The kebab season is just beginning and already now many are solving the pressing issue of arranging a barbecue. The most primitive option is a few bricks on the ground. This design does not hold heat for long, and it looks completely unpresentable. And bricks are not always at hand. You can, of course, purchase a cheap metal structure that will only last one time, and then it will have to be thrown away, since due to the heat, the burned out parts will become unusable for further exploitation. And finally, we can only congratulate the happy owners of stationary stone or cast-iron barbecues, who can use them at any time. Is there an alternative to these examples? It turns out yes, and it's a simple, heat-efficient device. He told about him in his video blog on the YouTube channel Lawyer Egorov. The solution is so original that we are ready not only to thank the author, but also to take this idea into service.
Read in the article
- 1 Harvesting for fishing, hiking and to the country
- 2 How to make a vertical barbecue from logs
- 3 Vertical barbecue for several skewers
Harvesting for fishing, hiking and to the country
The conversation will focus on the famous Finnish candle known to many travelers and tourists. What is this design and why is it effective? This is a log split into several parts, assembled together, but without a core. It is in it that the highly flammable material (moss, straw, dry hay) is placed. The fire occurs inside the log, the draft is formed due to the intake of air from the bottom and through the side slots, and the log burns for a very long time. Its end surface is flat, so you can put a kettle or a frying pan on it.
Such constructions are often used by experienced hunters and tourists, but is it possible to cook a barbecue with the help of such a barbecue? Yes, because the frying on a Finnish candle turns out to be uniform and perfect, and there is no need to turn the skewer.

How to make a vertical barbecue from logs
Not always in the country there is such a thick log that you can split it for the construction of a barbecue. It must be remembered that birch is not suitable for frying meat - too much tar is formed when it burns. The best choice is fruit trees or alder.

Vertical barbecue for several skewers
The presented version of the vertical barbecue is perfect for a lonely summer resident who has nowhere to rush. In this way, you can fry several skewers, but in succession, savoring the change of dishes. But what if you have a couple or impatient kids?

What is the end result? You make an efficient grill without unnecessary tools and burn just as much wood as is needed for perfect barbecue cooking. Simple and convenient, isn't it? And as an addition, here is a small digression into the principles of assembling a Finnish candle in the video material:
Try to use the presented technology and write in the comments what you have done. If you have ideas on how to improve this technique, send them to our editorial office!