Sooner or later, all equipment fails. Eternal mechanisms have not yet been invented, so the landfills are replenished, and you part with your money again and again. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to reuse many parts from failed devices. Washing machine motors, drill parts, and other parts can come in handy in creating useful home appliances. What can you use from a vacuum cleaner? If the motor burns out, then the unit will have to be thrown away, because the motor makes up the bulk of its cost. But there is one more useful thing in the vacuum cleaner that may be useful to you. How to use it, told the author of the YouTube channel Mazay DIY, and you can easily repeat his experience.
Read in the article
1 What useful things can remain in a burnt out vacuum cleaner
2 How to make a carry from a wire from a vacuum cleaner
3 A grass chopper from a vacuum cleaner to help the summer resident
What useful things can remain in a burnt out vacuum cleaner
So, with a burned out motor, the vacuum cleaner will no longer work, so you can safely disassemble its body and see what valuable things may be inside.
The vacuum cleaner wire has a length of 5 meters or more, is covered with reliable protection and has an almost trouble-free compact twisting mechanism. On its basis, you can make a convenient carrying, which is useful for connecting any, including very powerful electrical appliances.
How to make a carry from a wire from a vacuum cleaner
To make the carrier, you will need an engine oil canister and the same coil of wire that you removed from the body of the vacuum cleaner.
A grass chopper from a vacuum cleaner to help the summer resident
So it turns out that even a broken vacuum cleaner can still be useful for something. In addition to this material, we offer you this small educational video on how to make a grass chopper out of a vacuum cleaner. This device is useful for those who keep poultry and rabbits in their household.
We are waiting for your comments on how, in your opinion, such a homemade vacuum cleaner will be effective in practical use. If you have already done something similar - send us your photos and a description of the process.