Gas heater for tents: types, models, reviews, price

Seasoned travelers know very well that outdoor recreation is good only if to it carefully prepared. This is especially true of the night when you have to go to bed in the tent. Good shelter, warm sleeping bag - it's a classic. But more recently, tourists began to enjoy the fruits of scientific and technical progress, taking a hike gas heater for tents. What kind of device, how it works, what the requirements are presented to him - all this in today's review.

Gas heater for tents
Gas heater inside the tent

Read article

  • 1 Design features and principle of operation of a portable gas heater
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of compact gas heaters
  • 3 Varieties of gas heaters
    • 3.1 Infrared heater with metal mesh
    • 3.2 Infrared ceramic gas heater for tents
    • 3.3 catalytic type
    • 3.4 Gas heater for tents
    • 3.5 Gas burner ceramic infrared
  • 4 Operational Safety
  • 5 Requirements for selection of gas heater
  • 6 Review of popular models
    • 6.1 Infrared gas heater "hearth-Ranger"
    • 6.2 Heater "Ranger-Ion"
  • 7 Professional reviews of tourists on gas heaters
  • 8 How to make a gas heater for the tent with his own hands
  • 9 price review

Design features and principle of operation of a portable gas heater

The design of marching gas heater includes:

  • gas-burner;
  • power control;
  • reflector;
  • a safety valve;
  • fan thermal action.

All these nodes are located in a single housing made of metal. Today, these devices are sold in all stores, the benefit of tourists in our own country enough.

himself heater - it is separate from the tank with gas unit. That is, gas would have to be purchased separately. The heater is easy to install on the tank or nearby, connected to his neck, which is then fully opened.

Schematic diagram of the operation of the infrared ceramic heater
Schematic diagram of the operation of the infrared ceramic heater

Liquefied natural gas (propane) supplied from the cylinder to the burner where it mixes with air. It is this mixture and burning on the splitter section. But the main flow of thermal energy in heaters this type - infrared radiation. Therefore, in the design of the burner ceramic plates are installed. They are heated by the combusted gas and begin to radiate heat.

Advantages and disadvantages of compact gas heaters

The main advantage of the heaters in the tent - they are small in size. Wide list of proposals, which now offer manufacturers do not always correspond to the purpose of the device. For example, there are instances in stores, can be labeled as a compact heating apparatus. But this is actually not the case, because such models in the size range of 70 ÷ 80 cm in height and weight up to 7 kg. Obviously, such a model is not compact, and wear it is unlikely to succeed. She needs a place in the car.

Compact devices have no dimensions larger than 20 ÷ 30 cm, and they weigh less than 2.5 kg. But it should be noted that the first model, all can be used still in tents, they are more likely to fishermen who go to ice fishing. This device heated a decent amount, so that the freeze will not work.

The main advantage - compact size
The main advantage - compact size

Talk about other virtues heater for tents can be only considered individually kinds of devices. But they differ from each other mainly in the method thermal energy return. Hence, some of the differences in the designs.

Varieties of gas heaters

Manufacturers today offer three types of gas heaters for tents:

  • Infrared metal;
  • ceramic;
  • catalytic.

Infrared heater with metal mesh

In fact, it is a gas burner, which is installed a metal grid. The latter heats up and begins to radiate heat. The smaller the cell, the greater the heat transfer area.

heater of this type is available in two versions:

  • a nozzle;
  • isolated as a separate structure.
Nozzle on a primus
Nozzle on a primus

The first option is not the most secure. With the nozzle should be used with caution, because it is an open element, no protected. But in the tent, where so little space, can all happen. A second embodiment - it is protected from the contact surface, closed enclosing device.

Gas heaters for tents of this type are produced with one or two burners, as well as equipped with a reflector (reflector) of the parabolic type, which directs heat flow in one direction.

Heater metal mesh
Heater metal mesh

And now the advantages and disadvantages:

Very simple design, is easy to understandHeat dissipation is not at the highest level
Normal functionality, without problemslow productivity
low priceuneconomical device

Infrared ceramic gas heater for tents

What you need to do to heater become energy intensive? There are two approaches:

  • increase the efficiency of heat energy extraction from the combusted fuel;
  • reduce gas consumption.

Ceramic burner has a porous structure, which increases the combustibility of fuel, and it is for this second approach. The more intense burns propane, the more it highlights the thermal energy. A heat extraction efficiency is produced by using a special plate that is made of cellular ceramic.

Combustible gas heats the ceramic plate allocates 50% convection energy and 50% infra-red. Now, the advantages and disadvantages of ceramic model.

compact dimensionsHigher price than the metal mesh modification
Economical fuel consumption
Provided minimal amount of propane combustion products
Directed action of thermal energyAt temperatures below -5 ° C may not ignite
The device is unpretentious in operation

Attention! This model variants are equipped with gas cartridges, which are inserted into the heater. In common such devices are called "dichlorvos" due to the similarity of the balloon with the balloon known in the past drug for destroying various types of insects.

Gas heater with a ceramic grid
Gas heater with a ceramic grid

Constructions ceramic burner provided with handles for carrying convenience pezorozzhigom, controller, by which adjusted and controlled heating rate, and safety nets or grids from entering burner various items.

catalytic type

All heaters, which in principle works inherent combustion of the fuel, have one major drawback - the allocation of a large amount of combustion products. When this gas must be combusted in the presence of fresh air supply, and will take care of gazootvedenii. Catalytic heater tent this drawback stripped because the combustion gas in this device occurs flameless method. How it is done:

  1. Produced heating plate which is made of glass, it is sprinkled on top platinum powder. The heating temperature of + 200 ÷ 500 ° C.
  2. Inside a special camera, which is an integral part of the heater preparing air-gas mixture which is supplied to the plate.
  3. Here it burns without flame.
Gas heater catalytic type
Gas heater catalytic type

Advantages and disadvantages of the model.

Full and efficient combustion of the fuel, the efficiency is almost 100%High price
High ecological due flameless combustion gas
compact dimensions
High operational safety
maximum capacity

Gas heater for tents

The name itself already suggests that it is possible to cook the food for this type of gas heater. That is, it has a dual functionality: heating tents and cooking. Such devices are referred to as universal. Unlike purely constructive - a rod on which the burner is kept. It can be rotated to a horizontal or vertical position. The power of these devices is not less than 1 kW.

There are models which themselves resemble miniature cooking hobsCovered with netting. This variety is resistant because it is mounted on four legs. Gas supply is made through the side of the hose or cylinder is installed inside "dichlorvos".

Gas stove with miniature "dichlorvos"
Gas stove with miniature "dichlorvos"

So, to sort out all kinds of heaters, can more confidently say what gas heater for tents for winter fishing or going better. If the task is simple, efficient heating, the ideal option - catalytic model. If you want to increase the functionality of that in the cold season to prepare fresh caught fish, it is better to bring with them oven.

Gas burner ceramic infrared

It is the most compact device of all of the above. In fact, it's just a burner encased in a housing, which includes a ceramic top grid. It is the latter, and is a source of infrared radiation after the intense heat. The burner is convenient because just through a hose connected to the gas cylinder. You can use it to heat the small size of the tent for one or two people.

Gas burner for a tent infrared actions
Gas burner for a tent infrared actions

Operational Safety

Irrespective of modification of the gas heater is a device in which the fuel burns. So, safety in use must be strictly adhered to. What should be done to avoid irreparable consequences occurred:

  1. Distance from the apparatus to the tent wall should not be less than half a meter.
  2. Organization ventilation to remove the propane combustion products. Periodically, it is necessary to ventilate the tent.
  3. You can not direct the torch and its reflector on the tent walls, clothing and other flammable objects and materials.
  4. Can not be left on the heater at night, when no one controls.
  5. Carbon gases are cooling down, fall downwards where they can be concentrated. Therefore, the bed must be above the floor at a level not less than 25 cm.
  6. Special attention to gas cylinders. For heaters of this type is better to use special containers with automatic protection against leaks and in the case burner maturity.
  7. Changing the gas cylinder must be made outside the tent in the street is strictly according to the instructions from the manufacturer
  8. Drying clothes on the heater is prohibited.
  9. Place the device near flammable or explosive materials is prohibited.

Attention! Under the gas heater it is necessary to establish the supply of non-combustible material. Adaptation should be 30% larger in area than the heater.

Proper positioning of the gas heater in the tent
Proper positioning of the gas heater in the tent

Requirements for selection of gas heater

The most important thing that should worry the user, it is their own safety. Therefore, getting the device, it is necessary to pay attention to two items:

  1. Automatic protection system. It is intended for the case when the machine is accidentally tripped or exceeds the maximum slope. In cramped conditions the probability of such a situation, the tent is great.
  2. The presence of a gas analyzer that will monitor the concentration of unburned gases. Whether you like it or not, even a well-functioning ventilation can not guarantee one hundred percent removal of the combustion products.

Compact - it is an important selection criterion. The smaller the device, the easier it is to wear. Although fans of winter fishing, which travel by car, on the contrary, the more powerful the machine is, the better.

Review of popular models

Modern heating equipment market simply overwhelmed with gas heaters from the domestic and foreign manufacturers. Here are just two popular models.

Infrared gas heater "hearth-Ranger"

To begin with, it is not the most compact device. Its dimensions: 275 × 275 × 180 mm, but it weighs 1.8 kg. Wearing such a device in a backpack will be uncomfortable, besides his rectangular shape. But it can be used to heat the tent area up to 15 m². And this is a decent size. And fuel consumption it is small - 108 g / h.

The additional name "Hearth" indicates that this model can be used as a stove. For this purpose it is placed horizontally reflector and mesh up, by the way, the last and put utensils. Backup for the stability of the handle is used.

And other positive qualities of the model:

  • flame is not blown by the wind;
  • The package includes a special adapter, which you can make a connection to a large gas cylinder;
  • minimum oxygen burning;
  • unburned gases odor is not felt.
Infrared heater "Ranger-Hearth"
Infrared heater "Ranger-Hearth"

Feedback on gas heaters "Ranger-hearth», MaksiMc, Tomsk: Gas heater Ranger Hearth PF-GHP-IM02 - is perfect for the garage and for a small house

Advantages: Easy. Powerful. Economical. Not expensive. Gas cylinders sold in any hardware store.

Disadvantages: Not found.

Fishing is not yet traveled, but had time to test it in the garage. The street was -18 in the garage (major) in the region of -10. Warmed for 30 minutes (standard garage 18 sq. meters) to tolerable 18.

More on Otzovik:

Heater "Ranger-Ion"

Most likely, this device has a burner. Compact - Dimensions: 200 × 215 × 120 mm and light weight - 370 g But with a fairly high capacity - up to 1 kW. Thus the device can be heated to a tent 20m². In this fuel consumption is no more than 100 g / hour.

Compact heater gas "Ranger-Ion"
Compact heater gas "Ranger-Ion"

Review this model, Huntsman 47, Nizhny Novgorod: Gas Heater Ranger-ION - Powerful heater

Strengths: Powerful, you can adjust the heat.

Disadvantages: pricey gas cylinders.

With its low weight only 370 grams and a gas flow rate of 50 to 110 c. h and power 2 kW until the room is able to heat up to 20 square meters it possible to heat even though small mosaic lodge, also damp clothes dry.

More on Otzovik:

Professional reviews of tourists on gas heaters

Fisca11, Furnaces: Gas heater Baihui BDN-100 - Warms powerful, but not for long

Advantages: powerful heating, clear instructions, mobility

Disadvantages: Problems with the ignition, the smell at work, not last long balloon

What I can tell you definitely have this device and its advantages and disadvantages respectively. As the name implies running the heater on common gas cartridges volume of 520 cubic centimeters. Is inserted and fixed a balloon in a special compartment of the stove is easy.

More on Otzovik:

Korean heater legendary high performance
Korean heater legendary high performance

Stradivary, Ufa: Gas heater Baihui BDN-100 - The tent is always warm and dry

Advantages: Powerful heat output, tent dries very quickly, running in cold weather, the quality of work depends on the quality of the gas. Pezopodzhigom. No one has yet carbon monoxide poisoning.

Disadvantages: What are the disadvantages if the tent warm in the minus 8?

Portable gas heater provides heat particularly a tent on departures in late autumn, when really cold, especially at night, in the freezing, when the snow falls, when the temperature is below zero. Used not only in the late autumn, but rainy summers to dry tents and warm autumn simply for comfort-undress or dress warm.

More on Otzovik:

Lakshmi, Moscow: Gas heater Kovea Little Sun KH-0203 - good heater if there is no electricity for a small room or tent

Advantages: compactness, lightness, convenience store, good heating

Minuses: no

Hot air rises vertically - in front of the heater no hot jet. Elementary Management - controller rotates to lock and triggered pezopodzhigom then regulated gas supply is - more or less.

More on Otzovik:

How to make a gas heater for the tent with his own hands

Today buy tourist gas heater for the tent is not a problem. But fishermen are creative people. And, departing from the contingency budget for the purchase of the factory unit, try to do it themselves. Design Options mass, although they all have one set of parts.

Thus, the need for making a gas burner with a crane and a socket for connecting a hose. The latter will connect the heater to the gas cylinder. Metal mesh and a housing of any shape, which is inserted into the burner. The most optimal shape - rectangular. The housing is made of a bracket in the form of small tables with four legs (from the same corner). The height of the structure within the 10 ÷ 20 cm.

One of the modifications of self-made gas heaters
One of the modifications of self-made gas heaters

Frame welded on the legs, which bottom and laterally sheathed iron plate of thickness 2 ÷ 2,5 mm. On one side of the hole left by the burner, and where it is inserted. It should be located so as not to exceed the upper plane parts forming the table plane. Top table stacked metal mesh. Attach it can welding dot, bolts or screws. For the last two options would have on the perimeter of the drill holes.

After the assembly is connected to the burner cylinder through a hose. Opens the fuel supply, the fire ignited by the plane of the table. Using crane regulated power device.

price review

Buy gas heater for tents for winter fishing is possible today in the online store. We will show some of the prices of famous brands:

ModelCharacteristicsAverage, rubles.
Gas heater for tents: types, operating principles, advantages and disadvantages
Siberian - 1.15
  • Power 1.15 kW
  • fuel flow - 0.25 liters / hour
  • radiation Temperature - + 800 ÷ 900 ° C
  • Heated area - 10 m²
  • Dimensions 224 × 107 × 94 mm
  • Weight - 1 kg
Gas heater for tents: types, operating principles, advantages and disadvantages
Solyarogaz GII 2.3
  • Power 2.3 kW
  • The gas flow rate of 0.35 l / h
  • radiation temperature 800C
  • Heated volume of 23 m³
  • Dimensions 240 × 190 × 120 mm
  • Weight 1.2 kg
Gas heater for tents: types, operating principles, advantages and disadvantages
  • Power 1.3 kW
  • The gas flow rate 100 g / hr
  • Heating area up to 15 m²
  • Dimensions 280 × 220 × 200 mm
  • Powered by a gas canister of 200 g
Gas heater for tents: types, operating principles, advantages and disadvantages
ElekonPower TT-15S
  • Power 1.5 ÷ 4.4 kW
  • Flow rate 0.22 kg / h
  • heating area - 35 m²
  • Capacity 3800 kcal / h
  • Hours from the cylinder to 50 hours
  • Dimensions 228 × 203 × 285 mm
  • Weight 1.5 kg

At the prices we see would buy a portable gas heater for tents cheaper, but also the characteristics of it are not as serious. Therefore, we must first be weighed and the price of the power of the device, but rather a heated volume.

A huge variety of models offered
A huge variety of models offered

If some points you do not understand, our specialists are ready to answer any questions. Write in the comments that you are interested, maybe you're worried about, on what parameters to choose a heater, or what models to draw attention. Unanswered there will be none of your question.