Thermostat for heating radiator: selection and installation

devices this type is used in residential and commercial buildings. With their help establish a comfortable temperature for the user mode. This equipment saves energetic resourcesSince in each room can be set up and maintain the optimum temperature. To properly select, install and configure the thermostat for heating radiator - study material presented in this article.

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In specialty stores offer a wide range of products in this category, so to find a suitable option is not difficult

Read article

  • 1 How to choose a thermostat for heating radiator
    • 1.1 The design of a typical modern device and modification
    • 1.2 Features of the application of temperature controllers for heating radiators
    • 1.3 Parameters suitable thermostat for radiators
  • 2 Market Review
  • 3 Setting the thermostat on the heating radiator is on its own
  • 4 Conclusions and more tips

How to choose a thermostat for heating radiator

The figure above shows examples of the same model in different registrations. But aesthetic parameters are only meaningful when placing radiators in prominent places. More attention should be paid to the technical specifications, ease of operation, accuracy, and reliability. To accurately formulate their own quality criteria have to learn the principles of standard products and samples submitted in the appropriate segment of sanitary ware market.

It should be immediately noted several important limitations:

  • A thermostatic valve Heating radiators turn on / off the supply of working fluid. They do not make it warmer, so only for lowering the temperature can be used.
  • Cast-iron battery made of a material that creates an increased inertia. Therefore, automatic controllers are not effective in combination with such products.
  • When installing a single-pipe valves system (Serial connection battery) is necessary to ensure free flow of coolant. To do this, embed the outlines workarounds sections pipe.
Box bypass circuit Single Tube
Box bypass circuit Single Tube
Cast iron radiators are used in combination with an individual heating system. For fine adjustment of the delay correction is applied using specialized software
Cast iron radiators are used in combination with an individual heating system. For fine adjustment of the delay correction is applied using specialized software

The design of a typical modern device and modification

Scheme thermo Heating
Scheme thermo Heating

This instrument It performs its functions as follows:

  • It is set in front of the radiator. For rigid fastening a threaded joint reliable use of appropriate diameter (5).
  • In the position shown in the figure bush (6) is lifted by springs, so the coolant flow enters the battery.
  • With increasing temperature an elastic filler the bulb (2) increases in volume. Through the shaft (4), the pressure is transmitted to the journal box, the valve closes.
  • When the temperature drops below a certain level termoballon ( "bellows") is reduced in size. Stem moves upward coolant duct opens.
  • Later cycles are repeated many times without user intervention.
  • To configure the operating mode using the spindle (3). It moves up / down screw mechanism when rotating the upper part of the housing (1).
Regulator sectional
Regulator sectional

In this photo it can be seen that the lower part of the instrument is a typical valve. The main functions are performed by the drive. Therefore it is necessary to consider it in detail. In the examples given mechanical embodiment. Here bellows installed with varying size. To process sufficient speed and to ensure the amplitude required for valve opening, used liquid or gaseous fillers. Adjustments are made manually. quality regulators of the type capable of providing accuracy to 1-2 ° C.

But such equipment has certain disadvantages. If the room is not being used around the clock, you can set an appropriate timetable heat changes. On products with integrated bellows applied conditional figures. These controls do not control the actual temperature value. We have to use subjective feelings or special measuring device.

electronic thermostat
electronic thermostat

Note! The pipe system mounted valves with hydraulic resistance approximately 1.8 times or more smaller than in circuits with two pipes. It should be considered in the study range of shops.

In this apparatus, only the top part is replaced. Bottom with a valve, used is the same as that in combination with the manual control unit. The following are typical parameters electronic heating control on a battery:

  • It measures and displays in the display set and actual temperature of the air.
  • Backlit screen with easy to use at any time of the day. It displays technical information and settings.
  • The user can set an individual schedule of maintaining the temperature. Standard settings are also available: "Frost radiator protection", "economy", "the frequent airing" and other modes.
  • For autonomous operation knob mounted in the battery, or batteries. The charge level is indicated on the display.

Such devices provide increased accuracy (± 0,5 ° C) and high level of comfort, but they are more expensive than manual models. The most perfect product of this class are adapted to connect to the system via radio "smart House". They control the radiator based on the operating parameters boiler. The data owner can remotely read in online mode with temperature sensors. To do this, use the special software installed on your smartphone.

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Programmable Radio room can be connected to the standard valve
Programmable Radio room can be connected to the standard valve

Features of the application of temperature controllers for heating radiators

Different designs of valves
Different designs of valves

When you connect a standard, side, direct control is used. If the pipes are summarized below - it is more convenient to work with corner modifications. The head is mounted in a horizontal position. If you violate the instructions, it will blow hot air streamThat would violate the accuracy of adjusting the temperature settings inside.

The valve is mounted with the normal coolant flow direction indicated by the arrow on the body. It can be installed before and after the heating radiator
The valve is mounted with the normal coolant flow direction indicated by the arrow on the body. It can be installed before and after the heating radiator

supporting documentation, and set it limits should be examined carefully. Some manufacturers do not recommend installing their regulators less than 0.5 m, or a different height from the level of flooring. They explained that the calibration of their devices was performed with regard to the relevant conditions. If you can not find the perfect model, it is necessary to adjust the head correction. The second option - the application of the electronic device with external temperature sensor.

Important! To allow replacement of the regulator, or in the case of battery failure, establish two ball valves (upstream of the valve and on the output highway).

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Parameters suitable thermostat for radiators

Before you start studying the market offers, it is necessary to list the requirements for a radiator thermostat:

  • The dimensions chosen according to the existing threaded connections. Some models are only intended for mounting crimp nuts.
  • For a side connection of the radiator become "straight" valve.
  • It is necessary that the flow resistance device corresponded the type of system (One- or two-pipe). Also check the allowable maximum pressure, Coolant temperature range.
  • Not high when you install the regulator in a niche on the genderYou can use the electronic modification in other difficult situations. It is more expensive but more accurate heat consumption metering can save during operation.
Kits with external sensors
Kits with external sensors
  • The valve body is formed from a brass bronze, various alloys. Stainless steel is rarely used, as the price it higher.

Market Review

PictureBrand / Modeltemperature adjustment range / accuracy (° C)price, rub.notes
Danfoss / RAW-K 013G5030Danfoss / RAW-K 013G50308-28/11200-1590Suitable for standard valves, built-in steel Biasi radiators, DiaNorm, Ferroli, Henra, Delta, Diatherm, other well-known brands.
SALUS / Controls PH60SALUS / Controls PH605-40/0,52800-3980Several modes, installation dimensions M30 x 1.5 mm, an economical liquid crystal display with backlighting.
Frontier / TH-1149RF / RV-1341MFrontier / TH-1149RF / RV-1341M5-35/0,56300-7900Electronic controller with built-in radio data transmission unit. Included is a separate control block K it is possible to connect up to 100 thermostats.
Meibes / RTL SimplexMeibes / RTL Simplex5-35/13400-4200Straight valve, the average lifespan - 30 years. The controller suitable for use in systems with a boiler water temperature to + 110 ° C and pressure not higher than 10 atm.
Danfoss / RA-N / RA 2994Danfoss / RA-N / RA 2994-/-3100-3600Angular. To install two pipe systems with pressure to 6 atm, the temperature to + 120 ° C.
Danfoss / RA-G / RA 2994Danfoss / RA-G / RA 2994-/-2900-3300For one-pipe system, the corner.
Danfoss / RLV-KS / RAW-KDanfoss / RLV-KS / RAW-K-/-2400-3930For the lower radiator connection heating.
Heimeier / SCERadS15Heimeier / SCERadS15-/-1490-2200two pipe heating systems.

Setting the thermostat on the heating radiator is on its own

It is sure that thermostat settings for heating radiator meet the criteria set forth above.

If we consider the distance, the regulator will work correctly
If we consider the distance, the regulator will work correctly
Diagonal circuit radiator connection
Diagonal circuit radiator connection
In one-pipe operation the bypass is used. Two ball valves come in handy for quick disassembly
In one-pipe operation the bypass is used. Two ball valves come in handy for quick disassembly

With the installed valve remove the protective plastic cap. Sam thermostat for radiator insert until it clicks into the locking device. Some models require tightening nut wrench without excessive force.

This head can be mounted on the valve without tools
This head can be mounted on the valve without tools
Adjustment is also done by hand
Adjustment is also done by hand

Before configuring eliminate the causes that may disrupt normal operation of a bellows, or a temperature sensor for the heating. Next, set the maximum battery performance. After reaching a level of approximately 4-5 ° C higher comfort coolant flow overlap. When the temperature drops to the desired value, the head is rotated slowly until the characteristic noise.

This table shows the settings and values ​​recommended by the manufacturer. The user can make the correction on the basis of their own preferences
This table shows the settings and values ​​recommended by the manufacturer. The user can make the correction on the basis of their own preferences

Conclusions and more tips

Really good thermostat for radiator heating system itself is not able to optimize the consumption of energy resources. Will help improve the efficiency of the following activities:

  • Installing modern radiators, the autonomous boiler.
  • Battery mounting without decorative screensAt a certain distance from the walls, floor and windowsill. Solving other obstacles to free movement of air.
  • Attaching to the wall behind the radiator foilReflecting infrared radiation towards the room.
  • Fine Tuning of the heating system.
  • Elimination of cracks and other defects of the building, which deteriorate insulating properties.

The most accurate adjustment is performed with the use of new models boilers, Temperature sensors inside and outside the individual rooms. But in the absence of relevant capabilities necessary to use thermostats. Even a simple, inexpensive devices of this type are capable of performing useful functions. They will help save money, provide automatic maintenance of a pleasant indoor temperature conditions for users.

Remote control unit controls radiators
Remote control unit controls radiators