Whether the house will be warm even in severe frost depends largely on the condition of the walls. Warm air heated by batteries and heaters leaves the room through cracks and poor insulation. Solving this problem in a multi-storey building requires significant effort that may not be available. time, effort, and money, both from residents and representatives of the local administration or service companies. Therefore, it is easier for owners to create comfortable conditions on their own and insulate their apartment.
When choosing how to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside, one should start from the material of the construction and decoration of the walls, the shape of the room, its size. It depends on which insulation will effectively protect the room from the cold, and which will not cope with such a function.
When wall insulation is impossible from the outside
In accordance with building standards, the insulation of the house must be external. This method is safer than the internal one, it does not reduce sometimes very valuable square meters of living space and evenly protects the building from hypothermia. But there are situations when external insulation is impossible.
There are two main ones:
- The design of the facade does not allow it to be insulated from the outside;
- The building is recognized as a historical heritage, and it is forbidden to change its appearance even if insulation is necessary due to insufficient temperature in accordance with SanPiN standards.
If external insulation is present, but its effectiveness is not enough, you will also have to deal with wall insulation from the inside. In general, this list is exhaustive, with the exception of special cases.

Is it possible to insulate the walls indoors
There is no direct prohibition on insulation. Also, there are no documents regulating how to insulate a cold wall from the inside in an apartment. The owner independently chooses the material, the method of fastening, the place for insulation. If the resulting insulation does not protect well from the cold, condensation forms on it, then the owners will also have to solve the resulting problems on their own.
Note! Low-quality insulation will create an unfavorable environment in neighboring rooms, including in other apartments. Therefore, when deciding on the device of internal insulation, remember the level of responsibility that you impose on yourself.
Disadvantages of internal insulation
Warming an apartment from the inside is convenient in its own way, because it can be done independently, without waiting for approval from the administration. However, in addition to the existing advantages, this method of increasing the thermal insulation performance of a home has a number of disadvantages. These include the following:
- Any violation of technology with internal insulation threatens the emergence of a number of troubles associated with negative changes in the microclimate in the apartment. These include, for example, the formation of condensation. It appears on the surface between the insulation and the wall on which the material was mounted;
- Lack of proper insulation effect. This problem is eternally relevant, because due to improper installation of heat-insulating material, there will be no benefit from it. And, as you know, many apartment owners who want to save money on the production of work, resort to self-assembly, not having even the slightest idea about the technology;
- Reducing the area of living quarters. This disadvantage is especially relevant in the case of insulating small apartments in which every extra meter of rooms counts;
- Quite a high price. Of course, wall insulation is not worth millions, but given the current financial situation of ordinary citizens, it can hit the pocket. If you completely follow the technology, purchasing all the necessary materials, and even hiring workers, then the thermal insulation will become, if not gold, then gilded.
How to properly insulate a house from the inside: a few universal tips
There are several “instructions” on how and with what to insulate the walls in an apartment with your own hands. They are known as "Our Father" by every slightest literate builder. They boil down to the following:
- Prepare the wall for insulation correctly: seal cracks, treat them with an antifungal and anti-mold compound;
- Consider the humidity and temperature differences in the room both when choosing materials and performing work. This is especially true for the kitchen and bathroom;
- Mount the insulation only on dry, even walls, apply the glue with a frequent comb;
- Insulate all joints between the insulation panels so that it does not freeze;
- If there are cold bridges, then take this into account when calculating the required thickness and thermal conductivity of the material. If you do not take into account these nuances, there may not be any sense from insulation.
Note! The materials used to insulate the wall from the inside in the apartment must have a vapor permeability lower than the main wall. This will allow water vapor to escape and prevent moisture from lingering on the finish.
Several aspects of proper insulation
When choosing how to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside, you need to choose the right material. And this is perhaps the most important aspect of correct insulation, except for the installation technology, which was already mentioned above.
When choosing thermal insulation, you should pay attention to three important parameters of the insulation: vapor permeability, weight and thickness. Weight and vapor permeability depend on the material of the walls: heavy materials with low vapor permeability, and for cinder block - only light and permeable to water pair.
The thickness of the material is those centimeters of living space that the insulation can take away. However, sometimes, they still have to be sacrificed for the sake of increasing the comfort of living.
Features of cold wall insulation from the inside
In winter, the walls come into contact with warm air indoors and cold outside. If the building is designed correctly and all building standards are met, then the wall material will always be warmer than the outside air. This has two positive effects: the walls in the apartment remain warm, and the moisture comes out, where it then evaporates.
If you insulate the walls of the apartment from the inside, then the section of the outer wall will become colder than it was before. After all, the heat-insulating material will prevent the penetration of heat outside, keeping it inside the apartment, and not allowing it to heat the wall anymore.
At the same time, the cold wall will contact the insulation, and condensation may appear at the point of contact. To avoid this, wall insulation must be combined with a year-round ventilation device or the installation of special filters on windows that will perform a ventilated function.

Dew point: the physics of the phenomenon
The ratio of humidity and temperature at which steam turns into droplets is called the dew point. Under natural conditions, fog, dew, frost and clouds are formed in this way.
If the water vapor is at the dew point, it is called saturated. The amount of steam at which it becomes saturated depends on the temperature: the colder, the less steam is required. To indicate how close the steam is to the dew point for a given temperature, use the relative humidity, which is expressed as a percentage. 100% is saturated steam, which is ready to fall out in the form of fog or dew.
In construction, a dew point is not a point on a temperature scale, but an area in which water vapor can become saturated. This point should always be outside the wall on the street side. To achieve this effect in winter, you need to carefully calculate the vapor permeability and thermal conductivity of surfaces. In any weather, the outer wall of the building must be warmer than the surrounding air so that the vapor evaporates from its surface and has time to disperse before it falls out in the form of frost. It should be borne in mind that in frost the dew point approaches the wall, and in warm weather it moves away.
If the temperature difference between the wall and the outdoor air is insufficient, the dew point moves closer to the wall or into it. Moisture condenses on the surface or between layers of material at the contact points of cold and warm air. This leads to negative consequences, which are:
- In the destruction of materials;
- Freezing of the wall in frost;
- The appearance of mold and mildew.
The best materials and methods of thermal insulation: selection criteria and an overview of market leaders
The easiest and cheapest way to insulate a wall is to hang a carpet or thick wallpaper. But it is also the least effective one. A much more effective method to insulate a wall from the inside in an apartment is to install thermal insulation material that is attached (glued) to the wall and subsequently, as a rule, covered with finishing. At the same time, the thickness of the insulation layer is calculated in such a way that the dew point remains outside in any weather. However, it is not only the thickness of the material that matters, but also the technical qualities of the insulating products.
Insulation materials should be characterized by the following properties:
- The effectiveness of thermal insulation, which is largely determined by the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The lower it is, the better;
- Safety for the health of people and pets;
- Flame retardant (as far as possible);
- Safe for the environment;
- Small thickness;
- Optimal cost.
On a note! When choosing how to insulate a cold wall from the inside of an apartment, you need to pay attention not only to the characteristics of the material, but also to its “compatibility” with the base of the walls.
That is, for example, in the case of thermal insulation of a brick wall, it is better to use one insulation, and in the case of concrete, another.
Insulation types
Asked the question of how to insulate the walls of the apartment from the inside with your own hands and what material to choose at the same time? There are several options. The most popular of them are mineral wool or so-called “foamed” heaters. Both materials are light enough, effectively protect from cold and noise, and their vapor permeability is suitable for any walls.
However, of course, these are far from the only possible options, and we will turn our attention to an exhaustive list of the most effective and demanded thermal insulation materials.
Polyurethane foam
This material is produced in the form of foam, as well as sheets or blocks of pre-hardened raw materials. Spray foam can be applied to surfaces of any shape and configuration, including complex ones. The material is sold in cans, each of which is accompanied by detailed instructions for use.
The advantages of polyurethane foam:
- Leaves no gaps, seams or glues;
- Does not require complex installation work;
- Does not get wet;
- Meets all safety requirements;
- Differs in low consumption (if you use a spray can);
- Apply in a thin layer;
- It has increased efficiency, which is especially important when using foam blocks, which contain inert gas instead of air bubbles.
Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting:
- The high cost of the material and the need to purchase or rent equipment for spraying;
- Picky to storage conditions (polyurethane foam cannot be left for a long time in direct sunlight, they impair the protective properties);
- Availability of requirements for the timing of the subsequent finishing of polyurethane foam. After curing, you need to start finishing as soon as possible.
Liquid ceramics
Liquid ceramics are considered one of the most innovative and modern materials for insulation. It is a thick paint or paste that can be applied evenly to the wall. This is enough to obtain good thermal insulation without seams and joints. Among the advantages, manufacturers indicate: a thin layer that does not take away living space, low stress on structures and ease of application.
The main disadvantage of thermal paint is its high cost. As for the material consumption, it depends on the method of application: if you use a roller or brush, it will be more, if you take a spray gun, it will be less.
Reviews of this type of thermal insulation are contradictory, since such paint has only recently appeared on the construction market.
Penofol is produced in the form of rolls of soft insulation. It is based on foamed polyethylene, to which foil is welded on one or both sides. In single-layer foam, the second side can act as an adhesive layer with which the material is glued to the wall.
The disadvantages include a complex installation technology. Under the insulation, you need to prepare a crate, on which you should subsequently attach the foam foil with the foil side inward (if it is one). On top of it, it is necessary to mount another crate, on which a plasterboard layer (gypsum board) is attached, and only after that, wallpaper is glued or another finish is made.
Despite the thinness of the layer of the insulation itself, this is far from the best option when deciding how to insulate a corner wall in an apartment from the inside under the wallpaper. Obviously, the two battens will take up too much space.
On a note! Penofol is not glued with an overlap, but end-to-end. In this case, the resulting gaps are glued with tape.
Polyphom is another type of polyethylene foam. Unlike penofol, it is denser and does not have an additional foil layer. In terms of the effectiveness of thermal insulation, the material is equal to half the thickness of the brickwork. Polyform does not require prior leveling and wall plastering.
Just like penofol, this material is mounted end-to-end, and not overlapped. The joints, again, are glued with tape. Only unlike a competitor, polyform does not require a lathing device and installation of drywall over the material. And by the way, it can be used as a background for wallpaper.
Mineral wool is one of the most popular thermal insulation materials. It is produced in the form of panels that are mounted on a flat wall or on a crate.
The material is effective, inexpensive and durable. Of the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the need for careful preparation of the walls. But a more serious problem is a significant displacement of the dew point into the room. Condensate quickly destroys the mineral wool, because of it, it can freeze through.
Insulation from expanded polystyrene
Expanded polystyrene is a block insulation that needs to be mounted on a flat wall. The thickness of the blocks is relatively large, therefore, a reduction in living space when using this material cannot be avoided. Apart from the need to level the wall, the installation of expanded polystyrene can be called easy and quick. At the same time, the efficiency of thermal insulation is high, and the cost is relatively low.
Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the complex "relationship" with moisture. Expanded polystyrene does not absorb it, but significantly shifts the dew point into the room. Condensation builds up between it and the wall, gradually destroying the base material. Without good ventilation, the wall will quickly turn black and mold.
Extruded polystyrene foam
Extruded polystyrene foam differs from its counterpart in greater strength and durability. It is produced under several brands, the most famous of which is Penoplex. It shifts the dew point less and causes condensation less often.
Both types of polystyrene have a common disadvantage - flammability. It is categorically impossible to use them in a wooden house. When foam burns, substances harmful to health and the environment are released into the air.

Styrofoam use
Polyfoam is very light in weight and easy to install. It can be cut with an ordinary knife and shaped into the desired shape. It is also one of the cheapest materials, so when choosing how to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside under wallpaper or other material, you should pay attention to the foam.
And now it will be fair to note the shortcomings. So, it is worth remembering that condensation will constantly accumulate between the wall and the foam, which needs to go somewhere. Therefore, it is not recommended to attach non-breathable finishes, such as tiles, over the foam. Instead, it is better to use wallpaper or, say, plaster.
Application of keramoizol
Keramoizol is a specific liquid coating. It is not afraid of moisture, temperature extremes and fire. You can work in any weather, but only with good ventilation. Keramoizol is suitable for any surfaces: concrete, brick, wood, foamed varieties of the former. The main disadvantage of this thermal insulation material is the price.
Insulation penoizol
Penoizol (Izolon) surpasses mineral wool in terms of thermal insulation characteristics and takes up significantly less space. The material is sold in liquid form and is applied to the surface using a spray gun. It can be used not only as heat, but also as sound insulation when fixed, for example, on dividing walls.
The main problem with penoizol is its lack of strength. It is impossible to fix anything to a wall treated with foam insulation. When it dries out, voids may appear, which will become cold bridges. Contact with air and mechanical damaging factors is strictly contraindicated. Polystyrene can be used to insulate the walls of the apartment from the inside only under the wallpaper.
Using Astratek
Astratek is another liquid insulation for walls. It contains ceramic hemispheres and a binder. It can be applied with a brush, roller or spray gun like regular paint. Insulation is effective, it does not require preliminary preparation of the walls. However, "Astratek" is very expensive, which clearly speaks not in its favor.
How to insulate walls in a panel and monolithic house?
The walls of a panel house let water vapor pass well and cool down easily in winter. Therefore, residents often complain that the house is cold. If there is no high-quality external insulation, you have to solve the problem from inside the apartment.
For thermal insulation of panel walls, materials with high vapor permeability are most suitable: expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, liquid mixtures. The same recommendations apply to monolithic walls.
Wall insulation using the "electric floor" method
If it is not possible to fix the insulation on the wall, you can lay a "warm floor" on it. Then the wall will become a source of heat, not cold. It is best to do this under a window or near a balcony door, from where it most often blows.
The advantages of this type of thermal insulation are that there is no need to install heaters, which will take up space and create a fire hazard.
It is also worth noting that when creating a "warm floor" on the wall, the effect of constant and uniform heating is achieved. But it is worth remembering that when the electrical system is installed, electricity bills will increase.
Installation of insulation on brick walls
Almost any thermal insulation, including heavy insulation, can be attached to a brick wall. Sometimes cork is used, which is a natural, durable and wear-resistant material. But it should be borne in mind that the cork takes up a lot of space, so if there is a shortage of it, you should pay attention to lightweight foam materials.
On a note! The vapor permeability of bricks is relatively low, which is why almost any material will be in place.
Features of warming a room in a panel and brick house
It makes sense to insulate only one wall in the room - the one that faces the street. If this is an end room, then two walls will need to be protected from the cold. The choice of the thickness of the insulation depends on the size of the room: the smaller it is, the thinner the layer should be.
A universal option is mineral wool or foam materials. In a brick house, it is better to use insulation that has a minimum coefficient of thermal conductivity due to its high rate in bricks.
Reviews and recommendations from builders and ordinary people
Reviews on the web are extremely diverse. Builders have their favorite and least favorite materials. The most controversial opinion is about liquid insulation. The undisputed leaders of opinions are mineral wool and polyfom, they are effective and easy to install. You don't have to be a specialist to understand how to work with them, because even photos and videos from the network can help.
Wall insulation from inside the apartment is an extreme option, relevant if the room is very cold, and external thermal insulation cannot be expected for certain reasons. In order for an event on internal insulation to be beneficial, not harmful, you need to choose the right material and calculate all the insulation parameters. Another important condition is good ventilation and strict adherence to the installation technology.