πŸ• Aviary for dogs, photo: instructions for creating comfortable and attractive enclosure.

The content of the dog brings about changes in the life of the owners. A sound approach to the arrangement of space for your pet, especially if it's large size, requires a serious approach, investment and energy. Editorial HouseChief.ru proposes to make an enclosure for the dog (photos and drawings you will be provided), to pet feel comfortable and safe.

Cozy aviary can arrange your dog quiet sleep and rest
Cozy aviary can arrange your dog quiet sleep and rest

Read article

  • 1 What types of enclosures for dogs can be build with their own hands with photos of structures
  • 2 How to build your own hands outdoor enclosure for dogs
    • 2.1 How to choose the installation outdoor enclosure for large and medium-sized dogs
    • 2.2 What better use of building materials
    • 2.3 What tools are needed for work
    • 2.4 Calculating the enclosure dimensions for a dog and create a drawing
    • 2.5 How to create a solid foundation and deck enclosure
    • 2.6 How to install the wall of the house for a dog and Trellis fencing enclosure
    • 2.7 Installation of the roof with his hands dog cage
    • 2.8 Installing the door and the equipment room to sleep and feeding dog
  • 3 How to make your own hands home cage for dogs
    • 3.1 The choice of materials and the calculation of the enclosure size for a dog in the apartment
    • 3.2 for the manufacture of their own hands guide home aviary for puppies and dogs
  • 4 Basic mistakes when creating enclosures for dogs

What types of enclosures for dogs can be build with their own hands with photos of structures

Not necessarily spend a lot of money to buy an enclosure for dogs. It is better to spend time and build your own structure, which will serve faithfully, to give to the worthy contribution to its own self-esteem.

At first, we shall understand why you need a cage, and then consider the typical construction.

So aviary - is:

  • complete personal space animal habitat;
  • protection from weather;
  • territory protection from unauthorized walking;
  • the safety of the animal from the outside world in the absence of the owner.
πŸ• How to make an enclosure for dogs favorite: manual, drawings, photos
This building will be an outlet for many dog ​​owners.

By type of structure dog cages are divided into temporary closed and capital.

Open or closed temporary structures fenced grid, at least - the fence. Roof is absent in buildings open. In the closed type it is supposed to shed.
Open or closed temporary structures fenced grid, at least - the fence. Roof is absent in buildings open. In the closed type it is supposed to shed.
Closed type looks thoroughly at the expense of the roof and flooring. This also sets the booth.
Closed type looks thoroughly at the expense of the roof and flooring. This also sets the booth.
Capital structure are stationary and mounted on a firm base.
Capital structure are stationary and mounted on a firm base.

How to build your own hands outdoor enclosure for dogs

As long as the puppy grows up, it's time to think about his future whereabouts. For the construction of the enclosure is necessary to determine the place of construction, drawings, materials, tools and time.

πŸ• How to make an enclosure for dogs favorite: manual, drawings, photos
For the construction of a beautiful enclosure for the dog to have good skills of handling the material and tools. But even without experience in such work should be remembered that excessive haste not benefit, but the phased approach and the study of all aspects of the process can work wonders.

How to choose the installation outdoor enclosure for large and medium-sized dogs

If you want to build a cage with his hands for the Huskies, Shepherds, Alabai, and other non-small dogs, the process is complicated by the fact that the space under the constitution will take a lot, and material consumption increases.

It is better to set the structure so that the dog saw the entrance to the house.
It is better to set the structure so that the dog saw the entrance to the house.

When choosing a location nearby fence or on the side that is farther away from the noisy streets, prefer silence. There is no need once again to irritate your pet.

No smelly places close should not be.
No smelly places close should not be.
It is desirable to provide a space for animal viewing.
It is desirable to provide a space for animal viewing.

Aviary is not positioned in the lowlands due to the threat of flooding in flood and storm weather.

Admission is not placed with the hot south, and from the neutral east and west. On the north side of the winter will have to often work shovel.

What better use of building materials

When you select a stationary enclosure one wall make deaf. For this purpose, or wood, or brick.

Warmed option involves three blank walls.
Warmed option involves three blank walls.

You can save on building materials and attach the enclosure to the wall of the house.

The more complex and beautiful the expected results, the greater the cost of materials. For processing wood requires additional tools and skills.
The more complex and beautiful the expected results, the greater the cost of materials. For processing wood requires additional tools and skills.
See more photos outdoor enclosures for dogs, you can select someone suitable idea or draw a rough drawing with the necessary dimensions for a specific dog.
See more photos outdoor enclosures for dogs, you can select someone suitable idea or draw a rough drawing with the necessary dimensions for a specific dog.

What tools are needed for work

For the manufacture of the enclosure, and Booths for dogs pick up tools, depending on the materials.

For working with wood needed screwdriver, hacksaw or fretsaw, Screws for wood, metal corners. If the roof is made of corrugated board, harvest shears to the material or acquire a special attachment on a drill.

To assemble the metal frame is useful welding machine and a set of electrodes.

Calculating the enclosure dimensions for a dog and create a drawing

In any construction work can not do without drawing. On the basis of the drawings is easy to calculate the right amount of materials, agree on a place under the cage. You do not have to invent anything and calculate: dog breeders have long since counted all the rules. Only the most important parameters of a dog: if you want, the enclosure can be made more than the recommended standards, but less - does not.

We observe approximate norms for the sake of convenience and health of a loved animal.
We observe approximate norms for the sake of convenience and health of a loved animal.
The calculation of the figures should include all elements of the dog's residence.
The calculation of the figures should include all elements of the dog's residence.
All diagrams and drawings are simple and clear.
All diagrams and drawings are simple and clear.
If you plan to acquire offspring of a favorite dog, then think over the place to give birth, in which the first time live puppies, as well as the winter road. To do this, make the bed on a raised platform on the cold floor.
If you plan to acquire offspring of a favorite dog, then think over the place to give birth, in which the first time live puppies, as well as the winter road. To do this, make the bed on a raised platform on the cold floor.
At the year-round maintenance of the beast in a cage on the street equip a full winter road. Take the finished drawing with dimensions of the enclosure for the dog and go directly to step construction.
At the year-round maintenance of the beast in a cage on the street equip a full winter road. Take the finished drawing with dimensions of the enclosure for the dog and go directly to step construction.
Once land allows, under the dog walking you can leave enough space.
Once land allows, under the dog walking you can leave enough space.
If a few animals, and they are of different sexes, it is necessary to divide the cage for two or more dogs.
If a few animals, and they are of different sexes, it is necessary to divide the cage for two or more dogs.

Animals do not always have to settle for "apartments". But the resettlement places should be enough for every animal.

πŸ• How to make an enclosure for dogs favorite: manual, drawings, photos
Side view shows all the nuances of the structure.

Well, when you can give a dog a place in the paddock and on the platform, and on open ground. This will allow the animal to walk in any weather.

Small breed dogs, especially dwarf feel uncomfortable in large cells.
Small breed dogs, especially dwarf feel uncomfortable in large cells.
Seasonal dog housing in outdoor environments organized on the open ground or lawn. Here, the value is the size of the booth, and the area may be equal to the recommended rocks or more.
Seasonal dog housing in outdoor environments organized on the open ground or lawn. Here, the value is the size of the booth, and the area may be equal to the recommended rocks or more.

Important! Large and medium-sized breed can jump over the fence height of 3 meters. Therefore or provides a decent height, or do the roof.

With regard to the calculation of the parameters of the enclosure for the Huskies, here take into account the enormous activity of this breed. House them closely, but arranged territory with 10-15 square meters will not be sad pet.

How to create a solid foundation and deck enclosure

Cages for dogs, especially impressive design for large breeds, begin to build a gasket foundation - eg, tape. If you neglect this step, a few months later the structure is able to noticeably prosest.

Pier foundation is also quite durable.
Pier foundation is also quite durable.

The dog cage choose any type of floor: wood flooring - warm, concrete strainer - especially durable and can not be spoiled claws of the beast. The floors are also made of asphalt or soil.

Concrete - not the best choice for the animal. On a hot plate in the winter it is very cold.
Concrete - not the best choice for the animal. On a hot plate in the winter it is very cold.

Asphalt gets very hot in the summer, and that it lay, need equipment.

Small volerchiki look like designer houses in the area. Such home-cages for small dogs make for a seasonal residence, so there is always a wooden floor.
Small volerchiki look like designer houses in the area. Such home-cages for small dogs make for a seasonal residence, so there is always a wooden floor.
Wood treated with antiseptic annually, which significantly prolongs its life. If you put on the floor of 25-30 cm above ground level, the pet will be warmer and longer boards will remain intact.
Wood treated with antiseptic annually, which significantly prolongs its life. If you put on the floor of 25-30 cm above ground level, the pet will be warmer and longer boards will remain intact.

Floor made of cut boards with a thickness of 40 mm, and timber rectangular cross-section. All material is treated with antiseptic immediately. First make joists and frame to the floor, spread it on the board. Flooring fix screws and screwdrivers.

How to install the wall of the house for a dog and Trellis fencing enclosure

When the base and flooring ready to be transferred to the stage of building walls. Further work is going according to the selected material.

Alternatively, the walls erected from the frame and mesh-gittera.
Alternatively, the walls erected from the frame and mesh-gittera.

Metal wall mounted using welding machine.

If the base - board, it is necessary to select a preset format of a metal mesh.
If the base - board, it is necessary to select a preset format of a metal mesh.
All panels with mesh inserted into the frame.
All panels with mesh inserted into the frame.
In the absence of welding machine and welding skills should still apply to wooden models.
In the absence of welding machine and welding skills should still apply to wooden models.

If the product is made of metal mesh and pile, then it is welded to it. When using shaped tubes operating principle is the same.

Installation of the roof with his hands dog cage

The construction of the enclosure for the dog completes the erection roof and installation doors. Canopy is needed in any case: the dog can live outdoors from spring to autumn, and the weather is happening in any given day. Hot sun, too easy to damage the health of four-legged friend.

From what we can make a roof:

  • slate;
  • decking;
  • wood and roofing material;
  • soft tile;
  • awning fabric.

Do both dual and Shed roofs.

By metal frame sutured corrugated sheets.
By metal frame sutured corrugated sheets.
If the wooden frame, the roofing principle still remains the same as with the metal frame.
If the wooden frame, the roofing principle still remains the same as with the metal frame.

When using the awning fabric it simply pull on the frame and fasten. But first you have to find the dimensions and ask her that not everyone can.

The roof can cover not all but only a place where there is flooring.
The roof can cover not all but only a place where there is flooring.
Work with the pent roof is not much.
Work with the pent roof is not much.

When the choice is made in favor of the roofing material, first in the framework need to fill sheets OSBAnd have their sheathing with roofing felt or soft tiles.

Installing the door and the equipment room to sleep and feeding dog

The front door should be convenient to the owner, and not assume that it will bend over at the entrance.

The most important - should function properly hinges and latch.
The most important - should function properly hinges and latch.

How to make your own hands home cage for dogs

Aviary with their hands for the Shepherds in a flat to make problematic. For the beast with serious dimensions need no less impressive enclosure sizes. But for less than the average rock it is quite possible the construction of a small hassle volerchika. This does not mean that the dog will sit in it around the clock: it is a necessary measure during the arrival of guests, cleaning, With a brief absence, the master of the house. Also in this nook whelp family favorite feel protected, and growing up kids will not spoil all the furniture in the apartment.

Domestic fences - small and very fine, on top of this is the usual coffee table.
Domestic fences - small and very fine, on top of this is the usual coffee table.
Such models can be transferred to another location without much effort.
Such models can be transferred to another location without much effort.

The choice of materials and the calculation of the enclosure size for a dog in the apartment

To create a project home cage for the dog take into account the animal's size and age, as well as the purpose of the construction unit.

Someone prefers all-metal models, but in the house look better wood products with metal rods.
Someone prefers all-metal models, but in the house look better wood products with metal rods.

Depending on the cell type of the future, the bars will be useful mechanisms for locking the door with a screwdriver screws, saw, Boards, plywood.

Calculate the height of the size of the beast help. If the puppy will feel good in the grid with the dimensions of 50 cm, adult small dog requires 60 cm. To the home volerchik easily fit a large dog, a height of 1 meter make.

for the manufacture of their own hands guide home aviary for puppies and dogs

Work is carried out in several stages.

  1. Manufacturing of the carcass of the wooden bars. The frame is fixed with screws or the seating area. Floor made of plywood or boards.
  2. Walling. Here it will be useful narrow boards that need to be cut to the required length. Finished boards fasten with screws, gaps must be the same.
    If volerchik done for the puppy, instead of stronger boards come down plywood.
    If volerchik done for the puppy, instead of stronger boards come down plywood.
  3. Door made of planks and mesh is attached to the door hinges. Do not forget about the lock.

On the floor carpet the soft tissue for easy pet.

Basic mistakes when creating enclosures for dogs

If the home provides enclosure dogs conclusion on the street, the street does not give such freedom in the absence of the owners in the area, or their employment. To simplify the cleaning necessary to make the floor with a slight slope - so dirt easier to wash off with a hose. And in the home cage compartment can be provided for the tray or bar for small needs.

Another mistake is to not take care of securing the trough - active animals are constantly upsetting her.

Taking care of our smaller brothers - entirely on the owners of conscience!