Only with good chimney the stove will delight you. It would seem - well, what is so special about him, nothing! Stainless steel pipe and all the cases. But for some reason, these pipes sometimes burn out, then they burn. And with such "surprises" and not far from the fire. And if you install a metal chimney, approach its choice correctly and with a full baggage of the necessary knowledge.
Read in the article
- 1 How chimneys are usually chosen
- 2 Why steel grade is important
- 3 What steel is intended for what
- 4 Where is the marking of steel
- 5 Drawing conclusions
How chimneys are usually chosen
Yes, it is very simple to choose: by diameter. Usually no one looks at other parameters, and it is completely in vain. It's just now quite possible to run into low-quality material, which, not like for a chimney, for decorative fireplace it doesn't fit.

Why steel grade is important
It is important that the steel grade of the chimney matches the heating device. If there is a discrepancy, the chimney will lead.

That is, their exhaust temperature does not exceed 200 degrees, but for a sauna stove it is about 700. So you yourself understand that the gas boiler is good, the Russian stove is "death".
The conclusion is this - for sauna stoves and fireplaces you need to look for steel that is resistant to high temperatures.
What steel is intended for what
It is important to pay attention to the marking of the chimney. You will see the letter designation AISI and after it - numbers that will tell about the quality of the steel:
- 310 - steel with the addition of nickel and chromium, which can withstand temperatures up to 1,100 ° C. An excellent choice for a boiler or solid fuel stove.
- 316 - steel, which, in addition to nickel and molybdenum, can also contain titanium. Withstands up to 700 ° C, suitable for fireplaces and gas boilers.
- 304 - inexpensive steel, the temperature limit for which is 600 ° C. Corrosion resistant and suitable for gas boilers, since it is immune to acids formed during the combustion of blue fuel.
- 321 - behaves normally in the temperature range from 600 to 800 degrees. Suitable for wood stoves and gas piston systems.

Where is the marking of steel
Manufacturers place labels with markings on the inside of the pipe. Sometimes, instead of AISI, you will see the abbreviated "stainless." and further figures, as mentioned above. Not often, but you can find the option when the markings are printed directly on the sheet of steel.
Drawing conclusions
You will surely come across the opinion that the easiest way is to buy or make a pipe from ferrous metal and not know the troubles. But statistics say just that it is chimneys made of this material that most often lead to fires.
So it's better to splurge on stainless steel once than to rebuild the house later. With proper installation, you will not know any problems for 10–20 years.
And some more useful information in the video:
What type of chimney and steel grade do you prefer? Share your experience in the comments!
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