Any repair or a construction site will not do without debris, dirt and dust, especially if work is underway to saw construction materials. Concrete, brick, foam- or the cinder blocks get dusty so that the respirator does not help protect the respiratory tract, and besides, the dust prevents you from accurately seeing the markings on which you have to walk grinder disc. Special grinder attachments help to solve this problem, but there is no point in spending money on them if you have a one-time job. You can make the simplest version of such a nozzle in just a couple of minutes from scrap materials.
What is required to make a nozzle for a grinder
So, there is a problem to solve, which needs to be overcome with minimal cost.
PHOTO: Yandex. EtherIf you need to cut a piece of concrete on the ground, blocks or bricks, make cuts on the walls indoors, you need to get rid of the fountain of dust that comes out from under the disc during operation
To solve the problem, you will need very simple materials that you probably have at hand.
PHOTO: Yandex. EtherYou will need strong reinforced tape and a 45 ° C sewer sleeve
To remove dust, you need a construction vacuum cleaner, or at least an old Cyclone, which will perfectly cope with this task.
How to make a dust attachment for a grinder
The nozzle will be a casing that collects dust and feeds it into the branch pipe to which the vacuum cleaner is connected.
PHOTO: Yandex. EtherThe branch pipe must be made from a sewer sleeve. To do this, an incision is made on the surface of the coupling with the same grinder, positioning the part as shown in the photo. The length of the incision is approximately 5-6 cm. Hold the sleeve carefully during this procedure.PHOTO: Yandex. EtherThe finished branch pipe is attached to the grinder with an entry to the disk. Fix the part firmly to the tool body with several rolls of reinforced tape. The entire success of the enterprise depends on its reliable fixation. The disc must not cling to the clutch during operationPHOTO: Yandex. EtherTo direct the dust stream into the nozzle, the existing tool cover needs to be modified. Scotch tape is glued to it so as to hide the location of the disc by half. At the same time, the disk rotates freely, because the tape is not glued to it, but to the rim of the casingPHOTO: Yandex. EtherNow all that remains is to fix the vacuum cleaner hose in the nozzle and get to work. You just need to make sure that the hose does not accidentally fall under the sawPHOTO: Yandex. EtherThe simple design will easily take the load and save you from many of the inconveniences associated with debris and dust at the work site. Especially you will appreciate this invention indoors.PHOTO: Yandex. EtherAnd after work, it will take you only a few seconds to return the grinder to its previous appearance. Just remove the tape and sleeve
Agree, the idea is primitively simple, and there are a lot of benefits from it, not to mention the savings. In addition, here is another simple grinder attachment that will turn it into a grinder:
How do you get rid of dust in such works? Maybe you have your own designs? Send us your projects and share your opinion in the comments!