Recently, for baths in a private house They began to use electric heating elements. And it is strange - after all in Russia at all times steam valued precisely because the spirit of the birch. So, if bath not fired with wood, it is no longer room at all. The only good news is that the electrical elements are not so widespread. Today I would like to talk about it furnace for the bath on the wood with a water tank. What companies produce them in our time, as well as their varieties. The same can not forget about the installation - whether it is possible with his hands and how complicated the process. After all, it is often asked our readers. Well, let's deal.

Read article
- 1 Features of the furnace for the bath with wood water tub
- 1.1 The main differences from the furnace of the boiler - how big is the difference
- 2 Materials for manufacturing furnaces bath water tub
- 2.1 Cast iron stoves for sauna with wood - so they are convenient as they are written?
- 3 The main elements that make up the iron bath furnace on wood
- 3.1 Varieties water tanks according to the method of their placement
- 3.2 Constructions for the furnace firing - particularly type
- 3.3 Types of Chimney for sauna stoves: which one is better
- 3.4 How to sink bath, a fuel better and some of the nuances bookmark firewood oven
- 3.4.1 Online calculator for calculating solid fuel furnace
- 4 Selecting the oven for a bath on the wood: what you should pay attention to
- 4.1 Some features of Finnish stoves and a brief overview of these products in the Russian market
- 5 A detailed review of furnaces with a tank for baths: price and customer reviews
- 5.1 The product of "Litke" - furnace for the sauna "Vesuvius"
- 5.2 Hephaestus - global brand from Belarus
- 5.3 One of the leading Russian producers of furnaces for baths - "Ermak"
- 5.4 "Teplodar" - another well-known domestic manufacturer
- 5.5 "Termofor" - probably the most famous manufacturer
- 6 Summing up
Features of the furnace for the bath with wood water tub
Previously, any furnace for the bath were laid out brick. This process takes a lot of time, and experts in the field were few. In our time, the stove for a bath with the water tank is not as complicated construction. Such an article of factory production can be purchased in stores. Benefit assortment on the shelves wide enough. Yes, and install their home will be able to master their own, without the help of professionals.
Equipped with modern sauna stoves with water tank can also vary. It becomes possible to control the temperature of not only the furnace and the water in them, but also in the room steamy. Buy bannuyu oven with water tank it is possible not only in retail stores, but also through the Internet. There, if you wish, you can find a wizard that installs everything professionally.
Important! If it is decided to entrust the installation to professionals, do not grab the first-encountered proposal. To begin to explore the reviews of his work. If the reviews online none or very few of them, it is necessary to refuse such services. After all, incorrect installation wood stove for baths can cause a fire or burns during use.

The main differences from the furnace of the boiler - how big is the difference
The fundamental error in terminology that allow inexperienced handyman - a statement that the wood-burning stove and sauna boiler - This is the same. Let's try to debunk this myth. Oven - a heat source directly heats the air around them. It turns out that in the next room, behind a wall, this heat will no longer be felt. Boiler also it operates on a different principle. He is like a "heart" of the heating system. In this case, even if the stand next to him does not feel the heat. This means boiler a water tub bath install irrational - it is necessary oven.
Due to a sufficiently large range of products of this type on the shelves of Russian stores, pick up any suitable work will not make. Manufacturer currently offers a model with a set of advanced features that can satisfy even the most demanding tastes of the consumer. However, the choice of furnace is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. It is necessary to take into account, in addition to appearance, yet a lot of parameters. Today, we will discuss them all. And it should start with the material of which will be made stove.

Materials for manufacturing furnaces bath water tub
The materials of which make the furnace, known to all - is either metal or brick. And if the first is easy to purchase and install, it is not so easy to second. Not having special knowledge and skills to make it not work.
In the manufacture of metal furnace, iron is most often used - this material is very good holding temperature. That is why its use is more optimally. Before you choose a wood-burning stove for baths should be defined with this parameter. After all, if you can inexpensively hire a professional stove-maker, brick is very good warm up bath. At the same time the cost can come out cheaper.
But most of the domestic masters acquire it metal furnaces. Indeed, in this case, you need only small knowledge to perform the installation yourself. And in the construction of such new stove can be transferred without any problems, which can not do with a brick. So it makes sense to consider the cast iron products in more detail.

Cast iron stoves for sauna with wood - so they are convenient as they are written?
The main advantage of this design is more rapid heating of the room, than with brick oven. When compared with conventional steel even cast out of competition. Although conventional stove made of sheet steel rather quickly warming up, but a number of shortcomings that accompany it, negates this advantage. It's too hard heat, and radiation in the infrared range, and very rapid cooling with the fuel burn-out.
Cast iron wood-burning stove does not have these disadvantages. Smoothly and quickly warmed up the material gently and smoothly gives the heat, and this is due to the popularity of such structures. Another important factor is the long service life of cast iron. It is not "leads" from high temperatures as the steel sheet. In recent years, quite common cast-iron stove for a bath with the water tank, which can be located in different ways. About versions of its location, we talk in more detail below.
The life of such a construction and corrosion effect, which is less susceptible to iron. An important factor is that as fuel It can be used not only firewoodBut also any other combustible material. Many may say that such quality has any oven, but it is not. And now explain why. If considered as a waste fuel production of furniture, namely trimming chipboard, the combustion temperature of the particle board is considerably higher than in normal wood.

Prove it's pretty simple. Ordinary glass when heated in a fire from conventional wood only cracks, whereas the flame from the Particleboard it easily melts. Such high temperatures may deform the sheet metal and brickwork can not stand and collapse. Especially if the solution when its clutch was prepared with impaired technology. In this case, no problems such a high temperature is not a cast-iron stoves. But, nevertheless, it is better to use ordinary birch for kindling firewood.
The main elements that make up the iron bath furnace on wood
The most common form of iron furnace is rectangular. Less often possible to meet oval or cylindrical structure. However, on the form of completely independent characteristics.
Buy a stove for a bath on the wood, you can either in specialized stores or order it through the Internet. At the same time and in one and the other mode of acquisition has both its positive aspects and negative. While in stores, you can see how the furnace should be the existence of a factory or any other marriage, buying equipment via the Internet, you can save some money. The reason for the lower cost when buying a furnace in the network is that the seller does not need to hire staff employees by paying them a salary, and there is no need to pay the rent under the score. It is sensitive enough to affect the final cost of equipment for a bath, and any other goods.

It may be mentioned basic construction details:
- Container for water;
- The furnace;
- Chimney.
It is for these items and worth going, analyze them in more detail.
Varieties water tanks according to the method of their placement
The location of this additional part may be different:
- Built-in;
- External;
- Located on the pipe (such a structure is called "samovar").
Whatever the location, the large difference in the characteristics of the furnace is not provided. However, for personal convenience is worth considering which of the species will be optimal in a particular case.
Built-in oven tank for the bath are made of cast iron or stainless steel. Of the advantages of such a device may be mentioned a sufficiently rapid heating of water, saving of useful space and maintaining the temperature for a long period. At the same time of the downsides - higher price - because the wall tank must be sufficiently thick and smaller than other types of heat. Quite a lot of heat from the flame goes directly for water heating.

Remote tanks for hot water in the bath, have a completely different location. By itself, such a container does not contact with the flame. In fact it can be called boiler, Because the hot water heated by the furnace is supplied to it by analogy with heating system. The placement of this tank has its own nuances. Remote bath tanks attached, usually on a wall, the distance from the oven (length of pipes through which flows hot water) should not exceed 2.5-3 meters otherwise not achieve the desired effect -. water will be insufficient hot.
It is the rapid cooling in the absence of flame in the furnace, a more complicated mounting and the inability to use water from the furnace without the disadvantages of such an arrangement. The advantage is the possibility of increasing the volume of the tank.
"Samovary", or as they are called, mounted tanks for baths, although more complex installation are most comfortable. chimney pipe can be located inside the tank and outside. The volume of the tank at the same time can be different and occupy a space not only from the furnace to the ceiling, and even go into the attic space. This location has all the positive qualities of the built-in tank, but it is devoid of the disadvantage of high cost. The wall thickness is sufficiently small, and hence is possible to install the container even thin enamelled steel - it considerably reduces design.

Constructions for the furnace firing - particularly type
The most common type are for baths stove with external combustion chamber - in this case the fuel falls into it from the changing room or even in the street. It is quite convenient and does not require a separate room for woodshed - they can be folded together. If no waiting room (typically for small size of the structure) to the furnace bath with wood is placed directly inside the pair. It's not very convenient, because with the addition of wood have to open the door, and while a small amount of soot still gets inside. However, the addition of water on the stones all the smoke immediately removed from the premises by means of steam.
Wood oven bath with a water tank and external furnace can be equipped with inner door and for adding fuel. Sometimes this arrangement "combined" the furnace is necessary.
No matter what type of furnace firebox arrangement is selected, the current models will not yield to each other in quality. That means any one of them is able to create the necessary temperature in the steam room.

Very important! None, even the most expensive for the bath furnace is not able to qualitatively carry out their work in the absence of properly executed insulation steam. What sense to warm up the room, if all the heat goes out through the gap and unheated space. It should pay particular attention.
If there is a desire to improve the quality of the work of bath furnace, it is necessary to use a thermal imager. Of course, for the sake of acquiring such expensive equipment is not necessary, but to turn to professionals to be very correct decision. Melt the oven, warm steam room, using thermal imager examined the whole structure of the outside of the perimeter. In this case, any heat leakage will be appreciable. You can then correct the deficiencies thermal insulation premises.
Types of Chimney for sauna stoves: which one is better
We will not consider today chimneys in the brick kilns on account of their complexity and the impossibility of self-assembly without specific skills, knowledge and abilities. If the topic is someone strongly interested, please unsubscribe in the discussions on the article. Then we will devote this separate topic. Now we are interested in chimneys for cast-iron stoves and how they can be located.

The main types of chimney They are internal and external. Even the name is clear, some of them as a set. The most common internal location, which allows to reduce the costs of the chimney insulation, and positioned hinged water tank ( "samovar"). Moreover, if the reason heat leakage standpoint, the location of the inner pipe inferior appearance. After all, as we know from school physics course, hot air rises. And get rid of leaks around the chimney is unlikely.
chimney apparatus for a wood stove in the bath - quite important process. After all, it depends on him thrust, and therefore is not whether the hit carbon monoxide directly into the steam room. In addition, the furnace fuel is bad flare up, which means the oven will not be able to function as it should in poor traction.

Important! When an external device is necessary chimney its insulation quality. On this depends the temperature inside the steam room. The internal arrangement of such action is not required. In addition, it must be remembered that the higher the chimney pipe, the greater the attraction. But fanaticism has nothing to something. Too large traction force promotes rapid burn-wood, and therefore too much fuel consumption at low efficiency.
How to sink bath, a fuel better and some of the nuances bookmark firewood oven
Despite the fact that the pine wood burns brighter and hotter due to the resins contained therein, it is recommended to heat the furnace bath is hardwood. The most optimal is to use birch or oak wood. They burn through longer and, therefore, fuel consumption will be much lower.
In contrast to the campfire, where initially fueled thin branches, and after, as reported to the buildup thicker kindling furnace technology in the bath is a little different. First we need to prepare the finely split logs. It can also be very useful and the presence of pine chips - it is very convenient to kindle. Laid with a small amount of finely impaled chips, shavings its pour and then immediately put thicker logs.
Important! When firewood tab must remain very small gaps between them. Do not forget about prosypke each layer chips fuel. Fashionable as well be used for this purpose, birch bark.

As a result, the entire burner furnace has to be filled with wood. When all the work is done you can start the ignition. Many perform this action by using a special fluid, but it is quite dangerous for wooden bath. We propose to use more advanced tools, such as a gas burner. In its present form it is quite compact and easy to use. fuel source for it is a portable bottle with liquefied butane (or isobutane), which has a higher combustion temperature than propane or natural gas. With such a wood burner is ignited in the furnace, after which the door is locked and can only wait until bath warmed up. Periodically, worth peeking into the furnace and, if necessary, add wood.
Question how to stoke the wood burning stove in the bath is not difficult, but it is important enough. It affects not only the final result, but also fuel consumption. An interesting topic and length of firewood. After all, if it does not pay attention, you may encounter such a problem, as the inability to close the door due to the protruding logs. The optimum size of the wood for the furnace bath - a length of 7-10 cm shorter than the depth of the furnace.

To calculate the approximate amount of fuel that would be required for heating of a room, you can use the online calculator.
Online calculator for calculating solid fuel furnace
Selecting the oven for a bath on the wood: what you should pay attention to
Before you opt for a particular furnace, you need to decide what will be the bath. It can be "Russian" or "Finnish". The differences between them are fundamental. Russian sauna due to the humid and soft steam, and hence the oven for it to be open. Finnish sauna means more powerful and at the same time, dry heat and it uses a closed type furnace on the rocks where the water is not poured. Choice depends entirely on the wishes of the home worker, and hence the best wood stoves for baths for each will have their own.
When you select should pay attention to the weight of the construction - if it is large, you may need additional strengthening of the foundation, which is not always possible to do with already constructed bath. Furnace sizes are also very important.
If you make a mistake during installation, the floor may burn, and it will need to be changed. And it is possible and the entire bath to burn.
Note! The area of such premises as the room is usually quite small. So it is sufficient to purchase a compact version. Of course, and the volume of the water tank should be calculated based on the number of people.
Nowadays, quite popular was the installation of wood burning stoves for long baths. By choosing this option, you can not worry about the fact that the fuel is consumed too much. Such designs are capable of supporting combustion to 10 hours from a kindling.
Even when buying a furnace not be discounted, and brand reputation. After studying the customer reviews about the quality, complexity of the installation and possible problems in the operation of making the right choice of bath tub with a stove vodybudet much easier.
Let's try to start to consider what furnace Finnish saunas It offers manufacturers in the Russian market.

Some features of Finnish stoves and a brief overview of these products in the Russian market
The most famous brands in this segment are such manufacturers as Harvia, Kastor and Termofor. It is on them, and let us a little bit more
Make and model | Photo | The type and size, see | power, kWt | The presence of the chimney | price, rub. |
Harvia Legend 240 | ![]() | Closed, 60x83x60 | 21 | there is | 26500 |
TERMOFOR Vitruvius | ![]() | Closed, 68 × 78.5 × 66.5 | 18 | there is | 22000 |
KASTOR Karhu-20 PK | ![]() | Closed, 49x78x51 | 18 | there is | 36500 |
As you can see, the Finnish furnace for a bath on the wood, "Castor" although more compact, but have a greater value than the products of other brands. Of course, one of the furnace of the entire line of models will not work to make a definite conclusion. Still more widely Finnish oven today will not be considered to offer a more usual for our latitude Russian version bath. Moreover, the various modifications of these furnaces in our market is much larger, which is not surprising. After all, our people are more accustomed to precisely this kind.
A detailed review of furnaces with a tank for baths: price and customer reviews
Nowadays you can buy fairly inexpensive furnace for a bath on the wood, but it is necessary to understand that the lower the cost of the equipment, the less functional. Offer see how it looks like in the interior of the oven, and we move on to the models in more detail after examining the photo review.
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Important information! It is necessary to remember that the best wood stoves for baths - are those that are suitable in all respects. And it does not depend on the make, model or country of origin.
Consider the most well-known designs are popular among Russian consumers.
The product of "Litke" - furnace for the sauna "Vesuvius"
It is no exaggeration to say that today is the most famous and popular wood-burning stove for a bath in the Russian market. Products of this brand are of high quality and a fairly wide range. Let's try to understand what can be like a furnace, and what is the average cost of such products.
Model / Image | Warm area, m2 | Characteristics | Chimney, mm | Cost, rub. |
Russian steam oven VESUVIUS ![]() | 10-28 |
| 115 | From 20 500 to 25 500 |
Oven VESUVIUS Russian pairs (talkohlorid)![]() | 18-30 |
| 150 | 72 500 |
Oven VESUVIUS Skif 16 ![]() | 6-16 |
| 115 | From 10 400 to 18 750 |
Oven VESUVIUS Skif 22 ![]() | 8-22 |
| 115 | 11 400 to 22 500 |
Oven VESUVIUS Skif 28 ![]() | 10-28 |
| 115 | From 12 900 to 23 900 |
Oven VESUVIUS Skif 38 ![]() | 20-38 |
| 115 | From 24 500 to 41 200 |
About the distribution of such furnaces price categories for a bath "Vesuvius." The review is not mentioned even one of the models of this equipment, which is the most popular of the series. This, of course, cast-iron stove for baths "Vesuvius Legend". Here's how to respond to it by those who have already installed it in his bath.
Analytical grade, Russia: I have a little model, Vesuvius stove "Legend" of iron, she did not care all, it stands for 3 years, only the grille tint once a year, so that was not rusty. It fired the truth for a long time, the thickness of 12mm. but then it holds heat for a long time... I bought it in a store to the article 100 kilns in Aramil. Who's supposed to, they have everything there.
Advantages: some pros
Disadvantages: yes no cons
More on Otzovik:
Very good people and speak about the "Vesuvius Skif" furnaces for baths, which are present in our review.

Hephaestus - global brand from Belarus
This company needs no introduction - the name is so familiar to everybody, and that have nothing to add. Their cost is slightly higher than the previous brand, but not because of the fact that the quality of higher and more expensive materials. The case is just as famous. Indicative price range for cast iron stoves "Hephaestus" - from 25,000 to 230,000 rubles. But in spite of such a high cost of the product of this brand have a lot of fans and enough demand. But any reviews about Stoves for baths "Hephaestus" can be found on the Internet.
Vlad Varley: I used to live on the principle of "the economy must be economical," squander the money was not used, but the cheap stuff I do not like. Always choose wisely! So I bought a stove for baths Hephaestus PB-02 M.Krepky cast iron, which will serve for years, of course, brought about changes in the selection. By the summer of fully updated baths, old iron stove was too bad, but 5 years worked fine, and then just spread across the seams. Bath often drown in the summer with the whole family literally living in the country. I like to relax after a hard day, park with fragrant oil subjects, broom birch warm up.
More on StroyPortal:
One of the leading Russian producers of furnaces for baths - "Ermak"
There is no doubt, worthy of close attention manufacturer of furnaces for baths. Thus the cost of such devices is small in comparison with others. Here are a few examples.
Model | The average cost, rubles. |
12 | 8000 |
12 C | 9200 |
16 | 9300 |
With 16 | 10500 |
16 PS | 13800 |
20 | 11800 |
With 20 | 13000 |
20 PS | 16500 |
As you can see, "Ermak" stoves are quite a budget option steam equipment. What customers say about this brand?
krasnov: I bought at the beginning of the year Ermak-16. Oven pleased: oven heats up quickly, most comfortable in it, that it is universal, ie, where you can put any side heat exchanger, respectively imposed connect the tank with water, and hang grid-heater or a tank, all this can be done after the acquisition oven. About the intricacies of the walls (as written above qejiqo), strange, but the manufacturer claims that the responsible elements are made of steel 6 mm thick, and the body of steel of 3-4 mm. Cost too, price / quality is also real. I recommend.
More on:

Basically reviews of "Ermak" furnaces for baths positive. There are also not very good, but almost all cause of discontent improper installation or operation, so their objective is unlikely to be called. After all, hardly anyone is able to admit that the output of any device or equipment - it's his fault. Easier to blame the manufacturer.
"Teplodar" - another well-known domestic manufacturer
Prices for the products of this brand as very democratic. Buy "Teplodar" stove can cost from 9,000 to 140,000 rubles. Lineup is extensive, but virtually identical to the previous manufacturer, and therefore we will not dwell on it. But with the opinion of the owners of such stoves is worth reading.
Lasarus, Russia, Saint-Petersburg: When we chose the furnace for a bath, then immediately decided - no import furnace. First - Russian furnace were always the best, and materials (steel, etc... better), and secondly - what imported furnace for Russian bath? Fancy us to anything. This oven is made in Russia. Company Teplodar. This oven is designed for 4-9 cubic meters. m. Since we are usually steamed no more than three people at a time, the steam itself, we have about 10 cubic meters. m. However, this oven with enough margin. Melt the oven for one and a half / two o'clock - we in the steam room of about 98C ...
Advantages: One huge plus warm.
Disadvantages: They are not
More on Otzovik:

Such rave reviews on the stove for "Teplodar" bath quite a lot and it makes no sense today to get acquainted with all - but that is impossible. Dear reader himself can find them on the Internet, if there is such a desire.
"Termofor" - probably the most famous manufacturer
Out of all these brands today, "Termofor", perhaps the most common. And all because of the very wide range of models and have a valid budget options. Here are only some of them. After all, in order to consider all have to do a separate article.
Model | Photo | Material | Weight, kg | Dimensions, cm | The volume of air being heated, m2 | price, rub. |
wasp Carbon | ![]() | Cast iron | 40 | 66h41.5h60.5 | from 4 to 9 | 8000 |
wasp Inox | ![]() | Stainless steel | 30 | 66h41.5h60.5 | from 4 to 9 | 9000 |
Sayan Mini Carbon | ![]() | Cast iron | 40,5 | 74h53h61 | from 4 to 9 | 14000 |
Sayan Mini Inox | ![]() | Stainless steel | 30,5 | 74h53h61 | from 4 to 9 | 15000 |
Geyser Mini 2016 Carbon | ![]() | Cast iron | 58 | 73h41.5h77 | from 4 to 9 | 14000 |
CD 2013 Carbon | ![]() | Cast iron | 57 | 73h41.5h70.5 | 6 to 12 | 10000 |
CD 2013 Inox | ![]() | Stainless steel | 39 | 73h41.5h70.5 | 6 to 12 | 11000 |
Aurora Inox | ![]() | Stainless steel | 56 | 83h41.5h79 | 8 to 18 | 17000 |
Tunguska 2011 Carbon | ![]() | Cast iron | 62 | 83h41.5h80 | 8 to 18 | 12000 |
Tunguska 2011 Inox | ![]() | Stainless steel | 56 | 83h41.5h80 | 8 to 18 | 15000 |
Angara Inox | ![]() | Stainless steel | 65 | 83h41.5h79 | 8 to 18 | 15000 |
Angara 2012 Carbon | ![]() | Cast iron | 77 | 83h41.5h90 | 8 to 18 | 17000 |
And of course, where do without an example of reviews on the stove for a bath on the wood by "Termofor". But a little step back from the elevation line. We offer you not a perfect review of the network.
shela1522, Russia, Orel: Virtually all sauna stoves of different plants out of 115 mm, except for a few models of furnaces, designed for a large amount of steam, and in any other furnace firebox recommended dry birch firewood. Better to choose the stove with a margin of 4-6 cubes on heat loss, then the oven will last longer. There are cleaners for the chimney, not necessarily to dismantle the chimney to clean it. And the rest agree with the recall. And esche- entire line of models of furnaces Termofor with little heaters, respectively, quickly heats the room and cools quickly. If you want to maintain the heat longer (to dry lining), better to choose another production plant.
Advantages: Quickly heats the room, takes up little space, if the steel firebox inox (stainless steel), the oven is much more
Disadvantages: Rapidly cools down to the furnace includes a small amount of stones. If you are using metal Carbon (structural steel) -a plant is now actively injects it was her, the warranty period of 1 year, in contrast to the inox-3 years.
More on Otzovik:

Thus it can be concluded that the stoves "Termofor" sufficiently convenient for small spaces with good thermal insulation. In this model we have a pretty attractive price.
Related article:
Housing furnace on continuous burning wood. Comfortable stay in a country house depends on the presence of a heating system. A better choice would be the continuous burning furnace. About her and talk in a special publication.
Summing up
In conclusion, I would like to say that today cast iron stoves for bath - it is very practical, inexpensive and stylish. The appearance of their sometimes striking - it does not matter whether the oven is made of "antique" or a modern design. A different price categories allow you to select both low and high-end version - it all depends on the financial possibilities. In any case, the buyer will be pleased with the acquisition.
We hope that the information contained in the article was for someone useful. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the discussion. Write and ask or share your thoughts on the topic, or feedback on a particular model.

Finally I would like to present you a video on the installation of such a stove with his hands: