The commission issued a special independent opinion that the living quarters caught fire because of the LG smart refrigerator. For an unknown reason, he switched to emergency operation, the wallpaper caught fire from the warm exhaust of the compressor, the fire began to spread rapidly.
The victim filed a lawsuit against the Russian representative of LG - LLC LG Electronics Rus. The court ruled that the company must pay the woman more than 2 million rubles - 1.4 million rubles in damages, a fine for refusing peaceful settlement of the conflict in the amount of 732 thousand rubles, compensation for moral damage in the amount of 60 thousand and legal costs (9 thousand rubles).
However, the defendants disagree with the decision. LG representatives say the fire was caused by a flaw in the power strip.
“The court's decision has not entered into legal force,” the company said in an official commentary. The consideration of the case was postponed to July 10, 2020. According to the conclusions set out in the expert judgment No. 098/19 of the fire-technical expertise of May 24, 2019, “on the presented leftovers of the LG household refrigerator do not have signs of emergency operating modes indicating its involvement in ignition source ". According to LLC LG Electronics RUS, on the basis of an independent technical opinion, the cause of the fire is an electrical extension cord, and not a refrigerator from LG.
Source: Lenta.ru