Owners of modern private homes are increasingly think of their convenience and comfort. They try to make their homes more airtight as possible, which is achieved through multi-layer insulating glass, as well as internal and external insulation. On the one hand, the tightness of the house - a big plus, but on the other - it greatly hinders access of fresh air. To correct the situation is not too difficult - enough to organize high-quality ventilation of a house. And it can be done with their own hands, without involving professionals from the side.
Ventilation at home with their own hands: we begin with settlement
The construction and arrangement of private houses are often the question arises, how to save. Indeed, the cost of modern building materials and the cost of the work is not affordable for everyone. Therefore, many owners tend to do some or all of the work yourself.
Experts strongly recommend to study the ventilation projects that have been made in other houses before. Examples of work can be found on the Internet.
If you're determined to do everything yourself, you must first carry out calculations. The main parameters to be considered will be the number of people residing in the house, and the volume of air inside. Do not forget to take into account all the technological innovations that are "stealing" the oxygen from the room (gas stove and other household appliances). Consider how the premises will require more frequent exchange of air.
Determine the magnitude of the air exchange in the room area is possible. The calculation is made on the basis of accepted standards in such buildings: 1 sq.m. feeding area 3 cubic meter / hour of fresh air. The number of people living at the same time is not considered.
In these calculations we need to find a product of the total area of the house and outside the norm. If the area of all rooms - 120 sq.m., then to obtain a desired quantity of air per hour, calculate: 120 x 3 = 360 cubic meters / hour.
There are also options for calculating the number of air changes. However, in this case, it requires specialist knowledge, as the procedure is subject to a number of indicators.
Another option - to conduct the calculation of ventilation of sanitary norms. To do this, take indicators obtained in the calculation by the multiplicity and further standards used, calculated in cubic meters / hour and at a constantly arriving indoors person.
In summary it can be concluded that the calculation of the square - the most accessible and easy to carry in a private environment.

Types of ventilation for private homes
There are two well-known and common type ventilation systems for private houses:
- natural system;
- forced (forced-air) system.
Which of these options you choose depends on many factors. This state of the environment, construction materials, home design, and, finally, the financial possibilities of the owner. Most of the budget is natural ventilation.
Natural ventilation type
Natural ventilation in a private home is based on the special lining in the walls of the channels, which in the future will circulate the air in the rooms and in the fire zone. In warm and cold air different density, whereby the air flow and will move.
The advantages of this type of ventilation are:
- low price per m² (part of the ventilation system would cost quite cheap);
- budget exploitation;
- good efficiency in the correctness of the project;
- No need for electricity.
As you can see, the main advantages of natural ventilation - cheapness and simplicity. I have this type and disadvantages. Experts note that a lot of them:
- Low reliability;
- poor performance of ventilation in summer weather (no temperature drop), or operation in the opposite direction (the dirty air sucked in house);
- ventilation is not guaranteed and depends on the weather. In other words, there is no guarantee you that the room is always fresh air.
- not heating the air (in the winter the house is "roam" cold air) and its purification.
In order to organize the air traffic system, installed in the wall (most often - a carrier) channel cross-section of 140 mm. Thickness of laying channel thus should be 1.5 brick. If this parameter is less not excluded effect reverse thrust. By paving horizontal channel taps for all rooms in the home.
Natural ventilation is often about settling uninhabited rooms - ie bathrooms and kitchens. In them the importance of drawing is especially important.
Forced ventilation type
This type of ventilation is needed where natural ventilation is not coping and does not provide fresh air to the fullest. This type of ventilation is provided by electrical appliances - fans or cooker hoods.
Forced ventilation to rid your home of unpleasant odors and excess moisture. The latter is especially relevant in the bathroom. In order not to wound fungus, there it is recommended to mount the mechanical ventilation.
better use ceiling paddle fan, best without bearing arrangement for forced exhaust. Devices with bearings are considered more reliable, but they are too noisy, and in addition expensive. In the bathroom fan can be connected to the lighting - in this case, it will work only when the light is turned on.
Openings for inflow and exhaust air is better to mount in different parts of the room. Inside each hole pipe is inserted and mounted inside the check valve. To extract established using metal clips, attached ventilation channels. The best option for private homes experts believe a pipe of plastic or metal.
In the kitchen, experts advise to equip two types of air - both natural and forced (the hood). Such a method is called a combined air. The presence of the hood in the kitchen - a very common phenomenon. Most often it is placed directly over the stove, while natural ventilation channel is located on the ceiling from the plate.
This decision will bring the maximum effect: the hood is some distance from the plate and able to remove from dishes absolutely all odors and combustion products which are in air. If the hood mount closer to the plate, it will be heated and can deteriorate quite quickly. And then come to the aid of natural ventilation.
NOTE! When installing the drawing must be observed allowable distance plates: 0.75 m, if the gas stove, and 0.65 m, if the electric cooker.
About mechanical ventilation benefits we have already said, what about the disadvantages? It has its own "pitfalls". For example, filters in devices that provide breathability, very quickly become clogged and become an ideal breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Accordingly, all of this will fall into the room and the house in general, together with the air. Going through a dirty filter, the air not only clean, but also deteriorate further.
The surest way - to change the filter once a week, but of course, nobody will not do this. In such a case it is to thoroughly clean the filters with regular frequency.
Tips for those who equips ventilation from scratch
In summary, we can derive a number of tips to owners of private houses, which decided to build their own hands ventilation from scratch:
- exhaust ducts is better positioned in the center of the house, in the space between the walls;
- if there is a need to save space, choose a rectangular ducts. If this is not necessary, it is better to stop the election on the round models. They intensively carried breathability in addition to them easier to install pipes;
- circular ducts are rigid and flexible (corrugated). First provide minimal resistance when air flows and low noise. Flexible easy to install;
- channels with the possibility to do more long and wide - then thrust will be better;
- all connections to the duct system should be smooth. Each microscopic roughness of the channel inside reduce cravings by increasing the resistance;
- it is desirable to do as little as possible bends in the channels. Each of them reduces cravings by 10%;
- If your house has a room with a pool, you need to take the time to examine this question. Alone, since in a private house pool ventilation -. A separate issue that requires a different approach and equipment.
Tips for those who modernize ventilation
Sometimes, homeowners want to improve an existing duct system. They can suggest the following:
- a deflector mounted on the end of each exhaust pipe, pipe protection from precipitation, debris and insects. But its main advantage - the ability to cut through the wind flow, which enhances traction by 20%;
- If new windows are tightly closed at all times, extractor hood will not operate (no air supply - no outlet). The house must be ensured, and that, and another;
- to turn the natural extract in a compulsory system, set the vents in the bathroom exhaust fans in the kitchen - extractor hood. By doing this, you will forever cease to depend on the wind and other vagaries of nature.
Effective ventilation system - a prerequisite for any private house. It extends that you will serve the building construction itself, as well as preserve the health of all family members. Mount ventilation with their hands in a private home as possible. The main thing - to choose the type installed hood and make all calculations correct.
Article provided by SPB AirTeh.