If you want to make your site unique and impress guests with a special design, and there is no money for this, just turn to the free natural material. A little imagination, and ordinary stones on your site or from the nearest river will become unique accessories that create an unusual atmosphere. Let's take a look at examples and directions in which a stone can be used.
Read in the article
- 1 Traditionally: a garden of stones
- 2 Colored gravel and compositions from it
- 3 Religious buildings or their imitation
- 4 Painting from stones
- 5 Painting on stones
- 6 Paths in the garden of stones
- 7 Flowerbeds of stones
- 8 Fences and curbs made of stone
- 9 Stone carpets on site
- 10 Registration of buildings on the site
- 11 Garden sculptures made of stones
- 12 Waterfalls made of stones
Traditionally: a garden of stones
Let's start with the first thing that suggests itself: a garden of stones. The Japanese came up with it, and this art form resonated in the hearts of our compatriots.

A few plants are planted around the stones, and the free space is filled with sand, cleared of debris. A garden of stones must be carefully looked after so that neither fallen leaves nor animal footprints disturb the hardened harmony. The fact that the contemplation of this composition is very pacifying is absolutely true. So if your nerves are naughty at the end of your day, find a place in your garden to meditate.
Colored gravel and compositions from it
If you have gravel left after construction, this is an excellent material for decoration. It can be painted: just pour gravel into a bucket of paint, mix thoroughly, sprinkle on polyethylene and dry in the sun.

The area of application of colored gravel is very wide, just take a closer look at it.
Religious buildings or their imitation
Well, that's an interesting idea. You can build a mini-Stonehenge, a Cheops pyramid or a dolmen on your site. It will definitely entertain you and attract the interest of the guests.

Painting from stones
If you pick up pebbles of different shades and sizes, you can create whole compositions in flower beds. Sometimes they turn out to be so attractive that there is no need to plant flowers.

Painting on stones
The most common stones, in which at least one side is smooth, can become a canvas for artistic painting. There are a lot of painting options: the usual drawing, petroglyphs, and spot painting. If you have a tool for cutting in stone, who knows, maybe distant descendants will explore your work, like the famous Ica stones!

Paths in the garden of stones
It is very simple to make paths from stones. There are large flat stones - just dig them in the direction you want. You can design a path by filling the voids between the stones with the same gravel or sand.

Flowerbeds of stones
Stones are suitable for arranging high flower beds. They can be laid in a gabion - a metal mesh base, or simply use traditional cement masonry.

Fences and curbs made of stone
Stone masonry will also help solve pressing problems. For example - to make a fence or zoning on the site.

Stone carpets on site
If you have a river nearby, in which there are a lot of smooth pebbles, you can decide on a big job and make a masterpiece. We are talking about creating a carpet of stones - a figured pattern of their pebbles, matched in color and size.

Registration of buildings on the site
Natural stones will help you decorate any building. The base can be made from the remnants of old bricks, and veneered with natural stone. Wells, barbecues, gazebos will look completely different with this design.

Garden sculptures made of stones
Stones can become the basis and material for creating garden compositions. And such sculptures look much more refined and more expensive than, for example, the old tires or plastic bottles so beloved by many.

Waterfalls made of stones
And finally, the waterfalls are what underlines the true nature of the stone. If you make even a small waterfall or fountain in the garden, you will definitely spend most of your free time with it in the summer. And the air there is cleaner and the murmur of water is very pacifying.

How to make such a waterfall, see this video:
Just like that, ordinary stones can completely transform your garden. How do you like the ideas? Which one did you like the most? How do you use stones in the garden? Write in the comments!
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