How to remove rust from metal surfaces: the most accessible means

Any bare metal over time accumulates rust. The harsh operating conditions, the faster it happens. Home plumbing, parts of the car body, instruments, tableware - all this is subject to corrosion. If the time to notice the red spot can be quite easy to deal with them with home remedies, without the serious chemistry. This material will tell you how to remove rust from metal surfaces.

Rust - index of metal fracture process. If you do not fight it, it will destroy the product
Rust - index of metal fracture process. If you do not fight it, it will destroy the product

Read article

  • 1 Why even a little rust can be a problem
  • 2 Than it is possible to remove rust from metal: mechanical method
  • 3 As a heat treatment to remove rust
  • 4 The means of chemical can remove rust from metal
    • 4.1 How to get rid of the rust on the metal using zinc chloride: Master Class
    • 4.2 Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids as a means of combating corrosion
    • 4.3 The use of oxalic acid and lactic acid
  • 5 Folk remedies to combat rust
    • 5.1 How to remove rust from metal surfaces using a conventional potato
    • 5.2 The wash rust from metal: lemon secret
    • 5.3 How to clean rust from metal by baking soda
    • 5.4 Vinegar against rust spots
    • 5.5 How to remove rust from metal in the home hydrogen peroxide
  • 6 Original means for removing rust from metal
    • 6.1 Coca-Cola - a panacea
    • 6.2 Ketchup purifier rust from metal
  • 7 Methodology home electrolysis

Why even a little rust can be a problem

Once a person has learned to make and use the iron ore, he began to look for ways to keep the metal from corrosion. More Gerodot in the products described in detail iron coating method of the protective layer of tin, and the archaeological site of more ancient cultural layers suggest metal products with protection practice using grease.

Prevent the occurrence of corrosion can only qualitative lubricant
Prevent the occurrence of corrosion can only qualitative lubricant

So what happens with the hard and durable metal, why it eventually becomes loose and fragile? All the matter in oxygen. It is he who causes a chemical reaction of oxidation, gradually taking over more and more deep layers. Stop the reaction can be only one way: cover the subject with a protective layerWhich does not allow the direct contact of the metal with the air. If this is not done, the rust will grow from a small speck in the great plague, and then completely transformed into the hole. Particularly affected by such a process of thin sheet metal items: sanitary ware, crockery, various household containers.

Rust "eats" the teeth of gears and other machine parts, car body spoils
Rust "eats" the teeth of gears and other machine parts, car body spoils

Can we prevent this process? Gentle care, protective coating and timely lubrication - all these simple preventive measures. And what if the corrosion is still manifested?

Than it is possible to remove rust from metal: mechanical method

Let's start with the most basic: the mechanical cleaning.

Mechanical cleaning takes you much time and effort, but give a clear result, especially if you do not particularly cherish rusty product
Mechanical cleaning takes you much time and effort, but give a clear result, especially if you do not particularly cherish rusty product

Purification by metal rust can pass manually sandpaper, or by household tools: sander, Grinder, Drills or Bulgarian with a nozzle, sandblaster. When it comes to large parts of building structures - this is the right choice of a method of combating rzhoy.

During Keep hands and light - work gloves and a respirator
During Keep hands and light - work gloves and a respirator

Important! Opening the mechanical cleaning of the pure metal layer is required to cover it is then suitably primer and paint or other protective coating, otherwise corrosion will proceed immediately to its destruction.

As a heat treatment to remove rust

Corroded metal layers can be simply burn out using an acetylene torch. The technique is quite simple, but it has a drawback: it is impossible to be completely sure that all the affected areas reliably processed.

You risk not see a darkening of the fire "survivors" surface stains and after painting they occur again
You risk not see a darkening of the fire "survivors" surface stains and after painting they occur again

The means of chemical can remove rust from metal

Chemists invention succeeded in different formulations to successfully combat the corrosion of the metal.

In any store for motorists you will find a whole arsenal of special chemicals from corrosion
In any store for motorists you will find a whole arsenal of special chemicals from corrosion

We are not looking for easy ways, so look at the arsenal of improvised chemistry - which can come in handy?

How to get rid of the rust on the metal using zinc chloride: Master Class

To protect a metal part against corrosion damage, it can be covered by a layer of zinc chloride. Make it quite possible in the home:

IllustrationDescription of the action
How to remove rust from metal surfaces from the potato to electrolysisFor work required soldering acid, zinc, which can get out of rechargeable batteries, a thin piece of foam rubber and a charger or a car battery.
How to remove rust from metal surfaces from the potato to electrolysisZinc wrap in foam, the cover lock it in the wire or thread, leaving the contact piece.
How to remove rust from metal surfaces from the potato to electrolysisIn the open portion of zinc preform secure positive contact charger.
How to remove rust from metal surfaces from the potato to electrolysisLess is mounted directly on the details, which you will handle
How to remove rust from metal surfaces from the potato to electrolysisDip soldering foam wrapper acid.
How to remove rust from metal surfaces from the potato to electrolysisApply zinc coating on the workpiece, especially carefully when processing difficult places.
How to remove rust from metal surfaces from the potato to electrolysisPlease note that the testimony of the charger will decrease as the drying.

Attention! Work with soldering acid should be very careful, it is very corrosive. Protect your hands with gloves.

Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids as a means of combating corrosion

Rust removal from the metal in the home with small metal objects can be carried out with hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. An important condition in this process - the use of an inhibitor - hexamine.

If you do not remove the acid with metal smelling salts - can be irreparably damaged product is Procedure: The part is immersed in five percent acid solution until the disappearance of spots, and then rinsed in a solution of ammonia (per liter - 500 mg).
If you do not remove the acid with metal smelling salts - can be irreparably damaged product is Procedure: The part is immersed in five percent acid solution until the disappearance of spots, and then rinsed in a solution of ammonia (per liter - 500 mg).
If the object is too marker, stain remover coated rust from metal with a brush
If the object is too marker, stain remover coated rust from metal with a brush

The use of oxalic acid and lactic acid

With toxic oxalic acid is necessary to work very carefully, without fail, use respiratory protection, goggles and gloves. Before pickling acid product should be washed with soap and water and dried. For processing in a glass of water was dissolved 5.5 teaspoons acid. Item left in this solution for 30 minutes.

After traces of corrosion easy to clean off the brush, and the product itself should be washed under running water and dry
After traces of corrosion easy to clean off the brush, and the product itself should be washed under running water and dry

If your arsenal is lactic acid - it is diluted in vaseline at a ratio of 1 to 2. The resulting liquid for removing rust from metal is applied to the damaged area, and after dissolving stains removed napkin with vaseline.

Folk remedies to combat rust

Neither of each house do not just waiting in the wings zinc, sulfuric acid or oxalic acid. It does not matter, there are other effective methods of dealing with a touch of red, with something of the essential ingredients is sure to have at home.

How to remove rust from metal surfaces using a conventional potato

The scrub the rust with crockery? This recipe is like the hosts, who are tired of fighting with rzhoy in the kitchen baking.

In the fight with a rusty patina, a simple potato and a little salt
In the fight with a rusty patina, a simple potato and a little salt

Large potatoes should be cut in half, dip the slices in salt and rub this "tool" rusty marks on the dishes. The secret to the effectiveness of this method, all in the same oxalic acid, which is contained in your favorite vegetable. The salt works as an abrasive, and acid solution rust.

The wash rust from metal: lemon secret

Lemon acid used in baked goods and homemade preserves. it will help in the fight against corrosion on kitchen knives. The liquid for removing rust from metal is prepared from water and citric acid powder.

You can use natural lemon juice to clean the knife
You can use natural lemon juice to clean the knife

Lower the knife into the solution at night and in the morning just rinse it with clean water.

How to clean rust from metal by baking soda

Homepage plumbing treated paste of baking soda and water. It should leave the mixture on the rusty ground for half an hour, then clean synthetic brush and rinse with plain water.

Soda - a secure compound for cleaning metal parts in the bathroom
Soda - a secure compound for cleaning metal parts in the bathroom

Vinegar against rust spots

If you have not yet decided what to remove rust from metal, note the vinegar. If you have already started a bundle surface smooth out a first place a metal brush, and then immerse the product in vinegar or put on the damaged place a cloth soaked in it. contact time - from 12 hours to a full day.

Vinegar is the most common need - White, not apple or wine
Vinegar is the most common need - White, not apple or wine

After processing - washing and drying.

How to remove rust from metal in the home hydrogen peroxide

What more effective rust corrodes? Excellent variant - mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. 1 part of peroxide is mixed with 2 parts of ammonia. This liquid is treated with all the damaged areas and leave for fifteen minutes. After rinsing with water. This work is very difficult - you need to protect eyes and lungs.

When processing is better to open all the vents and put on a respirator, goggles and gloves
When processing is better to open all the vents and put on a respirator, goggles and gloves

Original means for removing rust from metal

There are other options for dealing with rzhoy, which can be used very unexpected products: Coca cola and ketchup.

Coca-Cola - a panacea

How to remove rust from chrome bike or a car?

How to remove rust from metal surfaces from the potato to electrolysis
Buy real Coke - that's really just means all the problems from pests before the spots of different origin

There are people who are suspicious of this method, but it is better to see once, that's a vivid example:

Ketchup purifier rust from metal

Ketchup or tomato juice can cope with a small plaque on the cutlery. Spread the sauce and leave them for half an hour. After a wash and wipe dry.

In most cases, this method works on the assumption that in ketchup have anything natural
In most cases, this method works on the assumption that in ketchup have anything natural

Methodology home electrolysis

At the end of our material a few words about home electrolysis. This is not the easiest method to combat corrosion, but if you particularly treasure the metal article, it is useful to you. It is used by collectors of rare coins and treasure hunters.

This is just one option when the subject almost does not receive any damage
This is just one option when the subject almost does not receive any damage

Electrolyte perfectly removes traces of rust even in the most difficult places. You do not run the risk of overexposing or damage metal during processing. See how it's done:

Whichever method you from above choose, remember: without further protection refined metal all your efforts are in vain. So think how to handle the product after the removal of rust, no more to return to this question.

If you have any questions on the topic - ask them in the comments!