If you select heating equipment for your home or want to create a more comfortable environment in the apartment, pay attention to the gas boiler Navien (Naven). The company offers a wide range. The user can always choose a model with the best specifications. We offer to meet the available varieties of units and the nuances of their installation.
Gas boilers Navien demand for heating private houses and apartments
Read article
1 Brief information about the manufacturer
2 The apparatus and operation of gas boilers Navien (Naven)
3 Types of gas boilers Navien (Naven)
3.1 By way of installation
3.2 By the number of loops
3.3 in functionality
4 Specificity Naven gas boilers of various model series
4.1 Atmospheric boilers Naven
4.2 Turbocharged boilers Navien
4.3 Condensing boilers Naven
5 Advantages and disadvantages
6 Popular models
6.1 Navien DELUXE 13K: Rating 4.5 / 5
6.2 Navien DELUXE COAXIAL 16K: rating 4.5 / 5
6.3 Navien SMART TOK 24K: Rating 5/5
7 How to choose a gas boiler Navien (Naven) - the recommendations of our editorial
8 The nuances of installation
9 Features of operation
Brief information about the manufacturer
His company name KD Navien received in 1978, transformed from Kyung Dong Mechanics. The Korean company is currently engaged in production of not only gas-fired boilers, but also the fans, conditioners, as well as home automation systems. Since 1988, the company has arranged the production of condensing models of European development, and since 1998 - its own design. Since 2006 produced double-circuit model and water heaters.
The company supplies its products to many European countries, as well as the US, China and Japan. Wall and floor boilers are in demand on the Russian market, as well as a fully adapted to the domestic power supply system. The company has its own representative office in Russia.
Navien Company (Naven) supplies products to many countries
The apparatus and operation of gas boilers Navien (Naven)
According to its principle of operation are similar to gas boilers Naven heating equipment manufacturers. They include the following key components:
a gas burner;
circulation pump;
mechanism that regulates feeding fossil fuels;
heat exchanger. There are two double-circuit: the main - for heating coolantAn auxiliary - for heating water.
The efficiency of the basic units Naven gas boilers is provided by a set of auxiliary
The conduit that provides the fuel supply is connected to the respective nozzles of the device. Burning and releasing heat, gas heats the water inside the heat exchanger. Hot coolant flows in heating system, warming radiators and connecting them tubes. Correct operation of gas boilers provided Naven electronic unit controlling the degree of heating the coolant and promptly switched on or off the burner.
The electronic unit allows to set the optimum heating conditions
Types of gas boilers Navien (Naven)
The design of each individual Navien heating equipment models may differ significantly from each other. This has a certain influence on the execution order of installation and operating features. Offer to get acquainted with the main types of gas boilers Naven, so you can decide which option is ideal for your home.
The manufacturer offers a wide range of
By way of installation
Depending on the method of installation, gas boilers can be divided into Navien floor and wall. The first mounted on the floor and have a fairly large size. To accommodate them, most often, it is allocated a separate boiler room. the letter «N» is present in markings similar models Naven. In wall devices more compact. They are fixed to a vertical surface.
Wall-mounted gas boilers Naven have small dimensions
Attention! For apartments, most often purchased Wall models for homes - floor.
Weight outdoor boilers Navien may be significant
By the number of loops
"Naven" offers single and combi model. The first type is used only to heat water for the heating system. In the second - provided an additional circuit, enabling a certain amount of heat DHW.
Combi boilers Navien used to heat your home and water heating
in functionality
The functionality of the device depends on the line to which the device belongs:
Prime. For this model series is characterized by top of the range. Gas boilers fully meet the requirements for heating equipment, since their development using innovative technology. Power can range 13-35 kW. Current information is displayed on the LCD;
Deluxe. The functional device is close to the previous line, but there is no display. Dosage air jet for optimizing the performance parameters of the gas boiler is provided by the air pressure sensor (APS). A wide range of devices with a capacity of 10-40 kW;
Ace. The most demanded line with optimum functionality and reasonable cost. Ability to work in manual mode and automatic timer. The company offers gas boilers with open chamber Ace Ftmo and closed - Ace Turbo. However, it has recently published a statement about the withdrawal of this line of production;
Steel (GA / GST). Single and double-circuit devices with power 11-40 kW, which are used for the manufacture of solid materials, including stainless steel. Functional depends completeness;
SmartTok. Modern heating equipment, allowing remote control via smartphone. You can adjust the mode of operation of the boiler at a distance, as well as by voice. Provided outside temperature sensor.
Prime - has a maximum functionalAce line has an optimum functionality
Specificity Naven gas boilers of various model series
Capabilities and features of gas-fired boilers «Navien» could differ materially depending on to which line they are. We offer to get acquainted with the specifics of each type to make it easier to navigate the existing varieties.
Each type of the features work and installation
Atmospheric boilers Naven
Gas boilers of this range can continue to operate under the most unfavorable conditions when substantial pressure fluctuations in the gas pipe. Camera equipped with an open combustion. As a consequence, for the timely removal of products of combustion aspirated to be connected to chimney with the appropriate traction. the abbreviation "atmo" present in their labeling.
Air is drawn in from outside the home
When they are used, the temperature of the coolant in the heating circuit can range from 40 ° C to 80 ° C, and hot water - from 30 ° C to 60 ° C. The devices can operate on natural and liquefied gas. This enables heating of buildings, which are located away from the gas pipeline.
To carry out installation work special requirements
Turbocharged boilers Navien
this line equipment can continue to operate at a pressure fluctuation in the gas pipe. Availability of special chip SMPS makes them resistant to power surges. Turbocharged boilers equipped with closed combustion chamber. Depending on the process air and flue gases, they can be divided on the device:
With coaxial chimney. On that indicates the letter «E» in the marking. Embodiment chimney requires two tubes placed inside one another. External is used to timely supply of oxygen to the combustion chamber. Internal outputs the products of combustion.
With separate chimney. The marking is present «K». In these boilers there are two pipes, one of which is used to supply air, the second - for discharging combustion products.
The flue pipe is coaxial inside tube
Condensing boilers Naven
This modern device for marking symbols that «NCN» used. Due to the special Embodiment possess high efficiency. To heat the coolant used in heat exchanger assembled and heated to a high temperature condensate. The particular system provides for the collection of condensate without harmful impurities.
Attention! Condensing boilers consume a third less fuel and thus to reduce the emissions of 70% volume.
The special design of the condensing gas boilers Naven makes them reliable and high-performance
Advantages and disadvantages
In gas-fired boilers Naven has many advantages:
resistance surges, Provides installation of a special chip. Its presence allows to maintain operability of the boiler input parameters network, oscillating within 165-300 V;
low operating costs;
environmental Safety;
process automation. Perhaps the programming mode;
long service life with timely service;
Ease of controls. Some models allow for remote control via smartphone;
high quality at an affordable price;
a large range of products, allows you to choose a gas boiler is not only with the required performance but also with a suitable design and color;
compact device that allows you to install heating equipment, even in a fairly confined space;
fast heating rate of the heating circuit;
the presence of the self-diagnosis function that enables timely identify errors and faults in the system.
Gas boilers Naven have high assembly quality
The disadvantages are:
the ability to connect to a single tap with hot water;
noise during operation;
the complexity of the repair as possible to install only original parts because of the lack of analogues. But reasonable price repair kit will allow, if necessary, recover the device with minimal effort;
the need to protect the electronics from the storm;
the need for recourse to specialists in case of breakage. Gas boiler repair their own hands can not.
For the operation of all gas boilers require electricity
Popular models
Despite the large range, some boilers Naven enjoy the greatest consumer demand. We offer to meet with the review of the models who have won positive feedback from customers.
Navien DELUXE 13K: Rating 4.5 / 5
Convection wall model, designed for thermal power 7-13 kW. Closed combustion chamber. It can be used for space heating to 130 m². Electronic control. Suitable for natural gas and LPG. First flow 1.4 m³ / h, the second - 1.16 kg / h. The heating of the coolant to 40C - 80C, hot water - up to 30 ° C - 60 ° C. Complete with remote control.
Review model Navien DELUXE 13K:
More on YandeksMarket: https://market.yandex.ru/product—gazovyi-kotel-navien-deluxe-13k/12502184/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Navien DELUXE 13K
Navien DELUXE COAXIAL 16K: rating 4.5 / 5
Dual-circuit model suitable for heating a building area of ​​160 m². Efficiency of 91.2%. Able to develop a 9-16 kW heat output. It can run on natural gas and LPG, wasting, respectively, 1.72 m³ / h and 1.43 kg / h. The maximum coolant heating to 80 ° C, water to 60 ° C. Complete with remote control and display. Weight 28 kg. Wall-mounted boiler.
Review model Navien DELUXE COAXIAL 16K:
More on YandeksMarket: https://market.yandex.ru/product—gazovyi-kotel-navien-deluxe-coaxial-16k/12514290/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Navien SMART TOK 24K: Rating 5/5
Convection model with greater functionality. Current for heating 240 m². Generates heat output 8-24 kW. For natural gas and LPG. Consumption first - 2.79 m³ / h, the second - 2.15 kg / h. Complete with remote control and display. There is a possibility of external control. Weight 28 kg. Allows the connection of coaxial and Razdelna chimney.
Review model Navien SMART TOK 24K:
More on YandeksMarket: https://market.yandex.ru/product—gazovyi-kotel-navien-smart-tok-24k/12911767/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Navien SMART TOK 24K
How to choose a gas boiler Navien (Naven) - the recommendations of our editorial
To the chosen model Navien gas boiler has been able to fully satisfy the needs of the family, should first determine the purpose of the purchase. If it is necessary not only for heating but also hot water supply should be selected dual-circuit model. Otherwise sufficiently single-.
Dvukonturnaya model will be warm and hot water
Next, you should decide on the installation location. This will allow to give preference to either wall-mounted or floor-standing. To install the latest necessary to highlight separate room.
To install the ground equipment necessary to prepare the boiler room
Based quadrature building to be heated and needs of families in hot water, is selected and its power device performance. At the same time, it should be noted that the maximum heating water takes more time, but the performance will therefore decrease.
The larger the house, the more powerful must be gas boiler Naven
If the external type of equipment is subject to special requirements, it is necessary to define the design and colors of the shell.
Sometimes the design demand higher functional
The nuances of installation
Despite the fact that gas boilers Naven provides protection against voltage surges, need to be concerned about the presence stabilizer, especially if the power outage are regular or deviations from standard values significant. equipment housing, be sure to ground. If the wall mounted model, wall sheathing should be non-combustible material.
Attention! Connecting the device to the water system and the heating circuit can be made with your own hands, and for the supply of gas, be sure to invite a representative of the gas service.
The scheme of installation of gas equipment
Features of operation
Before proceeding to the operation of gas equipment, should carefully examine the manufacturer's instructions. It is registered in detail the procedure for connecting the boiler, as well as its commissioning. Even if you have ever used a heating oborudovaniyaem Navien, read all the items very carefully, since models of different lines may differ materially.
It offers to watch the following video to understand how to use a gas boiler Naven a certain type:
Share in the comments what your home gas boiler. What attracts you to a brand Naven?