Usually we use baking soda in two cases: when we need to make baked goods and when we have heartburn and there are no tablets at hand. Meanwhile, this powder has a lot of abilities that will be a discovery for you. It turns out that soda is indispensable in gardening, useful for improving the yard and home, and everything else heals not only heartburn. So be sure to take note of its properties, which we will discuss in this material.
Read in the article
- 1 Soda - the queen of the garden
- 2 Assistance in the improvement in the country
- 3 Cleaning assistant
- 4 Sunburn baking soda
Soda - the queen of the garden
It turns out that baking soda can protect your plantings, and here's how.
If the seedlings of cabbage and other vegetables have been invaded by a cruciferous flea, caterpillar and aphids, they should be treated with a solution of soda: 2 tbsp. l. per liter of water. You just need to spray them with foliage.

If cucumbers and tomatoes suffer from late blight and powdery mildew, they can also be treated with a soda solution. Only the concentration is different: for powdery mildew - 3 tbsp. l. soda per 5 liters of water, for late blight - the same amount per 10 liters.

To prepare the solution, soda is diluted in boiling water (required) - 1 tsp. l. per liter of water. When the solution has cooled down, you can process the ovary.
Soda also helps to get rid of garden ants. Someone will say that the method is inhumane. But when these small insects ruin the entire crop in the bud, there is no time for humanity. To eliminate the anthill, it is poured with a solution of soda (half a pack per 10 liters of water) and covered with a film.
Assistance in the improvement in the country
Baking soda will help get rid of weeds - even those that grow through your paving slabs. To combat weeds, a concentrated solution is made from a bucket of water and a pack of soda. It remains only to water the tiles abundantly - and you're done. You can add a glass of vinegar to the solution for more effect.

Soda is also very useful for you in the summer, if you have swimming pool. In the heat in the open sun, the water instantly turns green, and you have to change it. Decontamination products are quite expensive and most of them are bad for the skin. Homemade options such as whiteness or copper sulfate are also not the best choice, given their aggressive nature. But soda is completely harmless. About half a pack of baking soda per cubic meter of water will keep your pool from blooming for a long time.

Baking soda is also a good remedy for removing odors from an outdoor toilet. To do this, half a packet of powder is diluted in a bucket of water and poured into a cesspool.
Related article:
Types of country pools and their maintenance, what to add to the water so that it does not bloom in a stagnant pool, tips and tricks - read the publication.
Cleaning assistant
Soda does an excellent job of removing dirt on dishes and clothes. If you suddenly run out of cleaning powder, simply dip a loofah in baking soda and rub your pans until they are shiny.

Plus, baking soda does a pretty good job of removing stains on clothes. To make bleach, soda is mixed with grated laundry soap (a teaspoon for 50 g of soap) and a little water and this mixture is added to the machine when washing.
Sunburn baking soda
Everyone knows that soda helps with heartburn. It also turns out to be the best remedy for sunburn.

And a lot more interesting things about the benefits of soda - in this video:
What are the beneficial properties of baking soda do you use? Share your experience in the comments!
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