Everything according to feng shui: how to hide pipes in the bathroom

Everything according to feng shui: how to hide pipes in the bathroom

Aesthetics are important even in a loft. And if it comes to pipes, then they definitely need to be hidden - let the technical aspects of your amenities remain behind the scenes for households and guests of your home. If in the rooms and the kitchen all this is simply hidden behind the furniture, ...

The dirtiest places in your home: where urgent disinfection is needed!

The dirtiest places in your home: where urgent disinfection is needed!

The problem of protecting against viruses and bacteria is now more acute than ever before. And the pandemic taught us to think about the cleanliness of not only our hands, but also the house as a whole. A dangerous infection, which we all fear, easily attacks those with chronic diseases. And they...

Summer cottage in winter - six tasks that cannot be postponed, you must definitely complete

Summer cottage in winter - six tasks that cannot be postponed, you must definitely complete

Country house - this is such an object where there are always tasks for skilled hands, and there are many more than six of them, and they need to be solved not only in winter. Still, you can try to single out at least six tasks at the dacha in winter that cannot be postponed.Read in the article1 ...

And the yard is no worse than home: 5 rules for organizing a local area for work and rest

And the yard is no worse than home: 5 rules for organizing a local area for work and rest

Each house occupies some kind of land. In other words, this is the territory of the house. And the piece of land around the house is called the adjoining territory. The boundaries of both the one and the other site are strictly defined and recorded in cadastral documents. Moreover, this procedure...

How to make an inconspicuous carpet repair

How to make an inconspicuous carpet repair

Carpets are preferred by many, and this is not surprising: it is pleasant to walk on them barefoot, this is an excellent option for cold floors, and in addition, they play an important role in sound insulation. But, like any other covering, carpet can be damaged. Chewing gum stuck to the pile, de...

We make a non-slip porch so that in winter it is not painful and offensive

We make a non-slip porch so that in winter it is not painful and offensive

Surprisingly, but porch - one of the most traumatic places. And not only in winter, but also in summer. How many beautiful ladies have broken their ankles, slipping on the steps with thin hairpins! And it turns out that the matter is in the material with which the porch is covered. Not always eve...

How to choose an abrasive wheel for angle grinders for different tasks

How to choose an abrasive wheel for angle grinders for different tasks

An angle grinder is a necessary tool for renovation and construction, but it requires consumables materials and their correct selection depends on both the efficiency of the work and the durable operation of the device itself. Let's see what consumables for angle grinders are suitable for specifi...

When is it necessary to check the meters, and is there an option to avoid the procedure and not break the law

When is it necessary to check the meters, and is there an option to avoid the procedure and not break the law

A resident of a large city has many services from city utilities. He is supplied with cold and hot water to his apartment, the apartment is heated by city thermal stations, electricity comes from power plants, burners burn in the kitchens gas stoves. The city spends money on all this. And residen...

When it is covered with snow - how to save the old roof and secure it for the future

When it is covered with snow - how to save the old roof and secure it for the future

Everyone knows the old saying: "Wait for the weather by the sea." This is a hint of the unpredictability and variability of the weather near the sea. But in central Russia, too, it is not always possible to guess the weather. Last winter was almost snowless, and this year it was the largest snowf...

How to store blankets and pillows: practical tips, a guide for housewives

How to store blankets and pillows: practical tips, a guide for housewives

If you think that the issue of storing bulky things is not urgent for you (for example, you are a happy owner of a summer cottage or garage), then this is most likely a delusion. The fact is that our things create their own aura in the house, a special flow of energy. That is why it is very impor...