If only it were that simple! You still haven't decided which is better: a feather pillow or a synthetic one? Yes, it's a tough choice. Synthetics have no foreign smell, breathe well and keep elasticity exactly until the artificial fiber falls into a felt boot. And down pillows are practically eternal, but here they smell... not that much, but still there is it, so stale, from which it would be necessary to get rid of. But do not wash them like synthetics? Or wash? Let's figure it out.
Read in the article
- 1 How to properly care for your feather pillow
- 2 Can I wash it?
- 3 We erase the pillow by hand
- 4 How to wash a pillow in a vending machine
How to properly care for your feather pillow
Our great-grandmothers and their great-grandmothers used feather pillows. So there are age-old rules that for some reason are new to many now.
First of all, the feather pillow needs to be fluffed, and preferably twice a day: in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning, when you leave it to "rest" from night work. What does whipping give?

And the second rule, which goes against the traditional recommendations on the Internet: the pillow needs to be “fried” from time to time in the sun or frozen at sub-zero temperatures. Not in the shadows, as the newly minted bloggers advise, no. Our grandmothers laid out pillows on the stools in the very heat, so that the ultraviolet light dries their contents thoroughly.

Can I wash it?
Of course. What do you think the companies that offer you to upgrade your feather pillows are doing? They just change the pillowcase and wash the fluff. No one there conjures with special compounds and does not clean feathers with special dry chemicals. This is a complete divorce for simpletons. Yes, in principle, what's wrong with doing laundry? It's just that many people consider washing a feather pillow a risky undertaking.

We erase the pillow by hand
If you are going to wash the fluff with your hands, start by carefully sewing the pillowcase. Shake the feathers into a basin and pour warm water from the shower over them. Add washing gel, whisk with your hands and leave to soak for 2-3 hours.

After soapy soaking, you need to gently squeeze out the contents of the basin and rinse several times, adding cool water and draining it as carefully as possible. Try to squeeze the feathers with your hands in the intermediate stages.
Next, you need to decide how to squeeze the feathers to dry. It is not simple. It is best to wrap them in a sheet and squeeze them along with the fabric.

How to wash a pillow in a vending machine
If the pillow is not too bulky, you can wash it in typewriterwithout even taking it out of the pillowcase. And if it is large, you will have to divide it into two parts, each of which is sewn into a pillowcase made of natural dense fabric.

For washing in a machine, you should select a mode for silk or hand wash at a temperature of 30 degrees. Drying will be the same - with manual whipping on a radiator or in the sun.
In addition, learn more about how to wash your pillow in the washing machine. Watching the video:
Have you ever washed a down pillow? Share your experience in the comments!
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