Why is the house cold even with hot batteries

Very often, apartment owners are perplexed why it is cold in the house even with hot batteries, because this should not be! In fact, there may be a lot of reasons for this, among them - improper adjustment of equipment, airborne radiators. The problem is especially acute when the temperature outside the window is rapidly dropping. Today we will consider the main reasons, and also talk about the options for solving them.

Read in the article

  • 1 Poor installation and customization of PVC windows
  • 2 Inefficient heating equipment
  • 3 Poor recruitment work in the management company
    • 3.1 Errors in the construction and reconstruction of buildings
    • 3.2 Unauthorized connection of additional radiators or changing the load on the heating network

Substandard installation and customization of PVC windows

Often even in new buildings the problem of heat retention is becoming very acute, if not the main one. Buying an apartment, each of us hopes to get warm floor and no less warm atmosphere, but that was not the case. It is not clear why, but drafts begin to become more noticeable with the onset of cold weather. And not many people even realize that the problem may be of poor quality installed double-glazed windows or setting them incorrectly.

Before the winter season, be sure to tap all the slopes and the frame itself, the characteristic booming sound or shedding of the adhesive should alert you. Very often, such a problem arises in older apartments, in which the owners did not take care of them in time. on the installation of drains outside, which protect the foaming compositions from external environmental influences Wednesday.

Why is the house cold even with hot batteriesPHOTO: papamaster.su
Double-glazed windows require no less attention than any other window frames. The fact is that over time, a special sealing gum may wear out.

Replacing it will cost a small amount. Most often, craftsmen assign the cost of work for the entire window, but the consumption of materials is calculated in meters. In addition, it is necessary to transfer the window mode to the winter season in advance. This is very easy to do. It is enough to watch any training video. If you don't really want to do the work yourself, invite a window customizer.

Ineffective heating equipment

There is a myth that the main thing is to heating boiler gave a sufficient amount of heat, and the state of the heating system itself, as well as radiators - the question is secondary. Far from it. Even with the correct operation of the main heat source, low-quality or worn-out equipment even in one apartment, can significantly reduce the overall temperature both in the whole house and in a particular the room. And if you have your own heating device, then take care of the presence of thermostats on radiators.

This way you can adjust the temperature in different rooms as you wish.PHOTO: zmist.pl.ua
This way you can adjust the temperature in different rooms as you wish.

Bad work on the selection of personnel in the management company

Very often, residents of apartment buildings fall into the hands of a poorly working management company, it's not even the years of its existence, but the selection of personnel. Even with fairly good equipment, illiterate specialists can negate all the efforts of residents and the cost of equipment. Errors may consist in incorrect configuration of equipment, excessive or insufficient load on the network, and as a result - the occurrence of accidents, malfunctions and a drop in temperature in apartments. With improper care of heating systems, equipment breaks down much faster.

In such a basement, the equipment will not last long.PHOTO: dp.informator.ua
In such a basement, the equipment will not last long.

In this case, a change of the Criminal Code would be a good solution. This can be done by a general meeting of residents.

Errors in the construction and reconstruction of buildings

Very often, the fault of cold batteries can be mistakes at the design stage of a house or during its construction. The reason for heat loss can be the low energy efficiency of the building, poor quality materials, as well as poor thermal protection. This issue is especially relevant for buildings that are dilapidated or requiring major repairs. There are situations when the lack of thermal insulation of the networks leads to significant heat losses, and therefore to additional expenses.

In this case, a conventional thermal imager will come to the rescue. With this device it is easy to study the weak points of the structure, places of icing.PHOTO: ekspertiza-vladimir.ru
In this case, a conventional thermal imager will come to the rescue. With this device it is easy to study the weak points of the structure, places of icing.

Unauthorized connecting additional radiators or changing the load on heating networks

Very often, the cause of heat loss should be looked for literally on the threshold of a staircase or on a floor above or below. Very often, for the sake of their own comfort, your neighbors connect additional radiators to the pipes, thus increasing the load on the network. This applies not only to heating, but also to electrical appliances, as well as warm floors. As a result, neighbors can experience large fluctuations in temperature, as well as interruptions in the supply of electricity.

Remember, in any business, specialists will cope best with a task. After all, all residents of the house can suffer from your intervention.PHOTO: parohod.online
Remember, in any business, specialists will cope best with a task. After all, all residents of the house can suffer from your intervention.

If you have encountered similar situations in your home, be sure to share it. Perhaps your experience will help you avoid many mistakes. In addition, be sure to thank the author of the publication "like"!
