Now, many are choosing to finish it for the benefit of suspended ceilings, unaware that at the same time face some serious problems. And even if you do not have a private house, but an apartment, stretch ceilings still require maintenance, no matter what the manufacturers promise you. And the reason for this is not only force majeure leaks, but even simple dust settling or, what is not less unpleasant, the ubiquitous flies that manage to spoil white surfaces so that it rushes into eyes. In general, the stretch ceiling needs to be washed. But how and with what? Let's figure it out together.
Read in the article
- 1 How often should you wash your suspended ceiling
- 2 What do I need to prepare for washing stretch ceiling
- 3 How to prepare for cleaning the stretch ceiling
- 4 Algorithm washing stretch ceiling
- 5 Handling the stretch ceiling
How often should you wash your suspended ceiling
I drew it and forget - it is from the category of fiction. No, of course, for a while you will really only admire the stretch ceiling, but the time will inevitably come when you begin to notice the dirt. And, of course, before all this happens in the kitchen - there is dirt rises with the steam and grease from the ceiling.

And plus a glossy PVC after a while begins to fade, and if you do not take care of him, he will soon lose its form.
What do I need to prepare for washing stretch ceiling
So, what can be washed stretch ceiling? First of all, you need a soft cloth that does not leave lint or ink on a wet surface.

Of household chemicals you'll need an ordinary dishwashing detergent - it is well washes grease stains. An alternative may be a liquid for washing of glasses with alcohol and sal ammoniac, it will not leave streaks and evaporates quickly.
Not suitable for suspended ceilings washing powders or abrasive means with acetone. Powders leave visible traces, and acetone can hopeless damage the surface.
The conclusion is: in the means for cleaning it is necessary to look up, you do not accidentally damage the ceiling when washing.
How to prepare for cleaning the stretch ceiling
Before you begin a large-scale cleaning, try to work with a mop in the corner. You need to decide on the degree of depression, not to accidentally puncture the thin membrane.
You may need to steady the ladder or stool easy to work with, as well as a flat mop with a soft nozzle without sharp corners.

Algorithm washing stretch ceiling
Start washing stretch ceiling should be from the far corner. Gradually move from it to the center. If the ceiling is large, divide it into sections, each from the corner.
If you work with a window cleaner - make two or three presses on the spray and wipe dry with a cloth.

If the ceiling formed a grease spot - first wipe it with a cloth soaked in soapy water, and remove the cloth with plain water after a couple of minutes.
If you find cobwebs in the corners - it, too, must be removed with a soft cloth instead of a broom - it protknot PVC or scratch it.
Handling the stretch ceiling
To your suspended ceiling longer pleased, give up the tall pot plants. More you will have to postpone the idea to have a home of a parrot, or at least should be put in a cage feathered.

And finally - the ceilings do not like lamps, which are heated. So that only the LED - keep that in mind.
In addition - more recommendations in this video:
Have you ever washed a stretch ceiling? Share your experience in the comments!
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