Summer residents are creative people, this is confirmed by many creative ideas in the design of sites. Sometimes ideas are so bold that they can even shock others. Here are some incredible examples that are sure to make a lasting impression on you too. Do you dare to repeat something similar?
Read in the article
1 Garden scarecrows - folk art
2 Garden sculptures are not for the faint of heart
3 When the fence is not what you need
Garden scarecrows - folk art
Scarecrow in the garden is the most popular topic for creativity. Sometimes they are so unusual that they will scare away not only birds, but also random passers-by.
PHOTO: i.ytimg.comThe main thing in making a scarecrow is to use the materials at hand and approach the matter with humor. In this version, the pumpkin harvest went into action.
PHOTO: was definitely not a scarecrow for crows. If you have guests late in the evening, do not forget to make good lighting.PHOTO: cdn.trinixy.ruThe more bright details, the more efficient your garden assistant will work. It is desirable that the details on it ring after the wind blows.PHOTO: can create not a single figure, but a whole composition using gardening equipmentPHOTO: cs4.pikabu.ruThis version of the scarecrow is intended for those who are looking at how to jump over your fence in search of profit. It will look especially good in the light of a flashlight. But do not put such "decorations" on the border with neighbors, they can lose sleepPHOTO: i.pinimg.comIf you still make a scarecrow to protect your beds, it makes sense to choose a traditional pose for a living person in the garden.PHOTO: images.pexels.comAnd yet, moderation in expressing one's creative intentions is important. Because sometimes creativity can lead to heart attack or stroke.PHOTO: pbs.twimg.comYou can also express your political views or attitude towards higher management by making scare sculptures in the garden. It can be a kind of psychotherapy that will boost your mood and self-esteem.
Garden sculptures are not for the faint of heart
Another direction for expressing your creative impulse is garden sculpture. What jewelry is not made of! These are car tires, plastic, and other materials at hand. But here, too, you need to know when to stop, otherwise what you put so much effort into will not attract attention and will not decorate your garden, but on the contrary, will become a source of negative emotions.
PHOTO: i.pinimg.comOddly enough, a collection of zombie gnomes is gaining popularity. Many people order such sculptures as opposed to adorable bunnies and other cute sculptures for the garden. It's hard to understand what drives these people. If you walk in such a garden in the evening, you won't want to sleep for a long time.PHOTO: i.pinimg.comAnd this is a good example of what a novice sculptor can do. Maybe you shouldn't have started? Or at least choose something simpler as a modelPHOTO: cdn.fishki.netTires are a popular material for garden decoration. Just think for yourself: how will such a work affect the children playing in your yard?PHOTO: sometimes even trying to do something more attractive can be of little value. So, using such materials at hand, you need to think carefully about how the result will look.PHOTO: curious - who will live in this hole? If you haven't decided yet, it's better to get a rabbit, otherwise something worse will settle there.
When the fence is not what you need
And one more direction in which summer residents sometimes surpass their wildest expectations is fences. The fence is the first thing your guests or neighbors see. So he can tell a lot about the owners of the house.
PHOTO: i2.wp.comObviously, the owners of this site are engaged in the collection and delivery of scrap metal. Looks creative, but painting such a fence will give you a lot of hassle.PHOTO: pbs.twimg.comThe owner of such a fence is either an athlete or an unlucky entrepreneur with a sporting goods store.PHOTO: bottles of different sizes and materials will immediately signal to your neighbors that you are overusing adult drinks. The fame is dubious, so once again think about whether to advertise your addictions
And there are a lot of such examples of a creative approach. What conclusion can be drawn from this? If you do not want neighbors to shy away from you and your house or discuss you in a negative way, be careful with your creative impulses, otherwise the whole summer cottage village will scatter with crows. Here, for example, with such an approach as in this video, for sure:
Have you seen something like this? Share your observations in the comments!