Of course, we are not talking about a full-fledged washing of bed linen or a set of clothes of a nimble boy. But when you need to quickly wash a couple of towels, and even with fruit juice stains, or return the original appearance of the former white socks, it turns out that nothing is better than a kitchen microwave oven in the household and no. The principle of operation of a microwave oven is such that it excites the movement of molecules in any product that is placed inside the oven. Namely, this is what is needed to wash dirt stains. The main thing is to choose the right mode. Therefore, we can immediately say that washing in the microwave is a real life hack, but not a fake.
Read in the article
- 1 What is a microwave oven
- 2 Washing in the microwave
- 3 Other microwave uses
- 4 Conclusion
What is a microwave oven
If you do not get into the jungle of physics and the essence of electromagnetism, then the main physical action that takes place in the furnace is the forced movement of molecules and atoms of the substance from which the product is made. When moving, the microparticles collide, and heat is released. And the forced to move, and even with a change of direction, occurs with a frequency of 2450 MHz, i.e. almost 5 billion times a second. This is a very high frequency, which is why the oven is called a microwave oven.

Washing in the microwave
Savvy people realized that collisions of molecules with a high frequency, and even at a high temperature and a certain amount of moisture, flavored with soapy water, helps to destroy all kinds of stains on things. The washing process takes approximately 10 minutes. As a bonus, things are also disinfected.

You can even dry your laundry in the microwave. Numerous experiences of visitors to forums on the Internet have shown that it is impossible to save time and labor. First, you need to open the oven door every few minutes and turn things over. If they were tightly folded, then they need to be unfolded and folded again in a different way. But as an option for another use of the microwave, this experiment can be done a couple of times.
A finer work is the dyeing of wool or yarn. You can dye wool or silk in a few minutes with ordinary food coloring. The bowl with the food coloring solution and yarn should be heated in the oven for several minutes for the paint to set better.

Other microwave uses
Washing socks in the microwave is too extreme a task. And what kind of wife will allow her husband to stick dirty socks into the oven for heating food. This is only available to a bachelor. But it is better to use a microwave oven not for washing socks and dirty rags, but for solving culinary problems.
A very tedious and not always giving the desired result is the work of peeling the garlic. And if the heads are put in the microwave oven for 15-20 seconds, then the pure garlic will pop out of their skins by themselves. And onion, when peeling, will not cause tears when slicing, if it is calcined for 20 seconds in a microwave oven. Even a lemon can be squeezed out more juice if it is kept in the oven for 20-30 seconds.

You can also make do-it-yourself fries in the microwave. To do this, you need to cut the potatoes into cubes and then dry them for 3-5 minutes on paper towels. Then you should transfer the potatoes to a plate, pour with oil, sprinkle with spices and put in the microwave until cooked (10-15 minutes).

When heating pizza, the crust often gets dry. To prevent this from happening, you need to put a glass of water next to the pizza plate. Switch on the oven for a maximum of 30 seconds.

An inventive hostess knows many more ways to use her technique. The microwave oven is no exception. The question posed in the title of this article can be answered in the affirmative - this is a life hack. But which of the possible methods should be used - it already depends on the specific circumstances and the presence of common sense.
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