Each house occupies some kind of land. In other words, this is the territory of the house. And the piece of land around the house is called the adjoining territory. The boundaries of both the one and the other site are strictly defined and recorded in cadastral documents. Moreover, this procedure applies to both urban apartment buildings and private country houses, including - and to the dachas. The rules for the use and maintenance of adjacent territories are clearly spelled out in the regulatory documents. But in addition to legal aspects, residents of houses, on their own initiative, are trying to turn the adjacent territories into a zone of comfort and relaxation. They make sure that the yard is no worse than the house, they observe the five basic rules for organizing the local area.
Read in the article
- 1 The adjacent territory from the point of view of the law
- 2 Improvement of a personal plot
- 3 Conclusion
The adjacent territory from the point of view of the law
Houses are urban multi-apartment and private with one owner. In apartment buildings, the concept of common property should be considered. This also includes not only entrances, elevators, attics and basements, but also the adjacent territory. With country private houses, the issue is solved differently - both the house and the plot belong to the same owner. He, in a single person, solves all legal, economic and household issues both in buildings and on the site.
Naturally, first you need to familiarize yourself with the legally accurate interpretation of the concept of "adjoining territory". There are no legally formalized standards or norms for the adjoining space of a private house. Each region sets its own requirements.
For private house - this is the land adjacent to the residential property at a distance of about 1.5-2.0 m. This territory is needed to service a particular house, it has clear boundaries and fencing. The duties of the owner of the property include the implementation of its maintenance. These responsibilities are set out in the Housing, Land, Urban Planning and Civil Codes of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in the Law on the adjoining territory of a private house. In accordance with the laws, adjoining land can be owned as private property or lease. In any case, the owner must monitor his territory and not violate the rights of others. Therefore, it is necessary to develop for yourself a clear algorithm of behavior, taking into account personal interests and opportunities, and not to violate it. The adjoining territory should be registered with the local authorities with a clear indication of the boundaries. The owner of the site has certain responsibilities. Their list includes garbage collection, uprooting dry trees and shrubs, planting new trees, mowing dry grass, seasonal pruning of protruding branches, decorating flower beds and hedges. He is responsible for street lighting, landscaping, water supply. He is also responsible for the safety of communications located underground, and for providing access to emergency services - firemen, ambulance workers, water utility employees, etc. The owner is responsible for the improvement of the local area.

Violation of the rules for maintaining and improving the site may entail penalties established in the region.
Related article:
Landscaping of the courtyard of a private house: photo examples of the design of the kitchen and recreation area, how to arrange open areas, how to set up a garden or vegetable garden, how to decorate the yard with flower beds with your own hands - in our publication.
Improvement of a personal plot
Every person who acquires a summer cottage dreams of an active vacation for himself and for his family. And for this, he tries on his site in accordance with his desires, artistic taste and material opportunities to create a living environment that will satisfy him as much as possible needs.
The dacha is a garden flower beds, vegetable garden. And it is necessary and possible to arrange them in a small area beautifully. This is achieved by selecting and grouping plants by color, shape, size.
Beginning work on the improvement is necessary with the layout of the site. On shaded areas, plan outbuildings, while on those illuminated by the sun for most of the day, light-loving plants should be planted.

We must not forget that at the dacha they are not only engaged in agriculture, but also have a rest. And kids need a play area.

From a design point of view, it matters how beds and flower beds are trimmed with micrograds.

Of course, there are much more than five real rules. It is necessary to coordinate the borders with the neighbors, and to fence ourselves off from their prying eyes and everyday noise. And provide a place to store your car, and an entrance for cars bringing various goods. And there are many, many other situations that need to be resolved in the best possible way. Common sense, artistic taste and technical ingenuity will help here.
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