs have settled in an apartment, you must strictly abide by the rules personal protection and hygiene.
aerosol formulations
They differ from other types of tools that are convenient to use. Applying sprays against bedbugs, the drug can be applied to absolutely any surface, even if access to it is limited.
Enough to make several movements, and means would be on the surface where bugs are found. Currently, drugs against these parasites in the form of an aerosol are most effective and have a fast action.
Local effects when using the aerosol can handle location and surfaces that have chosen these parasites. The specialized outlets the choice of means of data is quite large, with sprays are available in different price categories:
- "Raptor". This medication regularly receives positive feedback from the apartment owners who used it for breeding bedbugs in the apartment. The main effect which arises when using this drug - paralytic. Means affects the nervous system. This drug is not recommended by experts for local use as well as for the treatment of parasites nests.
- "Raid". Another good preparation with which we can derive from the flat bed bugs without much difficulty. Under the local effect this means parasites, as well as their nests in the upholstery intruders are quickly eliminated. During treatment with this drug unpleasant smell it arises that erode rather quickly.
- "Combat". This is another popular tool, which has a strong effect against bedbugs. Its advantage is the price. The cost of funds is low, so it is available to everyone. Included with the bottle goes a set of nozzles, which can be used for hard to reach places.
- Mikrofos. This drug belongs to the group of professional tools. It is characterized by maximum efficiency. You can use this tool to process and upholstered furniture.
After the procedure must be carry furniture cleaning using a detergent to completely eliminate the smell.
Insecticidal powders and chalks
Getting to the task of getting rid of bedbugs in the home, the first thing you need to bring to bear crayons against these parasites. This is to remember everyone who was first exposed to the parasites and do not know how to bring home bedbugs.
Before purchasing such a means, it is necessary carefully review the composition. You should choose such small, as part of which there is a contact poison action, not gastrointestinal. The thing is that unlike cockroaches, bedbugs do not use small baits as basic nutrition for their acts blood.
Therefore, its effects on insect drugs should have direct contact with parasites, not if swallowed. In general, the use of insecticidal powders, chalks and provides good results, with a lot of time to fully get rid of bed bugs is not required, as is the case with aerosols.
The most in demand in the market of the following drugs:
- "Trichlorfon". Before using this drug, you must dilute organophosphorus powder. This drug is taken in an amount of 15 grams, should be diluted in 10 liters of water. In applying means has a destroying effect on the adults of bedbugs and their eggs.
- "Neopin". This tool also must be diluted before use. 1 liter of water is necessary to take the powder in the amount of '10 The use of this tool helps to remove parasites from upholstered furniture and bed.
Neopin applied to the surface irrigationAnd then you must wait three hours to Neopin began to act. Then you can wash off the remains. To eliminate the unpleasant smell can when using detergents. "Neopin" must be used daily for 3 weeks.
The only way to achieve the desired result and remove the flat bed bugs. If you once use this tool, this procedure will not completely eliminate the parasite, since it will only reduce their numbers, but also partly lead to the destruction of insects.
liquid insecticides
Tools of this group are presented in the Russian market in a very meager assortment. Working with them, you must use special equipment. Including the following use personal protective equipment.
The disadvantage of liquid insecticides is that the cost is quite high and when they are used in the house there are great difficulties. Even a guaranteed result parasiticides not contributed to the increased demand for funds of this group against parasites.
Heat treatment
Bugs appear in the apartment and multiply only in the case if the room is dominated by comfortable conditions for the parasites. A significant role in their lives played temperature.
Therefore, if the owner of the apartment, which was faced with bed bugs, provide for these creatures uncomfortable conditions Life, he can achieve their extinction, at the same time he does not even have to resort to the use of funds for chemical basis.
If you are unable to detect the accumulation of bed bugs, in order to destroy them, you can use hot water. The main disadvantage of this method is that if it is applied at high risk cause damage furniture.
In addition, when a heat treatment may be affected and upholstery that will lead to a deterioration in aesthetic properties of the pieces of furniture in your apartment.
If a large colony located inside the sofa, then in this case it is impossible to get to their nests, without disassembling the furniture. In some cases, even its dismantling is not possible to destroy them by heat treatment.