Everyone knows the old saying: "Wait for the weather by the sea." This is a hint of the unpredictability and variability of the weather near the sea. But in central Russia, too, it is not always possible to guess the weather. Last winter was almost snowless, and this year it was the largest snowfall in many, many winters. And some of the summer residents did not have time to finish the roof of the new building, someone put off everything for later on repairing the old roof, and snow should be dumped from the roofs of strong houses on time. So everyone has enough problems, not only to save the old roof if it is covered with snow.
Read in the article
- 1 Why snow is dangerous
- 2 Strong roof construction
- 3 How to save a snow-covered roof
- 4 Conclusion
Why snow is dangerous
Everyone will say: "Winter without snow is not winter!" And the ground freezes deeply, the roots die, low plants can also freeze. In the spring, there is not enough melt water to moisten the soil. And the ground uncovered with snow looks ugly in the cold. Both children and fans of winter sports feel sad without snow.

And a lot of snow is also not always a joy. Especially for road service and building roofs. If the house is designed correctly, the roof has moderately steep angles of inclination, a significant part of the snow will melt by itself. And it is easier to clean such a roof, the main thing is that the cleaner himself does not fall down from it. You need to use insurance in a smart way. Flat roof clean snow necessary and regularly. If it begins to thaw during the thaw, then the water will surely find its way and flow into the premises.
A strong house, even if it leaks, it will at least remain whole. And if the rafters for the roof were chosen incorrectly, turned out to be too thin, or from old age and from bugs the tree lost its strength, and the roof is either rusted or damaged by the wind, then heavy snowfall can greatly harm everything home.

Strong roof construction
It is known that it is better to prevent trouble than to deal with its consequences later. The main action for the prevention of an emergency with a roof covered with snow is the correct roof structure design and making it from quality materials.
The experience of many generations of builders and modern methods of engineering calculations made it possible to develop quite a few architecture options and roof structures for country houses. Each owner can choose the best option for himself in accordance with his plans for building a house, its size, the thickness of his wallet and artistic preferences.
Roofs are single-pitched and gable, symmetrical and asymmetrical, with steep slopes and with gentle slopes. The roof covering is made of iron sheet, slate, tiles, roofing material, ondulin and other rigid and flexible, piece and sheet materials. Competent roof design involves the creation of a rigid frame that can withstand both wind pressure and snow load without changing its shape. The boards for the frame are selected with a cross section of approximately 150 × 65 mm. The figure below shows a variant of the roof frame design. The volume under the roof can be arranged as a living space on the second floor.

The floor beam and support pillars must withstand the main load of the weight of the entire roof structure, and the wind load, and the weight of the snow lying on the roof in winter. Their cross section is chosen as the largest in comparison with other elements. It also matters how often they are spaced along the length of the house.
The roof must protect the house from any atmospheric influences. This is also a complex constructive solution consisting of several layers. The layers of the roof are shown in the figure below.

The picture below shows what the roof looks like during the construction of a house.

How to save a snow-covered roof
There is only one correct advice in this case - to urgently clear the roof of snow.
If time is delayed, three options are possible in the future:
- Maybe you’ll be lucky and nothing bad will happen until spring. In the summer, it is imperative to repair and reconstruct the roof.
- The snow that has been caking up and still poured in will push holes in the roof, and in the spring the house will flood. Repair is inevitable, but more complicated than in the first case.
- And the third option is to clean off the snow from the roof after each snowfall. At the same time, be sure to think about your own safety. Using the mountaineering method, insure yourself on steep roof slopes. Even falling into a snowdrift is dangerous. What if there is something sharp and iron under the snow.
Owning your own home is both pleasant and troublesome. All the time you have to carefully examine it, look for where what has fallen off, where what has rotted. Then nail, clean, replace. And in winter, the house and the plot are covered with snow. Snow on the roof is somewhat dangerous. It is advisable to throw it off, there is no need for an extra load on the roof.
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