This summer visitor visits his countryside hacienda all year round. Not only in summer but also in autumn, winter and spring - the work on the ground is always a lot. And what could be nicer than after works outdoors drink hot tea in a warm oven, admiring the views of the window. In this article from Housechief edition we will focus on how to choose the oven to give. We picked the most optimal options for a small country house.

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1 Wood-burning stove to give
1.1 Features metal furnaces
- 1.1.1 Thin-stoves
- 1.1.2 Thick continuous burning furnace
- 1.1.3 Cast iron wood-burning stove
1.2 The most popular models of metal wood stoves
- 1.2.1 Fire-battery Termofor
- 1.2.2 Matrix, Teplodar
- 1.2.3 Bavaria Ekokamin
1.1 Features metal furnaces
2 Brick fireplace stoves to give
- 2.1 Russian
- 2.2 Dutchwoman
- 2.3 Swede
3 Universal furnace for the house: wood and electricity
- 3.1 Kupper ABM Teplodar
- 3.2 Topol M, Zota
- 3.3 Karakan
4 Gas heaters for the country house
- 4.1 Gas heater Bartolini Pullover
- 4.2 Ceramic heater Timberk TGN
- 4.3 Alpine Air convector
- 5 Criteria for selecting the heater to give
Wood-burning stove to give
Wood - the most affordable fuel for almost all regions, except perhaps that of the steppe zone. This is the reason for heating country houses and bathhouses choose wood stoves.

Traditional stove for a long time has been modified, and now the market can find a lot of interesting, compact and user-friendly models, which are suitable for heating small premises. Conventionally, modern metal furnace can be divided into several sub-types:
- exclusively heating, Whose main task - only heating;
- cooking-heating. On such devices, you can warm tea or cook a snack;
- boilersWhich have a water circuit, and provide consumers with hot water;
- universal furnace and comprising the hot water tankand cabinet for drying fruits, vegetablesand oven.
Material for modern furnaces - thick sheet steel or cast iron. they all need chimney.

Dachnye oven for duration of the fuel on one tab divided into short and long burning.

What should I look for when choosing a model? Particularly important parameters are the power unit, the need for frequent flipping a fuel, warm space velocity and install nuances.
Features metal furnaces
Metal furnace - a very popular option among gardeners. They are available at a price that does not require complicated installation and efficiently heat a room. Consider what options can be found on sale.
These stoves warmed record quickly, and just as quickly cooled. High temperatures can warp the housing and welding seams, it is not recommended overheat them.

Thick continuous burning furnace
Thick-walled models are able to warm the room up to 100 square meters. These furnaces consume fuel more economically, and can operate not only on the woodBut also on coal, and pellets.

Cast iron wood-burning stove
Articles made of cast iron - the most expensive in this series, but they serve a very long time without deformation even under extreme warming.

The most popular models of metal wood stoves
And now for the metal stoves that use continued popularity among truckers:
Fire-battery Termofor
Feature of the model is that it can be adjusted up to the traction mode of decay in which the oven can work 8 hours. This device uses a stable demand and, in the opinion of buyers, almost no flaws.

premises warming occurs in 40 minutes. Fire-battery withstands even extreme heat hot. With proper device chimney - up or back problems does not arise by smoke.
Matrix, Teplodar
There is also provided decay mode with a time interval bookmark firewood in 8 hours. The efficiency warm convector air slot is provided, and the heater itself has a heat-resistant glass door, through which one can control the intensity of combustion.

The Matrix has a ceramic hob. Experts recommend before installing the stove, the first furnace to make the outdoors to burnt oil and paint. Members note that the room warm enough for a dozen logs.
Bavaria Ekokamin
Ekokamin specializes in the production of furnaces and tile stoves. Line model Bavaria - one of the most sought after.

Interested persons are offered to complement a set of ceramic tiles or tiles. The entire structure is quite compact and looks very presentable, especially with lining. Maximum burning time such furnaces - 6 hours. The only negative, which is marked by users - poor heating hob. The temperature suitable only for heating but not for cooking.
Brick fireplace stoves to give
Brick furnace, without doubt, an embodiment more durable than any metal. But their main difficulty - the need for the services of professional stove-maker, who lay down design so that it is not smoked and heated house effectively. On such a heater can prepare food.

To give usually folded compact design that does not take up much space. Here are some options.
In a traditional Russian stove excellent efficiency - about 35-50%. The only drawback of this design is that it heats the room, leaving the floor cold.

Another disadvantage - into a massive device. But here it is possible to build a lager, which is so nice to warm up after a cool day. To cook or reheat dinner, you need to get the hand to work and get a special tongs utensils.
Dutch oven may be mentioned more compact than Russian. The smallest possible size of 50 × 50 cm².

The walls in this heater is relatively thin, but, thanks to the special design, they do not deform under excessive heat. The Dutchwoman is easy to build tank for water heating and even the oven. One such heater can heat the house with a total area of ​​60 m².
The heating unit of Swedish laying technology heats up much faster than its Russian counterpart and "eats" not only wood, but also coal. To warm the room it takes only 15 minutes, no more.

During the construction it is important to choose the right brickBecause low-quality material significantly reduces the efficiency of the furnace operation.
Universal furnace for the house: wood and electricity
These heating devices operate as follows: when the furnace preheated to the wood begins to cool, and the coolant temperature falls below the set level, turns electric TEN, which supports the heat. It is very convenient if you spend the night in the country. As you know, in the morning the oven cools down in any case, and as a result, you wake up in an invigorating atmosphere. And with such a mechanism, you quietly get up, eat breakfast, unplug the heater and can again throw wood into the furnace. Convenient and economical.

when installing water circuit with a boiler we must remember that it is important to provide a system and spontaneity, as the hydraulic pump often brings.
Kupper ABM Teplodar
Has a built-in heater of 9 kW and can operate not only on electricity and wood, but also on gas. A gas burner sold separately. The only drawback of the unit - a narrow opening for laying the wood.

Topol M, Zota
To improve the efficiency of the device is equipped with a three-way gas flue.
This model has its own nuances. Chief among them - the need to adapt himself in a strong draft.

This device is intended for undemanding users.

This affordable device has earned numerous accolades. Warm-up time on one tab firewood - 4 hr.
Gas heaters for the country house
Gas - the most economical and easy-to-use fuel. Firewood may be cheaper, but they need to procure and store certain conditions. A gas, even if you do not have nearby highway, it is possible to purchase in bottles and use it when you need it. Plus, the burning gas does not produce any smoke or soot and burns the oxygen in the room. But the hood in this case, as with solid fuel boiler, A must-do.

Gas heater Bartolini Pullover
This device may be basic and the additional heating source country house. It is running on LPG. Heating occurs by means of catalytic fiberglass panel.

To facilitate operation at boiler there pezopodzhigom, power control and sensors that monitor safety.
Members note the quiet operation of the boiler and its high reliability.
Ceramic heater Timberk TGN
This small heater on wheels can be placed in any room - even in the room, though on the veranda. It is running on LPG and It heats the room infrared panel.

Sam cylinder capacity of 12 liters, is installed inside the case. The user must be sure to ventilate the room.
Alpine Air convector
This heater It hung on a wall and has a cast iron heat exchanger which will last at least fifty years.

The battery can work without it, just warm the room would not be so quick. The heater can run on a balloon or network gas. The only caveat - to connect the device will have to make a hole in the wall to take stock of the fuel hose.
Criteria for selecting the heater to give
Which of the following furnace types to choose depends on your preferences and the availability of fuel. To make the best choice, decide for yourself a few questions:
- how much space you have to install heating system;
- how often you plan to use the device in any season;
- Do you need a cooktop on the stove;
- where and how you can place the chimney.
In addition to these nuances, of course, should take into account its financial capacity and experience in serving heaters. And one more note: the brick oven with your problem does not carry away any thief. And for high-priced units from other materials to come up with a better storage location during your long absence.
And what a stove standing on your cottage? Maybe you can give useful advice on the choice unit for our readers? Write about it in the comments!