The regime of lifting restrictions in the region entered the second stage. Beauty salons and saunas with an area of up to 400 square meters and with a separate entrance will open in the Moscow region from June 3. There will also be spas, solariums, and washrooms with an area of up to 400 sq. m. The corresponding decree was signed by the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov.
“Beauty salons, beauty salons, spa salons, massage parlors, solariums, saunas and other facilities in which such services are provided (with the exception of services provided by remote method, including with the condition of delivery), organizations providing services of baths and showers <...>, provided with the full-time presence of a citizen, whose activities were previously was suspended in accordance with this resolution, send <...> a notification about the readiness of the facility to resume the provision of services and compliance with the requirements of the standard for organizing the work of enterprises and organizations in the service sector with the full-time presence of a citizen in order to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019), " resolution "RG".
We add that Moscow remains one of the few cities in the country where the ban on the opening of beauty salons and hairdressing salons remains. However, already on May 25, a number of restrictions were lifted - parks, hypermarkets and building materials stores were opened.
Source: Russian newspaper