How to dry the salted dough so that it does not swell and crack?

If you have to dry the handicraft for the first time, it will be superfluous to learn some subtleties. First of all, we need to understand the difference between drying and baking. Mistakenly believe that the oven - electric or gas - is only suitable for baking. In it you can and dry the dough. It is important to know how and how long.

There are several ways to dry the salt test:

  • in the sun;
  • at room temperature;
  • on the battery;
  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • in a combined way.

Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Drying type Pros Cons
In the sun No power consumption Handicraft long dries
At room temperature Cost-effective Long-drying.

On the product in contact with any surface will remain grooves
On the battery It is convenient to use in winter when the batteries are warm Area does not allow drying of 3D figures
In the oven The fastest way It is difficult to calculate the temperature
In the microwave Microwave can not be used!
Combined method Suitable for drying large crafts Hard

How long will it take to dry the craft?

Let's take a closer look at how long the dough will dry in one way or another.

  • In the sun or in the room .The most economical way, since it does not require the consumption of gas or electricity. But with this method, every millimeter of crafts will dry for 24 hours. Much faster this will happen in the sun. The option is not suitable for large figures.
  • In the electric oven .Time is calculated by the formula - 1 hour for every half a centimeter of the product thickness at a temperature of 75 degrees. Put the figure in a cold oven. The temperature is increased every hour by 25 degrees.
  • In the gas oven .Here, the dough products dry twice as fast. Dry it on the smallest fire, opening the door. The first hour is opened halfway, the second hour - a quarter, the third - the door is closed.
  • The combined method of .For two days the craft is held in the air, then sent for an hour in the oven, heated to 50 degrees, gradually raising the temperature to a maximum of 150. This method is good for large items.
  • On the battery( radiator) .Pre-heat the radiator with foil or cloth. It is better to put a board or plywood, so that the ribbed surface of the battery does not deform the molding. Keep until dry.
  • In a microwave oven, it is not recommended to dry the salted dough, as drying takes a very long time, not provided for in the software.
  • Drying on the grill .Efficient method, as everything will be dried evenly. Power consumption is relatively small.


Drying will be more effective if you produce it in several stages. Dry the oven in one hour, one day - at room temperature, the next day, dry the other side in the oven for an hour and a half.

What should I do to prevent the product from bloating and cracking?

Inflammation, cracks, brittleness. A figurine, carefully fashioned, is easy to spoil. Therefore, it is important to know a few secrets.

  • Dry the salted dough either on a light baking tray, or take into account the stronger heating of the dark baking tray. In this case, the temperature should be reduced by 25 degrees.
  • Hot products are very brittle. They should either be cooled on a baking tray, or removed with a spatula very carefully.
  • Figures should not be raw. Readiness is checked in a grandfather's way - you have to gently tap on the product with your finger. If the sound is sonorous, the hack is ready, if deaf, it is necessary to dry it.
  • An undried article will soon begin to deteriorate, change color and crack.
  • To avoid bubbles, start drying advise with the oven door open.
  • Before starting the drying, the oven is warmed up to the minimum, starts to dry on the top shelf, after the product has been browned, it is put on the middle shelf.
  • The appearance of bubbles and bloating is a sign that the temperature should be immediately reduced, otherwise cracks will appear.
  • Bubbles can not be removed from the figurines, but cracks can be gently covered with PVA glue.
  • Figures from the dyed dough should be dried at a temperature of no higher than 125 degrees, so that the color does not change.
  • The oven can not be heated to more than 125 degrees if the workpiece is to be white. For the browning effect, the oven is heated to 200 degrees.
  • Finished handicrafts after drying and painting are varnished, this is protection against moisture.


The reason for the cracking may be flour picked up incorrectly. It should not contain additives. You can add rye flour to wheat flour or 2 tbsp.tablespoons of starch. Plasticity for the modeling test is given by PVA glue( spoon to a glass of flour).

Products from salted dough - one of the most accessible types of creativity. Lepite with the children, dry properly, and most importantly, as much as necessary. Enjoy the process!