choosing heating equipment for his garage, garden or greenhousesPay attention to the infrared gas heater. Such products have features, advantages and disadvantages that are worth exploring before buying. We offer to meet with existing varieties, the criteria of selecting the appropriate devices and popular models.
Warm and comfortable at all times
Read article
1 Structure and working principle of infrared gas heater
2 Variety of infrared gas heaters, depending on destination
2.1 for streets
2.2 for rooms
3 The types of infrared gas heater according to the method Fitting
3.1 Ceiling and floor
3.2 Cell and a nozzle for a gas cylinder
4 ignition types
5 additional equipment
6 Advantages and disadvantages
7 How to choose an infrared gas heater: main criteria
7.1 Power and operating modes
7.2 According to the control device
8 leading manufacturers
9 Popular models
9.1 Ballu BIGH-55: Rating 4.5 / 5
9.2 Timberk TGH 4200 M1: rating 4.5 / 5
9.3 NeoClima UK-04: Rating 4/5
Structure and working principle of infrared gas heater
The composition of this heating equipment includes:
a heat exchanger;
automatic control unit;
a metallic housing;
The composition gas infrared heater includes a number of basic elements
In the process of the equipment:
gas enters the reducer. Here, the fuel pressure decreases to the set value, and it is fed into the nozzle heater;
gas is mixed with the air and into the ceramic panel;
ceramic element heats up and begins to radiation infrared range, Heating the surrounding objects, and those already heated air in the room.
Working gas infrared heater leakage involves certain processes
Attention! To ensure maximum efficiency of the device and to heat a large area, it is necessary to install a heater higher.
The higher the infrared heater, the more efficient it work
Variety of infrared gas heaters, depending on destination
Proposed device manufacturers They have different meanings. Some can be used on the street, while others - in the room. Fitting Position makes demands to the finished product on the level of security. We offer to meet with their features.
Appointment of gas infrared heaters may differ
for streets
Street models offer great performance. Outwardly, they look like a standard lamp, at the bottom of which is a gas cylinder. The burner is located at the top. Such design allows to create a thermal county within which the temperature is higher than the ambient temperature. The difference may exceed 10 ° C.
The terrace is comfortable in any weather
The device has an adequate level of protection in cold weather permitting its operation. Via gas infrared heaters create favorable conditions for young seedlings in the winter. They tend to be able to work on various kinds of gas. In cold weather, preferably propane, providing greater heat dissipation. In the summer time - butane.
For each season should find a suitable gas
for rooms
Suitable for heating the compact model in the form of a fan. This is a mobile version capable of moving heater from place to place. Ceiling model suitable for continuous heating. With larger dimensions, it will create a comfortable environment all year round.
Infrared gas heaters for the home can have a different design and construction
The types of infrared gas heater according to the method Fitting
A method for installing an infrared gas heater determines its design features and dimensions. We offer to meet with existing varieties, to make it easier to navigate in the proposed range of manufacturers.
Installation of the equipment can be done in different ways
Ceiling and floor
Ceiling devices are stationary. They are attached to the ceiling and have an increased size of the panel. The modern design makes it possible to use them for heating industrial sites a large area due to its high performance. Under the ceiling, they do not take up much space, allowing you to more efficiently dispose of vacant space.
Ceiling can save room area
Floor have compact dimensions and can be used as an additional or temporary source. They have a modern design, fitting in harmoniously interior. often mimic fireplaces. Allow connection to the highway and the balloon. Suitable for cottages, tents, garages, arbors. Large assortment allows you to choose a model with suitable characteristics for a particular area.
Floor can be moved from place to place
Cell and a nozzle for a gas cylinder
Depending on the design features of the infrared gas heaters are divided into mobile and devices in the form of attachments. The latter are the least expensive option, but unsafe. The lack of adequate protection has a negative impact on the operating conditions. Especially in a small enclosed space. Mobile devices are safer. They have the necessary level of protection.
Mobile - the best option for a garage or tent
ignition types
Modern infrared gas heaters It provides built-in ignition of the piezo element. For mobile devices, most of these systems operate on batteries. In its simplest version, a similar function is not provided. Firing the torch will have to use matches or other ignition sources.
Lighting the fire can be carried out in different ways
additional equipment
As additional equipment for some models, a built-in fan. Such heaters faster warm up the room. According to estimates of experts, the time to reach a comfortable temperature is reduced by 20-30%. However, it is worth considering that these devices are always running on the network and have a higher value.
If there is a fan in the room temperature rises faster
Sometimes infrared gas heaters have a built-in electric convector. With the shortage of gas, the device switches to electric space heating. Also it is possible to interlace modes. Day as a heat source can be a gas, and at night - electricity.
Advantages and disadvantages
In the infrared gas heaters have undeniable advantages. They:
reliable and compact, it occupies little space, effectively warming up a large area of ​​the room;
convenient for transportation. You can take them with you to the cottage or camping;
economical in operation. With the same amount of heat produced, the cost of gas infrared heater is smaller than electric;
effective. Efficiency reaches 80%;
can be connected to the tank and the pipeline;
have an aesthetic appearance, which makes it possible to use them not only for heating a summer residence, but also a private home;
safe to use in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the availability of quality ventilation in room;
may have enhanced functionality.
Transportation does not cause difficultiesThe gas source may be anyThe heater can be used as plate
The disadvantage is the presence of an open flame in some models of oxygen absorption and isolation of the products of combustion. Require annual preventive cleaning. Have a high cost.
How to choose an infrared gas heater: main criteria
If you decide to buy a gas heater, pay attention to a number of criteria that deserve attention. Following our recommendations, you can choose the model that fully meets your needs
Power and operating modes
necessary unit power It depends on the area of ​​the room. For heating 12m² required heater capacity of 1.2 kW. By choosing the appropriate option, should be guided to the specified values.
Power depends on the size of the heated space
When choosing a power should also focus on the future regime and duration of the operation. Using infrared gas heater as the main heat source is not always reasonable. This is the best option for the periodic heating garage or garden in winter.
According to the control device
Safety of operation of a particular device depends on the availability of control systems. Current models of control:
oxygen content. If present manages to control air quality and thus prevent negative effects on human health by reducing the amount of oxygen to dangerous levels. A particularly important when the device operation of the heater during the night;
CO level. Exceeding the limit value of carbon monoxide may lead to poor health, and even death of the individual. In the presence of such a sensor can not worry about yourself and loved ones;
the presence of a flame. If the burner accidentally goes out, the system will automatically block the supply of gas;
possible fall. A sensor indicates a significant tilting the device or has been dropped.
control devices - a guarantee of safe operation
leading manufacturers
Quality modern infrared gas heaters are offered by many companies. Among the most well-known manufacturers should include:
Ballu Bogh;
Aeroheat IG;
Ballu - consistently high build quality
Popular models
Select the appropriate model in the presence of a large range can be difficult. We have compiled for you rated devices are most popular among buyers.
Ballu BIGH-55: Rating 4.5 / 5
The modern model, allowing for connection to gas cylinders with capacity of 27 liters. Fuel consumption 0.3 kg / h. It is capable of producing power 1,55-4,2 kW. It can be used to heat the room with an area of ​​60 m². It has dimensions of 42 × 36 × 72 cm.
The main advantages should include:
pezorozzhigom presence;
ability to work in three modes;
low requirements to the characteristics of the gas used;
availability of monitoring devices.
The absence of forced convection does not allow to quickly warm up the room.
Review Ballu models BIGH-55:
More on Yandex. Market:—gazovaia-pech-ballu-bigh-55/1805184447/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Ballu BIGH-55
Timberk TGH 4200 M1: rating 4.5 / 5
Universal model has several operation modes. It can be used for heating the premises of 20-60 m². Generates power 1,55-4,2 kW. The fuel uses propane / butane. A cylinder volume of 15 liters is enough for 15 h when operating at minimum output and for 7 hours at the maximum. It has dimensions of 42 × 36 × 72 cm. Mechanical control.
The advantages include:
security provided by integrated fire control sensors, tilt, and oxygen content.
The disadvantage is the need to purchase another hose when connected to a container larger volume.
Review model Timberk TGH 4200 M1:
More on Yandex. Market:—gazovaia-pech-timberk-tgh-4200-m1/1805184847/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Timberk TGH 4200 M1
NeoClima UK-04: Rating 4/5
Available capacity model capable of producing up to 37 kW. The average gas consumption of 0.3 kg / h. It has a relatively small size: 285 × 96 × 195 mm. To work fits propane / butane. It weighs 2 kg. Fit for heating tents, garages, cottages.
Review model NeoClima UK-04:
More on Otzovik:
NeoClima UK-04
Share in the comments, what model of infrared gas heater you use, and how long and often. How satisfied are you with your purchase.