Autumn is already in full swing and a lot of things to do. It is very disappointing when the frost hits, suddenly to realize that he did not have time. It's time to sketch out a plan for urgent autumn affairs and have time to implement it before the first frost. So today is a short calendar of the summer resident for the fall, and there are only 9 urgent matters in it.
Read in the article
- 1 Harvesting until the last cucumber
- 2 Remove everything, every last weed
- 3 General cleaning and return of revelers
- 4 Fertilization with natural substances
- 5 Mulch use
- 6 Preparing perennial plants for winter
- 7 Preparing for freezing
- 8 Replace, sharpen, disinfect
- 9 Get busy planning
Harvesting until the last cucumber
It's time to collect everything that has grown in your beds. If you have greens, you can dry them or, which is much more convenient, freeze them. To freeze, dill, parsley, celery, sorrel must first be washed, then dried on a towel and cut. Chopped greens are placed in bags, expelled excess air and frozen with briquettes. You can freeze bell peppers, peas in pods, and other vegetables that you are used to adding to dishes. If there are green tomatoes left on the bushes, they will also be used, you can roll up a salad or make a sourdough from them.
Remove everything, every last weed
You can not leave anything in the beds. Leaves, stems, roots - all this must be removed from the soil. If the plants were healthy, they can be sent to a compost heap, where they will turn into organic fertilizer in a year.
General cleaning and return of revelers
If you planted something in the garden in flowerpots in the summer, it's time to decide the further fate of these plants. In flowerpots, they will die as soon as it gets colder. So either in the compost - or in warm rooms. The freed pots must not only be shaken out, but also rinsed so that mold does not form in them and some disease does not settle. For prevention, it is better to rinse them with a solution of vinegar or at least laundry soap.
Fertilization with natural substances
Autumn is the time for natural fertilization. It is until the beginning of the next season that all natural fertilizers will be able to master your beds and make them fertile.
Another option for organic fertilization is planting green manure. These are plants that, after the emergence of seedlings, can be dug up directly from the roots and stems.
Mulch use
To keep the nutrients in the soil to the maximum, it must be covered, that is, mulched. For this purpose, straw, sawdust or hay are suitable.
Preparing perennial plants for winter
Autumn is the time for pruning both bushes and trees. Nothing should be left without attention, especially shrubs - the next year's harvest definitely depends on their pruning.
Preparing for freezing
Some shrubs and even trees are very sensitive to low temperatures. To protect them, you will need to either cover the root system or figure out how to wrap the stems and branches. For the roots, in most cases, a layer of mulch is sufficient.
Replace, sharpen, disinfect
In the fall, it's time to put your garden equipment in perfect order so that in the spring it is ready for battle on the very first warm laziness.
The entire instrument must be disinfected. Just dip shovels, rakes and hoes into the whiteness solution for 24 hours. Then wipe them with a dry cloth and treat them with a little oil to prevent rust build-up over the winter.
Get busy planning
All outdoor work must be completed with planning. While memories are fresh, you need to write down the varieties that gave a good harvest, so as not to forget to buy such seeds in the spring. Record which fertilizers and prophylaxis have worked best. If necessary, re-plan the planting, draw a garden plan for the spring.
How to change crops in the garden, in this video:
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