There are many beautiful cities in Russia, which are pleased with the developed infrastructure, good ecological situation and favorable living conditions. But there are also such cities, whose inhabitants are ready to leave from them immediately. The worst cities in Russia - in our rating were those settlements, which are most acute problems of ecology, crime and poverty.
Opens the rating of Russia's worst cities Chelyabinsk .It ranks seventh in the country in terms of population. In XIX Chelyabinsk was the largest trade center of the Urals, and during the Great Patriotic War it became one of the main industrial centers. Today the city has a lot of problems. The main one is a bad ecological situation. In 2016, Chelyabinsk entered the number of settlements on the level of air pollution.93% of Chelyabinsk citizens agree that the air in the city is heavily polluted. Serious problems the city is experiencing in the economic and economic spheres. The public transport and the city road network are in poor condition. There are problems with architecture and urban landscaping. All this has led to the fact that the population of Chelyabinsk is actively leaving for other regions of the country.
The ninth place among the worst Russian cities is the Togliatti .It is located in the Samara region and is a major center of the automobile and chemical industry. As a result of the construction of large industrial enterprises, Tolyatti's housing estate has become a necklace of strong sources of air pollution. The city has a large number of factors that negatively affect the state of the environment. The main one is transport. Up to 70% of all harmful substances falling into the urban air, account for road transport.
The second place in terms of air pollution is the energy sector: ToTETs and VAZ.The Volga Automobile Plant is the third powerful source of air pollution. They contribute a lot to the negative impact on the ecological situation in the city of more than 30 industrial, processing, chemical and construction enterprises.
Togliatti in 2015 was among the poorest cities in Russia. The share of low-income residents in the city reached 57%.The problem is that the real capabilities of the Togliatti economy in providing employment to the population are very limited. As a result, in 2015, about 8 thousand people left the city in search of better living conditions.
The 8th place among the worst cities in Russia is Cherepovets .All residential areas of the city are experiencing anthropogenic load. In the spring and autumn periods the most unfavorable situation in the city is formed with air pollution. The main contribution to the release of harmful substances into the air is made by the metallurgical plant Severstal. Cherepovets is on the list of the most polluted Russian cities.
The seventh place among the worst cities of Russia is occupied by Dzerzhinsk - the largest center of the chemical industry. More than 60% of city residents suffer from various respiratory diseases, but it is more terrible that about 20% of children are born with this or that pathology. The blame for this is the enterprises operating in the city, emitting chlorine, phenol, formaldehyde and ethylene oxide into the atmosphere. Another problem of the city is the polygon of chemical waste, where hazardous substances are taken from neighboring regions. The average life expectancy in Dzerzhinsk for men is 42-45 years, for women 47 years.
On the 6th place in the ranking of the worst Russian cities is Asbestos .Here is located one of the world's largest deposits of chrysotile-asbestos and produces a quarter of the world's volume of this mineral. Dust of asbestos is extremely carcinogenic. In the city, a lot of enterprises for the extraction and processing of asbestos, which are heavily polluted by production waste environment.
The fifth place in the rating of Russia's worst cities is occupied by Magnitogorsk .He is constantly on the list of settlements with the highest level of air pollution. The city's main city-forming enterprise is the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, which spoils the atmosphere and the Ural River with its waste. The average annual concentrations in the atmosphere of suspended solids, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde and benzopyrene greatly exceed the maximum permissible standards.
On the 4th place in the list of the worst cities in Russia is Chita .The city fell into an unsightly rating for several reasons. One of them is a high level of crime. Although after the turbulent 1990s, criminal passions subsided, the city continues to be one of the most disadvantaged in terms of the number of crimes committed. Criminogenic situation - one of the reasons for the outflow of residents from the city.
Chita's unfavorable location in the basin leads to a high dust content in the air in the summer. The air of the CHPP, boiler houses, fuel oil, industrial enterprises and urban transport significantly pollute the air.
Novokuznetsk - on the third place in the list of the worst cities in Russia. He fell into the rating because of the complex ecological situation and the large number of crimes committed. Novokuznetsk belongs to the leaders in chemical air pollution. In this large industrial and mining center, the permissible standards for the content of nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde and benzapyrene in air are several times exceeded. Most of the harmful emissions are accounted for by ZSMK.The water in the Tom River, flowing in the city, is heavily polluted.
Novokuznetsk's problem is that large enterprises monitor emissions and try to control them. A lot of small unaccounted industrial enterprises pollute the city's ecology and do not bear any responsibility for this. The water in the Tom River, flowing in the city, is heavily polluted.
The second place in the list of the worst and most dysfunctional Russian cities is occupied by Karabash .It is among the settlements with the most difficult social and economic situation. CJSC Karabashmed, city-forming enterprise of the city, for all the years of its existence, poisoned the environment with harmful substances that were not cleaned. As a result, in 1996 Karabash turned into a zone of ecological catastrophe and was named the most polluted city on the planet, unsuitable for life. The city's territory is covered with slag, the soil is poisoned, the vegetation in many places was lost. The Sak-Elga River in the lower reaches is polluted to such an extent that its water has lost its transparency and is colored in shades of brown. After the modernization of the copper processing plant, the situation has improved, but not much. The city continues to suffocate from the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
Leader in the ranking of the worst Russian cities Norilsk .It is impossible to become an ecological paradise if the main city-forming enterprise, Norilsk Nickel, releases pollutants into the atmosphere every year, the magnitude of which looks shocking - about 2 million tons. Part of ecologists consider the city a zone of ecological catastrophe. Norilsk was recognized as one of the most polluted cities on Earth.
Another of the city's troubles is the severe subarctic climate.