We are talking about arbitrariness in the village of Udachnoye in Khimki. The man, permanently residing in the dacha, forced his neighbors to pay him about two million rubles, otherwise the man threatened to completely turn off all communications. Investigative Committee opened a criminal case, this is stated on the website of the main investigation department of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region.
The story began back in September 2017. Then, in Udachny, the water was suddenly turned off for the first time. Then a man came out to the summer residents, who declared that he was the owner of all communications in the village. He demanded that a lump sum of 23 thousand euros be paid to him from each property, and then another 10 euros per person should be paid every month. If the conditions were not met, he threatened to completely deprive the village of water, gas and electricity.
Residents of Udachny appealed to law enforcement agencies. It turned out that the attacker unofficially worked at the construction site of the village and forged contracts - according to the documents, he allegedly invested his personal money in the construction of engineering networks. Then, with the help of fictitious papers, he registered in his own name the ownership of Udachny's communications facilities. Because of this, the administration of the town of Skhodnya suffered damage in the amount of more than 8.5 million rubles. 45 residents of the cottage village were recognized as victims in the criminal case.
The 59-year-old citizen is currently charged. The case has been referred to court. To compensate for the damage, the attacker's real estate was arrested for a total of nine million rubles.
Source: Lenta.ru