If you are thinking about transferring real estate as a gift, or you want to register your property to the heirs, then it is best to do this by consulting with specialists. Any property, including real estate, can be inherited in four ways: by will, by hereditary contract, according to the law (if there is a kinship with the deceased), if there are grounds that give the right to an obligatory share of the hereditary property. Inheritance is possible only after the death of the owner of the home.
To make a will, additional fees will be required for various services. In Moscow, in 2020, the execution of a will by a notary is 2.4 thousand rubles. rubles, joint will of the spouses - 3.9 thousand. rub. State fee for a will - 100 rubles. You may need additional funds for the services of a notary or a lawyer for drafting the text and consultations.
“Some categories of citizens are exempt from paying the state duty or pay it in the amount of 50% of notarial actions. The size of the state duty does not depend on the method of inheritance, but the most reliable is inheritance by will, ”the experts explain.
The only drawback may be that the testator can change the content of the will at any time and you may not know about these changes. That is why relatives of older people more often use such a procedure as giving. This is the simplest and most affordable option for registering property. In addition, donation between relatives does not create a tax base, unlike a will. If the gifted person is not a close relative, then the gift tax will be 13% of personal income tax of the value of the inheritance.
“If the real estate belongs to the sole owner, then the donation agreement does not need to be certified by a notary. You just draw it up in writing, sign it with your grandson and go to Rosreestr, "says Viktoria Bolshakova, a lawyer at the Yukov & Partners Bar Association.
Any registration of ownership of immovable property includes a state fee for its registration, which is $ 2,000. rubles, when donating a house, it will be necessary to additionally pay for the transfer of land (from 350 to 2 thousand. rub. depending on the purpose of the site). The service of an extract from the house book is provided free of charge. For the provision of information from the USRN, a fee of 300 rubles is charged, and the cost of other services in any case varies depending on the terms of the transaction, explains Bolshakova.
The inheritance contract has become a relatively new way of regulating hereditary relations in Russia. The agreement of the parties must be certified by a notary. Any options and cases can be written in it to achieve guarantees of each of the parties to the transaction. The size of the state duty is 0.5% of the value of the property, but not more than 20 thousand. rub.
Source: RBC Real Estate