When frost is formed in the drainage system of the refrigerator - condensate accumulates on the walls or drains to the bottom chamber. Clogging holes for removing water leads to the growth of bacteria and malodor. The accumulation of moisture under the drawer - a reason to search for damage. Some of them to troubleshoot on their own. Half of the water in the refrigerator occurs due to operational errors or for accidental reasons not related to the malfunction.
It should be understood defrost technology, which is equipped with a refrigerator. It will need to identify the source of a failure. Manufacturers use two types of defrost systems in their models.
To prevent damage, you need to determine why water accumulates under the drawers.
Clogged drain hole
When water accumulates under the drawers in the refrigerator with the drip system, you need to check the serviceability of the drainage holes. When blockages difficult or stops retraction thawed moisture from the refrigerator compartment in the tray. Blockage drainage tube is due to dirt, food particles, mold growth on food residues in the drain system. This happens due to improper care or negligent use of the device. The clogged drainage water accumulates.

Excess condensate flows under the container to the bottom compartment. Obstruction accompanied by the smell of decomposition. A drain tube passing from the rear wall, peremerzaet during engine operation. This leads to icing. If you do not remove the drain is clogged, the radiator will peremorazhivatsya. Violation thermoregulation lead to device failure. And this means a deterioration of the cooling performance.
To achieve correct operation of the refrigerator and dryness in the chamber can be independent the cleaning of clogged drain.
With douching
- Getting repairs, you need to disconnect the device from the mains, pull out the boxes at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment, wipe the bottom of the accumulated water.
- In the formation of ice near the drain holes rear panel, open the door and wait until the thaw.
- Debris and contamination removed from the drainage complete sets of pusher or ear stick.
- Prepared water not higher than 60 ° C in a children gaining syringe or syringe volume. The hole was flushed five times. To determine that the clogging can be eliminated by a freely flowing liquid to the reservoir behind the refrigerator.
If the blockage in the drain does not go away after douching need defrosting with the cleaning of the hose.
With the use of a rope
- Of the refrigeration compartment is extracted products, the device is thawed for eight hours.
- The resulting moisture is collected with a towel or cloth ..
- After thawing spend syringing hose with warm water.
- To push the dirt using a rope or a wire with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm. Cleaning is performed by the input and output openings. Manipulation should be carried out carefully. Otherwise, you can pierce the plastic hose or scratch lining.
- After removing the gutter debris washed again syringe.
To eliminate odor and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria to pour into the drain hole hydrogen peroxide solution.
Improper installation
Placing the refrigerator on an uneven floor leads to looseness closing doors. Through a slit in the room air enters the compartment. Because of this, there is condensate disturbed temperature and increased load on the compressor. Increased production of moisture can be seen when the container to drain overflows, causing the back of the refrigerator water flows. Constantly running motor runs the refrigerant through the evaporator and the drainage hose is clogged with ice.
Fix the problem, you can adjust the feet in height refrigerator. The slope of the body should be at an angle to one degree ago. This contributes to a tightly closed doors. Check the correctness of installation of the mounting can be plumb or level.
During the adjustment device may be damaged or displaced drainage hose from the receiver. Damaged parts must be replaced, as in the case of bias - to set in place with the manufacturer's instructions.
the wear of the seal
Wear, deformation or damage of the rubber profile of the door lead to depressurization of the refrigerating compartment. External air causes overheating and excessive water condensation. The engine is freezing hose for drainage, working without outages. Thus provoked obstruction, fluid accumulation at the bottom of the compartment and then flow back.
Replacement sealing gum or its repair will solve the problem.

Gapping sealant can happen because of skewed door. He happens when worn hinges. You can correct the problem by tightening the fasteners.
Faulty temperature sensor
When the thermostat is out of order, the compressor starts to operate without failure. The cooling cycle is not aborted or operates with the malfunction. Without correct information about the temperature, the evaporator cools excessively rear wall peremorazhivaya drainage. Ice blockage leads to condensate overflow from the accumulation of water under boxes appear. Change the situation can be a full replacement for the serviceable temperature sensor.
The water in the fridge No Frost
In refrigerators with this system, the water appears in the event of a failure the defrost mechanism.
Determine the damage possible from the characteristic features:
- temperature rise in the refrigerating compartment;
- icing interior panels;
- the formation of frost on foods;
- not normalized work supercharger.
In the absence of obvious mechanical damage, cause of the problem must be sought in the failure of electronic parts of the device:
- failure of the temperature sensor;
- blown fuse voltage;
- thawing the broken time relay;
- defect heating element;
- breakage defrost sensor.
- failure of the cooler.
Failure of one of the electronic components leads to disruption of defrosting the evaporator refrigerant. The growth of ice crust prevents air circulation and heat dissipation. The supercharger operates in a non-stop mode to maintain the set temperature. Subcooling provokes an increase frost layer freezing convection tubes in refrigerator compartment.
Raising the temperature in the chamber causes thawing and accumulation of water in the lower section. Electronic components can not be repaired. Therefore, when damage needs to be replaced with new ones.
We can not exclude marriage components during production or during assembly. When installing the wrong tube with circulating coolant may come into contact with the drain hose. Contact hypothermia provokes an ice jam in the drainage system. Remember that do self-abstracted risky. In order to properly dilute the draining and cooling tube without damage, it is best to call the repairman.
If his forces to eliminate the accumulation of fluid inside the refrigerator compartment does not work by any of the methods need the help of a repair. You can not proceed with the appeal for help. Because flowing condensate and excess water causes breakage of the device working parts.
Moist environment causing corrosion of pipes for refrigerant. Oxidation makes the thin walls. Accumulating below the water causes rust refrigerator cabinet, reducing the service life. With extensive damage occurs perforation and coolant exit into the surrounding space. Loss of Freon means complete failure device and become unrepairable.