Bedbugs - one of the most dangerous human ectoparasites. Quickly bring bedbugs It is not always possible, as little bloodsuckers are incredibly hardy and quickly multiply. Exterminator claim that can only be used to eliminate bedbugs on folk remedies initial stage of infection, or in cases when the room a small amount of parasites.
- classification of methods
- mechanical method
- temperature method
- freezing
- warming
- The use of plants
- Chemicals
- preventive measures
classification of methods
Since ancient times, people struggling with various blood-sucking creatures. Any significant changes in people's media did not happen. Recipes that make it possible to destroy parasites in their own housing, transmitted from generation to generation:
- mechanical method. He suggests the use of a vacuum cleaner and carrying out cleaning in the premises in which any parasites.
- temperature method. Evaporation and freezing of insects by means of hot water and cold.
- The chemical method. To eliminate bugs apply tools that have a pungent smell.
- vegetable method. He suggests the use of certain plants.
It is worth noting that the quick results in the fight against these parasites can be achieved only if all the methods present in this classification are used in combination. The effectiveness of the work depends on human effort, which wants to resolve this issue.
Count on the fact that a single operation aimed at destroying bugs, will eliminate this problem once and for all, not worth it. Within a month, you must vigorously carry out activities aimed at the destruction of the parasites in order to make them disappear from your apartment. In addition, before the implementation of measures necessary to establish where bedbugs nest located, as well as find out the cause that led to the infection of your space parasites.
mechanical method
Call it quite effective is extremely difficult. When the vacuum cleaner is used, its use contributes only a decrease in the number of parasites, Thus completely remove them from his apartment impossible. In order to reduce the representation of bedbugs in the apartment, it is necessary to vacuum the room at full power, where they wound up.
This recommendation is linked to the fact that they cling to their legs well to tissue surfaces. Particular attention should be paid to the pillows and mattresses, as well as not to miss toys and soft furnishings. Notice also stands on skirting boards. Another important issue when you have finished vacuuming the room clean, is what to do with the contents of the bag. Leave it does not.
If you follow the usual shaking, it does not give you any guarantee that there is no one left. If you do not mind, it is best to burn the bag. If you do not want to destroy it, in this case it is necessary to shake it away from home. This is best done near the garbage bin. Thereafter, the pouch should be parboiled and then wash it under high temperature.
temperature method
Bedbugs can live in an apartment in absolutely any time of year. Truly traditional methods of struggle against bedbugs is warming and freezing. Application of this method in the home depends on the weather conditions outside.
To use this procedure, it is necessary that the weather was on the street below 10 ° C. In this case, in the room, when you start using this method, the temperature is lowered to -5 ° C. Before proceeding to the destruction of the parasite, the premises must be removed houseplants or to give to their neighbors for a while. And you can bring them to the landing. Household appliances, which is located in your home, you need to insulate. Likewise, should proceed with the batteries.
After this, not less than 2 hours to open the windows and doors in the roomIn which you found bedbugs. Sofa or infected items can be taken out into the street. Or they can leave for a day. This method is quite effective, but its use leads to considerable inconvenience, and this gives us grounds to express doubts about its efficiency. The use of freezing may lead to the fact that under the influence of cold appliances may be damaged or may be nipped by the frost battery. As a result, the owner will be left without heating. In this case, the parasites can climb into a warm place and will wait until you have completed this procedure.
For carrying out the procedures necessary to bring the heating temperature in the apartment to 40 ° C. This can be achieved by switching to full power air conditioners and heaters. In order to be sure that your bedding do not have parasites, it is necessary to wash them at a temperature above 65 ° C. Or they can simply boil. In order to remove from carpet tracks bugs or ticks, you need to pour boiling water over these products.
Another effective means of pest control, which was coined by the people, is the steam generator. The main purpose of this unit is to develop steam. In order to eliminate bugs and ticks, this must be put on the device temperature of 80 degrees. If you're within 30 seconds to impact steam at the same point, then die not only adults but also larvae and eggs. No other means of controlling parasites do not provide such a high efficiency, the use of steam.
The use of plants
Plants such as tansy and sagebrush popularly known for its miraculous properties. They help clean the room from parasites. To control various insects, which wound up in the living room, it has long been using these plants. Tansy and wormwood bedbugs in common is that both have a pungent odor and are toxic to parasites. When Artemisia tansy and bedbugs used alone or used for the preparation of infusions, the surface treated prepared based on the compositions of these herbs.
This procedure contributes to the destruction of parasites. For a man that smell unpleasant. However, in order to avoid health problems you should not touch the surfaces that have been treated by means of these herbs.
In addition to these herbs to this vegetation type includes:
- rosemary;
- lavender;
- peppermint;
- medicinal camomile.
In order to prepare an effective means to kill bed mites, it is necessary harvested grass brew it is boiling water, and then push over a period of time. Number of herbs and tinctures large does not matter. You should know that the larger the amount of the herbal mixture, the folk remedy is more effective. It must be remembered that this tool works as long as it did not smell disappears. After that you need to perform the procedure again.
This category includes funds that have pungent odor. Applying them, you can pretty quickly get rid of mites and bedbugs. Using folk remedies for bed bugs in the home, you can quickly get rid of the parasites in the same way as in the case with the use of insecticides purchased in specialized outlets. However, these tools are some of the nuances. About them I must know the person who decided to use the following tools to eliminate bugs. To quickly get rid of the bugs in the arsenal must be present:
- vinegar;
- ammonia;
- turpentine;
- transformer oil;
- naphthalene.
These funds are used for the preparation of solutionsWhich then carried out of the room or furniture processing in a separate room. Here are some effective recipes that will allow you to destroy the parasites:
It should take 10 ml of turpentine and dissolved in 100 ml of water. Next, to this composition should be added to kerosene in an amount of 15 ml, and a small amount of liquid soap.
- Another remedy is prepared on the basis of turpentine, which is required to take a 100 ml. To this you must add the same amount of kerosene, and naphthalene in the amount of '20
- Another means to kill mites bedding made from turpentine. It is necessary to take in an amount of 150 ml. Thereto was added ammonia in an amount of 50 ml, and the soap chips.
preventive measures
If you got rid of the insects that previously wound up in your apartment, it is not a guarantee of the fact that the re-emergence of bedbugs will not happen. Neighbors are the most common cause, which provokes the re-emergence. However, if everyone in the house are struggling with this issue, the re-emergence of parasites is extremely rare. Preventive methods allow to rid your home in the future, from the appearance of parasites.
As a preventive measure, you can use plantsWhich have an unpleasant odor for bedbugs. Also superfluous during cleaning add vinegar in water or detergent that has a strong odor. Well to add ammonia. Such cleaning carried out at intervals of once a week, it will be sufficient.
At least every day to prevent the emergence of bedbugs can be used essential oils. Their use will create a special atmosphere, the smell of which will be allocated to them is unpleasant for insects, which will prevent the emergence of parasites. Even if such a room happens to be an insect, it does not want to stay in it.
Another preventive measure is that every week should be change linens. Washing should be conducted under high temperature conditions. Stitches is best to iron with steam iron. Do not allow a situation where in your apartment there were peeled off wallpaper or laminate. It is necessary to promptly carry out repair. When you notice on his body strange bites, the first thing to do - to examine the mattress or bed. In that case, if you can at an early stage to detect blood-sucking insects, it is a guarantee that you will be able to remove them from the room faster.
Bedbugs deliver great discomfort and interfere with the owner of the apartment to lead a normal life. When there are bugs, it is impossible to sleep at night in the room, because the insects are constantly attacking sleeping. The next morning a man itching and scratching in places insect bites. Not everyone knows how to get rid of bed bugs and mites. It is difficult to say what the best remedy for bed bugs in the home can help to quickly cope with this problem.
Many have resorted to a mechanical method of eliminating bugs, which involves the use of a vacuum cleaner during cleaning. Another way is freezing and evaporation of the insect. Some people use folk remedies of bed mites and bedbugs based on herbs that have a pungent odor and are toxic to insects. In addition, there are specific insecticides that are in processing facilities allow to eliminate bedbugs. Note that a single treatment procedure can not completely eradicate parasites in the apartment. It is necessary to work actively and in a month to carry out activities. Only in this way we can achieve the desired result.
If you deal with pests in your home, then you should not relax. preventive action should be regularly carried out in order to bugs again came from you. Among such measures include regular bed linen holding cleaning with the addition of water and ammonia bite.