Utilities in the cold is not always time to turn on the central heating in apartment buildings on sufficient power. Good for those who have installed "Avtonomka"But what do the people who do not have it. In this review HouseChief edition we will talk about effective ways to keep warm in the cold, while not include heatingOr if it is not enough.

Read article
- 1 preventive measures
- 2 Space heating using household appliances
- 3 folk ways
- 4 Foreign experience
- 5 A few words in conclusion
preventive measures
In order not to freeze in the winter from a poor heatingIf it is not enough, you need to take care when severe frosts on insulation of their homes. This will not only keep warm in the houseBut also save on gas bills or electricity.
method â„–1Replacement of windows, doors and sealing gaps
If the situation with the lack of heat is repeated every year in the apartment, then you need to think about preventive measures. Main heat loss (up to 30%) occur through gaps in the doors and windows. So this problem should be solved as soon as possible. If you have old wooden windows and doors the times of the Soviet Union, consider their replacement by metal-plastic constructions. If it is impossible, it is necessary to close up all cracks with a special adhesive tape or paste on the frame heater.

method â„–2: Insulation of loggias and balconies
Winterizing a balcony or loggia apartment will protect from drafts and cold. On Gazebo even in extreme cold temperatures rarely drops below + 4 ° C. Accordingly, in a dwelling it rises by approximately 5 ° C, thanks to the air cushion. Glazing is better to prefer a double balcony frame and the wall, floor and ceiling to insulate and sheathe clapboard.

method â„–3: Insulation system
Perform external or internal wall insulation foam or foamed polystyrene plates. Such a method would better keep the heat in the apartment or house. There are special state of energy-saving systems program. This will save personal funds.

Space heating using household appliances
For additional heating of premises in winter you can use a variety of household appliances. Here are a few common ways such an application.
Using gas cookers
This is one of the most famous ways which used by our parents and grandparents. It lies in the fact that the cooking zone is turned on to heat apartments gas cookers. However, in this case it is necessary to closely monitor the gas, so that it is not extinguished, because there is a risk of poisoning or even an explosion.

Incandescent lamps
Despite the growing popularity LED lighting productsDo not rush to throw out conventional incandescent lamps. They give up 95% of the energy in the form of heat, which can not make the fluorescent and LED-lighting.

Air conditioning
modern air conditioners It allows you to quickly and easily heat a room. This is possible thanks to the fact that most of the models has a function of not only cooling but also heating. Many manufacturers of HVAC equipment offers a practical, economical and safe air conditioning.

Another type of HVAC equipment - heaters. They are functional, compact and consume minimal power. However, such devices during operation dry airThat is reflected in the level of oxygen. Therefore, in order to feel comfortable, it is recommended to use together with fan heater humidifiers.

In that case, if you occasionally cut off heating and have small children, it is advisable to purchase, at least one, electric heater. It is best to buy oil cooler, or heating convector type device. If you bought a heater, then choose the mobile model that is easy to move from one room to another. Be prepared for the fact that the instrument dries the air and consume electricity in large quantities.

folk ways
Now it's time to get acquainted with the ways of heating the apartment in the cold due to popular wisdom. Simple, but effective ways, proven over centuries, always help you come out a winner in any situation, especially in the fight against the cold.
Using sunlight
Hang on tight window blindsThat on a sunny day is recommended to disclose to the light of day, and with it the heat into the room. In the evening, closed the curtains will prevent the escape of heat from the room through the window glass. Such a method makes it possible, even a little bit, but to make the room warmer.

Better Fewer, but warmer
If the central heating is not turned on or it is not enough, try to spend more time in the smallest room, and large simply close. You can also lay on the floor and on the walls hang thick rugsThat will reduce heat loss. In addition, they serve as a good sound insulation and create a cozy atmosphere.

Close the vents
The cold air can enter the room through the ventilation. This will help prevent the closing of the hatches. However, in this case, normal ventilation is disturbed, thereby may cause unpleasant smell, mold or fungus. Therefore, such a method is best used only in extreme cases in a short time.

Warm food and drink
Good warm in cold help hot drinks: coffee, tea (especially ginger), etc. Also increase body temperature soups and broths. The more high-calorie food, the warmer you will be.

A heating pad and its alternative
Cover up in a cold bed very uncomfortable. Therefore, you can use a heating pad. If it is not, correct the situation several plastic bottles filled with hot water and placed under a blanket. You can also use the traditional rubber hot water bottle, which, unlike plastic bottles, cools more slowly.

hot bath
If you're really froze, then be sure to take a hot bath. It not only warms you, but also will have a relaxing effect, which is especially important after a hard day's work. For keeping warm, after the procedure is desirable put on a body cosmetic oil or cream.

to dress
In order not to freeze in the apartment at the disconnected or insufficient heating is important to dress properly. Experts recommend the use of multiple layers of clothing. First, it is desirable to put products of cotton, and top - fleece, wool or synthetic materials. Be sure to wear warm socks and sneakers. Women are better to buy the black thick tights and men can wear a warm and long underwear. Do not interfere, and thick fluffy bathrobe, where you can even sleep.

tourist experience
A good solution to warm in the cold will buy tourist sleeping bag. There are special models designed for use at zero temperatures. They will allow the house to warm up, if heating is not included. They can be used as a sleeping bag, a blanket or a second blanket.

Foreign experience
In most European countries, the Middle East and Asia in the homes there is no central heating. They also feel cold in the winter, though not as much as we have, but still. How did abroad are heated in the cold and still save money? Consider the experience of some countries.
UK, Germany, France, Spain
Homes in these countries is mainly equipped with general building heating systems, individual gas or electric boilers for water heating and heating radiators. The room temperature is controlled by the owners of property. Thrifty Europeans heat their apartments and houses only from evening to morning and on weekends. In UK Bathrooms lavatories and batteries are not set, so the temperature in these areas the winter not exceeding + 10 ° C. The average temperature in winter in European homes is maintained at 16 ° -19 ° C, so that not much freeze, the inhabitants of these countries are sleeping in warm pajamas and socks, as well on the floor veiled necessarily thick fluffy carpets.

Finland, Norway
These countries are the leaders in innovative energy processes. To heat their homes Finns and Norwegians using ground heat. Thanks to a special system to draw energy from the earth and geothermal heat Scandinavians not only their homes, but even sidewalks.

In Japan, there is no central heating, except in the coldest region - Hokkaido Prefecture. The rest of the population during the cold season using electric air conditioning with the regime "Summer / Winter" or various heaters. Also, the Japanese use electric carpets and blankets. They prefer to sleep in pajamas, made of fabric with special fibers to retain heat. In addition, virtually every Japanese family has a special table "kotatsu" with blankets and a heating device. For this table, which has become an integral part of Japanese culture, the whole family, not only to eat, but for conversation, watching television or table games.

A few words in conclusion
Cold or slightly warm the battery is not a reason to freeze in winter. We told you about what preventive measures you can take to keep warm in the cold, if not already included heating. The heat their homes, residents of other countries. We hope that this article will help you not to freeze in winter in his apartment.