What means ax for the master? Many will say, and there is a deep meaning in this, that an ax is in many ways better than a knife. With this well-sharpened tool, you can not only chop wood, but also cut the sausage. The only trouble is that when the ax is actively exploited, the sharpening quickly becomes unusable. It is possible to update it, but not easy. When sharpening the blade grinder it is necessary to observe the correct angle and inept attempts will most likely lead to damage to the instrument. In addition, fixing the ax is not easy due to its shape. All these problems were solved by the author of the YouTube channel. Lawyer Egorovand you can benefit from his experience in your workshop.
Read in the article
- 1 What is required for a sharpening machine
- 2 Machine assembly: simple and without unnecessary details
- 3 How to use an ax sharpener
- 4 A little about axes as the best hand tool
What is required for a sharpening machine
The idea of the author of the device is as follows: the machine will be fixed in a vice, and it will have guides for movement belt sander, which will be used for rough sharpening.
For manufacturing, you will need several pieces of metal strip, a hairpin for fixing in a grinder, a drill, and welding machine to connect parts.

Machine assembly: simple and without unnecessary details
To make the machine, you need to prepare 4 parts from a metal strip: one long, about 60 cm, two identical 20 cm and one short, 5-8 cm long.

How to use an ax sharpener
The device is quite simple and easy to use.

A little about axes as the best hand tool
It should be noted that the optimal weight of the ax for work is 900 g. A heavier tool is considered a cleaver and is intended for chopping wood. But the shape of the sharpening should be said separately. There are three types of it, and this must be taken into account when processing the ax blades yourself. A straight blade is suitable for chopping logs, and a rounded blade goes deeper into the wood and chops the fibers. So before sharpening, study the shape of the blade and observe it when processing.
The optimum angle for sharpening is 40 degrees. It is better to store the ax in a case, it will protect the blade from corrosion, and you - from accidental injury.
It should be noted that some firms offer customers not only tools, but also sharpening devices. For example, the popular Fiskars ax comes with a sharpening kit. How to use it, see this small overview:
We are waiting for your impressions of the proposed homemade product in the comments. Write down how you sharpen a hand tool and what devices you use for it.