It does not matter the appointment land - whether it is a villa, garden or residential private house - natural natural nobody canceled needs. And the first thing you need to arrange for it - it's the restroom, even if you live in the area is expected. Of course, it may seem that it's pretty easy job at first glance, but on closer considering you can see that there is quite a lot of nuances that should be addressed Attention. It is therefore now look at how to arrange the restroom to give their own hands. Step by step guide to help in this.

Read article
- 1 The basic rules of how to make a toilet in the country with their own hands, without recourse to specialists
- 1.1 What are the sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations you need to know at a suburban toilet device
- 1.2 Head indoors or adjoined to it - features similar arrangement
- 1.3 Conventional septic tank or how to install a toilet to give the street with their hands
- 1.3.1 toilet location norm in the area set by CSES
- 1.3.2 What depth should be in the cesspool toilet at the cottage - Are there any restrictions?
- 2 How to make a toilet at the cottage comfortable and warm
- 2.1 The importance of developing drawings for cottage toilet with his hands
- 2.2 Rental cottages biotoilet odorless - Myths and Reality
- 2.3 An alternative version of the summer toilet with his own hands made of corrugated board
- 3 How to build a toilet for the villas with their own hands: step by step guide
- 3.1 Drafting drawings with dimensions of suburban toilets with their own hands
- 3.2 How to dig a hole with their hands under the toilet in the country - the rules and regulations
- 3.3 Photo, how to build a cottage bathroom steps - milestones
- 3.4 built with his own hands algorithm toilet at the cottage - video guide
- 4 Examples of suburban toilets with their own hands - a photo and schemes
- 5 closing speech
The basic rules of how to make a toilet in the country with their own hands, without recourse to specialists
The first thing you need to do is to decide what will be the lavatory. This question does not refer to the structure of choice, and to the reservoir, which will get the waste products. It depends on many parameters.
For example, a very important aspect - is the depth of the groundwater. After all, in the area, usually, there is no centralized waterAnd therefore much-needed liquid will climb out of the hole. You can imagine what would happen if the sewage get into the water. Do I need it? Of course not. Indeed, in addition to health problems, and there is still a risk of fines from the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. This, of course, is not life-threatening, as the use of contaminated water, but at least unpleasant.

The same applies to the ground, having a part of the slate. That's why it makes sense to pre-specify all these nuances. And if it is found that such a problem exists, then have to be mounted in the sump is sealed box (usually made of sheet iron of at least 3 mm or plastic). In this case, you need to provide for pumping sewage.
As for the form itself built, then the garden toilets garden can be quite varied - everything is limited only by the imagination and the possibilities of the master.

What are the sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations you need to know at a suburban toilet device
Particular attention should be paid to the already mentioned the depth of groundwater. It is important that the installation site it was more than 3.5 m, and during the spring floods. Otherwise, save only sealed container. Of course, there are some secrets for such cases, but their implementation will be more financially costly. This will tell later.

Just pay attention to the place of restroom locations. According to SanPiN, distance to the neighboring house should be at least 12 m, and to the well when it is available - more than 8 m. And it does not matter whether the special solutions are used for disinfecting. Even if a chemical toilet (why it is popularly called bio toilet - is unclear). This rule should be followed strictly. Otherwise there is a risk of communication with neighbors in court. After all, usually so it happens that among the summer residents living nearby, be sure to find a "guardian of the laws."

An important tip! In order to avoid future problems with the location suburban toilet, it makes sense coordinate it with local sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and to assure the installation site at map. Such paper can be very useful.
Head indoors or adjoined to it - features similar arrangement
If you plan to live in the area year-round, it makes sense to make a toilet in the house. At the cottage with sewerageOf course, it is generally no problem, but if there is no work slightly increase. In this case it is better to arrange a dressing room is not inside the building, as well as extension to the entrance of the house. With this arrangement, the pre-insulate the cabin toilet, a visit to this "institution" in the winter will be very comfortable.

And yet if there is a desire to accommodate the dressing room inside the house, and a centralized sewer is not available, then a little work it can be implemented. Particularly successful such an option would be for the owners of small plots. Let us examine in detail how the work will be carried out.
First we need to dig a hole in the area where you want to place a sealed steel or plastic tank. It is important to understand that the capacity for the collection of sewage will have to impose brickTo eliminate pressure on her soil. Must extend from the reservoir 3 tubes. One of them is an end, located in the upper part - for her uncleanness will come from household toilets in the box. Second, the length of which should be at least three meters, the top must go - it will be naturally ventilated. And the third is displayed as above, but the tank is almost from the very bottom. Through this line will be pumping the waste products of special assenizatornoy machine. Top, usually, it is the hatch, which must be tightly closed.

But when this work is completed, it will only have to spend a sewer pipe from the toilet in the house to the tank. The main thing to remember that installed in the toilet house toilet should be installed above the drain pipe to the tank.
Attached to the house a toilet, in fact, it is identical, with the only difference being that it is not necessary to install drainage pipes, as he will be at the edge of the sump. Although, if you want to move the tank for the sewage away from home, you can use one and the backbone.

As can be understood, cottage toilet device inside residential buildings although time-consuming, but it is quite feasible the process of their own hands.
Related article:
The article describes how to make septic tank with your hands without pumping 10 years for home and garden. Description of requirements for the construction of the completed review of the effectiveness of technologies and ready-made models with features and prices. This information will help to implement the project quickly, at a reasonable cost.
Conventional septic tank or how to install a toilet to give the street with their hands
If the depth to which ground water is a conventional device allows not sealed well for the toilet (i.e., more than 3.5 m), then the amount of work is significantly reduced. Many strengthen the dug groove spacers to prevent the shedding of the soil, but usually it just keeps board, which serves as a support for the wooden cabins. This is the most convenient and easy way to build outside toilet with his hands.

toilet location norm in the area set by CSES
Do not ignore the rules which are established by SanPiN, because they are based on research and are aimed only at maintaining the health of the population. The best option to find out where to place the toilet on the site will not only be producing their own calculations, but also an appeal for help in the sanitary-epidemiological service.
What depth should be in the cesspool toilet at the cottage - Are there any restrictions?
Any strict limitations on depth not. Important to the toilet tank for country, or rather its bottom, it was higher than the level on which the groundwater during the spring flood. Otherwise sewage effluents can get into drinking water, which threatens the strongest food poisoning or death.

How to make a toilet at the cottage comfortable and warm
It is natural that people are always drawn to the comfort. So washroom, located on the street should be a quality insulated. A good solution for this may be expanded polystyrene, or in other words, penoplex. This is an easy and very good heat retaining material, and by the way if it is correct to sheathe their building from the outside, then inside for heating will be enough incandescent lamp 100 watts.

Before you build a toilet at the cottage, you must decide whether to be made warming only the outer wall or the inner side and will Penoplex layer, which is preferable. In the second option you need to consider building a little larger, given the thickness heat insulator. Just before you build a cottage WC stands attend and safe summing him electricity.

Last but not least, what track It will lead to the dressing room - in fact, in any case, not very nice at night to go through the mud to the latrine, which, according to the rules, stands in the distance. Of course, all of the above does not apply to the toilets, built in the house - there will be natural and warm and clean. But lining thermal insulator restroom, adjoined to the house, so it is worth to do. In general, in the country, the construction of the toilet gets span apartment repair, Which is not surprising. Indeed, without it is simply impossible.

The importance of developing drawings for cottage toilet with his hands
Although the toilet at their summer cottage is a small building, it is important to pre-create a drawing with all dimensions on which, subsequently, the construction will be collected.
An important tip! Diagram of the plan should be drawn up as a more carefully as possible, taking into account the area to use the much-needed construction as comfortable as possible.

Firstly, cottage wooden toilet with your hands need to do low. Inside adult man standing at full height, should not hurt his head ceiling. Agree, not so easy to go to the restroom bent "in a knot." This rule applies not only to the ceiling, but the front door. Typically, ceiling height is about half a meter above the upper level of the door, which, in turn, It is at the height of 1.7-1.8 m. Some would say that such an entry will be somewhat high, but it is only at first sight. Generally, the best would be size interior door (Can be a little longer). After all conveniently take place in a doorway? The same should also apply to the restroom.

Second, wooden toilet at the cottage should be made strong - not worth saving material on this building. After all, even under the condition that the sewage will not be pumped out with a special machine, and cesspool planned simply covered with soil and move the toilet to another location is more convenient to move the solid construction, rather than flimsy disassemble and assemble it at the other territory. Moreover, the appearance of it has to be aesthetic - because no one wants to spoil the look unprepossessing building yard. This is especially true when there is a garden. Not very pleasant when in the midst of the beauty of flowering trees and bushes suddenly there is a sloppy, rickety structure restroom.

Wooden toilet in the cottage can be like with a gable roof, and with single - it's as you like. It was during the construction of the dressing room, you can practice the skills of the builder and designer. Of course, if the roof slope in different directions, with a ridge in the middle, look building will be much more attractive. Shed roof is well suited for the restrooms, which was attached to the house. In this case, such roof It will look natural, making the house a single unit. Restroom roof can be covered with a profile sheet, ordinary gestures, slate or tile. Main, as we should not forget it is waterproofing the roof. It is not very nice when the collar dripping rainwater. Between the wood ceiling and roofing material must also pave Foam layer. After the main heat rises, and thermal insulation there needs anywhere else.

By the size determined by need, based on personal preferences and functional, which will have to give a wooden toilet. With his hands in the sink it is possible to build, to put the sink. In this case, the inner area of ββthe restroom is necessary to do more. Depending on the size of the hole, if it is large enough and has the ability to pump sewage, you can even spend the toilet water to sink. More importantly, the production of such works - insulation of pipes to avoid the possibility of freezing of water in them during the winter. Fortunately, these days, such work does not require welding skills, and make water using plastic is not difficult and does not require any special skills. Cope with it even a layman can (of course, the correct approach).

In general, the construction of their own hands wooden toilet requires a careful approach, accuracy and compliance with various rules and regulations. Such work though complex, but more in the thinking, the creative plan than in the physical. If it is correct to think, then realize it will be much easier than to build on a plot of gnarled, ugly dressing room without any kind of drawings. That is why it is not necessary to invest time for preparatory work. Otherwise, you can lose a lot more at the stage of construction of buildings.

Rental cottages biotoilet odorless - Myths and Reality
If there is no time or desire to establish a solid toilet at their summer cottage, these days there are other possibilities to arrange your life. Now many companies are engaged in the removal of waste products from cesspools. And most of them offer rental cabins with toilet service. What they are, these mobile toilets? We try to understand.

On the face of it something like a phone box made of plastic. The ground under the floor is a reservoir for impurities. Inside, there is a certain similarity with the toilet seat. Actually, if a toilet planned operation only during the summer, this is a good option that does not require effort during installation. In addition, when you make a rental firm enters into a contract of service, and at regular intervals. It consists in the fact that certain contract days, the company's employees will come in a special machine to pump the sewage and flush the tank. Thereafter, it is poured into a certain number of special chemical solution which It kills bacteria breeding in vital activity products, and prevents unpleasant smell.

The main myth is precisely in the name - because the liquid is a chemical solution, the prefix "bio" does not fit with the toilet. Of course, there are also biological fillers for tanks, but their use is not profitable companies because of their high cost and short-term action "live" solution in the drain hole.
Biotoilet may be mentioned include lavatory device. Under the seat is a bucket into which are periodically spiked dry peat. When the bucket is full, the contents dumped in a compost pit where sewage is continued for some time to disintegrate into various substances. The result is a very good fertilizer for the garden or vegetable garden. But the chemical liquid to the toilet in the country, has no such properties, and require specialized processing. That is why these latrines would be correct to call the chemical toilets.

The compositions of fluids can be divided into 3 categories:
- formaldehyde - is very effective, but also very toxic solutions. Perfectly clean and disinfect the tank, but toxic substances released as a liquid, do not allow the use of chemical toilets in booths, as It is a very harmful effect on the body person.
- On the basis of ammonium - such fluids is the most suitable for such toilets. According to the properties they are close to a biological, ie do not decompose waste, and accelerate the process of natural decomposition, and effectively disinfect the tank.
- body fluids - the principle of operation is based on the live bacteria that come into contact with the environment in uncleanness, or degrade them on natural ingredients. The main disadvantage in the use of such solutions - a short life span of bacteria. The liquid must be frequently changed or refilled.

It is because of toxic action, formaldehyde liquid to the toilet at the cottage can not be applied, and in addition to choose the best solution to the ammonium.
Liquids and excipients for dry closets
Related article:
A lovely alternative to sewer - are mobile toilets. In this article, we will consider best for home composting toilets. Examine the existing device models, average prices, reviews and some guidelines to help make the right choice.
An alternative version of the summer toilet with his own hands made of corrugated board
In the case where there is no time to beautification and the construction of a thorough dressing-room and, moreover, intended to be used only in the summer, may well approach the booth version manufacturing of corrugated cottage toilet. In this case it will be necessary to collect only a framework of wooden beams or cook it from metal. You have to understand that the sex of a restroom do still have to, because the walls and roof of their own toilet cubicle are not. That is why it is necessary to solve, it will be made of any material.

An important tip! restroom floors should be ready before the start paneling, as otherwise they will be packing quite problematic. Just do not forget that the structure of the skeleton - is not only a wooden or metal edges of the rectangle. They need to also connect the diagonal cross-members in order to give future restroom required stiffness.
Suburban toilet of corrugated board is a simple and relatively low-cost structure, but by this kind is common in gardens and orchards, where people do not live, but come periodically. For example, for seed planting, weeding or harvesting.

How to build a toilet for the villas with their own hands: step by step guide
In this chapter we will try to summarize all the information obtained in one piece to the installation of the toilet with their own hands Garden on the drawing did not turn into protracted. As there is a need for such work and the photo report for a clearer understanding of existing algorithm. Of course, someone may say that it does not need it and that everything is clear and without a photo, but it illustrated Instructions on how to build a toilet with his hands in the country, in the garden or on a personal farmstead, probably will be more understandable.

But to begin with, to compile the material on the rules and regulations of the lavatory unit on the plot.
Drafting drawings with dimensions of suburban toilets with their own hands
The most important thing in the construction of the restroom in the garden - it's making a detailed, dimensioned drawings, which will be considered all that relates to the structure. It is desirable to specify and manufacturing the material and the depth at which the tested groundwater, and the rest with regard to the general scheme of the device (the depth of the hole, its ventilation system and pumping). A separate drawing it is necessary to note the very structure with the exact dimensions of width, length and height.

Of course, you can do all the work without such a scheme, but it should be noted that the drawing of the toilet at the cottage with dimensions can be useful not only for the construction of buildings, but also for the harmonization of the location and other regulations with the sanitary and epidemiological service. After their authorization and sight of such a scheme, it can be a proof that it was done according to the rules and norms of the law, even in court, if anyone of the neighbors have not toilet soul.

The dimensions of the toilet in the country with their own hands can be different and depend only on the owner and his or her preferences. Inside you can arrange sink, sink and even a shower, room dividing wall. But this would require capital sealed container with the pumping of sewage and water pipe installation. Although, it can play a role, and metal or plastic barrel on the roof which it is desired to paint in black. So the water in it will be heated by the sun more quickly. For example, the capacity of 200 liter in a sunny day is heated to a comfortable temperature for 3-4 hours.
How to dig a hole with their hands under the toilet in the country - the rules and regulations
Before proceeding to such work, you must know the depth of finding the so-called aquifer. The basic rule - the bottom of the pit toilet should not be at a lower level than are ground water. Such fraught not only with fines from the sanitary-epidemiological surveillance, but also big problems with health. The width is usually done on the structure size, of course, provided that it is an ordinary outside toilet. If the sewage drain occurs through a sewage pipe, then this parameter is not limited. But if the simple words, then all should be in moderation. It is absolutely not advisable to be digging depth and width of the pit for a toilet at the cottage in the garden floor.

An important tip! Having made a detailed drawing of a better show his staff sanitary-epidemiological service before to dig a hole under the toilet at the cottage. Otherwise, you may get a situation where the need to change the location of the restroom and do double duty, re-burying the recess under the dirt.
Photo, how to build a cottage bathroom steps - milestones
Let us try to explain the steps you need to take to set up your wooden closet with your hands and turn-based photo instruction.
stage work | Description of necessary actions |
![]() Drawing up a detailed dimensional drawings | Compiled drawing, i.e. The detailed plan diagram indicating the location, depth and Communications latrine pits, building dimensions toilets, etc. Layout and depth better assure the sanitary and epidemiological control bodies in order to avoid trouble in the future. |
![]() Digging holes and installing the box (container) and ventilation | Mark the required area is made digging holes for sewage. Such work can be both manual and mechanized, using special equipment |
![]() Frame for floor toilet on the pit and its installation | Ready set top recess metal or wood frame, which is the basis for future floor. He closes the boards before the start of the construction of his hands on the toilet outside. |
![]() Mounting racks for walls | The uprights are attached to the base of the set according to the drawing. Initially, they form the basis of the slope of the roof of the future. On top of these racks also interconnected scheme. It is very important that the connections are strong, not loose. Diagonal strut as it is desirable to fix the bridges (from the top to the bottom one another). This will give strength toilet wooden structure. |
![]() Mounting seat | Inside, near the farthest from the entrance wall, you need to mount the dais, where, after his sheathing boards, you need to cut a hole, otchertiv plastic seating on the inside for toilet. |
![]() ![]() External cladding and installation of doors | After working with the floor and the seat is finished, you can sheathe building, close the roof and hang the door. Outside the toilet can be clad with clapboard siding or plastic to make it more attractive and aesthetic appearance. |
Of course, the construction of the toilet with his hands in the country require DIY considerable time and energy, not to mention the media. Still, it's worth it. If done correctly, ie go through all the stages of construction of the toilet with his hands on the cottage steps in result, we can get a very durable object blends into the landscape or the houses adjoining the backyard portion.
built with his own hands algorithm toilet at the cottage - video guide
If there are still unclear points on the construction of the restroom at the site, we can see something about suburban toilet with his hands. The video below might give a better idea about this work.
Examples of suburban toilets with their own hands - a photo and schemes
Of course, much easier to choose the form of the villa for the dressing room on ready models. Even the preparation of the drawing becomes easier when there is some kind of an example before his eyes, a little modernizing that you can create something unique and not similar to the others. And that makes sense to consider a photo of wooden cottages toilets.
Examples of wooden toilets for the cottages, which can be obtained at:
1 of 6

And, of course, impossible to ignore, and hand made toilets for the garden (photo below). After all, in domestic masters sometimes obtained these "masterpieces". Well, if not exclusive, then certainly sturdy and durable structure that can stand for more than a decade.
Toilets made domestic masters of arms for its gardens:
1 of 6

Related article:
Toilet to give an odorless and pumping. Make this design a user-friendly and clean - a major challenge. About all the nuances of construction, especially the choice of materials and types of suburban toilets - in this article.
closing speech
The fact that the toilet in the garden is very important, no one raises objections. The main thing - it's what it will be. Perhaps someone will equip the toilet directly inside the dwelling, in the form of an extension to the house, or decide that the best option would be to its arrangement at a distance from the house. The main issue is not the case, and how to toilet will be designed, built and insulated. In each case it requires not only technical but also a creative approach, and in a similar construction and even more so.

It is very important to built with his own hands the toilet for the cottages, the construction of which step by step instructions was given, was easy to use, durable, aesthetic and fulfill its function.
Of course, not every cottager will be decided on such a building with his own hands, much easier to hire people who know more about it. Yet here, too, "double-edged sword." With self-production work can rely only on themselves, and how to perform a similar construction strangers still unknown. It is not for nothing they say: "You want to do something good - do it yourself." Therefore, another important piece of advice: do not be afraid to start something unknown. After all, every once did something for the first time. It is only necessary to study all the nuances of the issue and begin to resolve it with complete composure and attentiveness. Only then can we achieve something.

In summary we can conclude that the construction of the toilet at their summer cottage has its own complexities and nuances, but not so problematic that they can not be solved. That is why it makes no sense to fear that does not have the strength to finish the job. You need to start to build their own hands, and then work will itself.