Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are quite practical to use. They are antistatic so they do not attract dust. They do not collect fumes, soot (therefore, this is an ideal solution for the kitchen). They also do not absorb aromas. The canvas is not afraid of ultraviolet rays, and there is no need to be afraid that the material will begin to fade. This is the best option for those who do not have time for regular general cleaning, because it is very easy to monitor the appearance and cleanliness of the coating.
The guarantee for the canvas is 10 years, the service life is about 50 years. And to make these numbers a reality, you need to follow simple rules of operation.
Features of PVC film Bauf (bauf): why it should be chosen for a stretch ceiling
German PVC-film Bauf is able to surprise with its performance properties. This material is completely undemanding.
It can withstand temperatures from +5 to +50 0WITH. But you need to remember that frost has a negative effect - because of it, the material loses its elasticity, begins to crack.
PVC film is waterproof. She is not afraid of moisture: both the direct effect of water (for example, if the neighbors are flooded), and water vapor. Thanks to this, the canvas can be mounted in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the room with the pool. Also, the advantage will be that the material can be washed with heavy contamination for any reason.

Be careful not to allow cuts, punctures in the canvas. They often appear due to the movement of large objects with sharp edges around the room (for example, rearranging furniture).
If the light bulb burns out, and it is installed directly in the stretch ceiling, then it is best to follow the instructions from the manufacturer so as not to damage the canvas and the lighting fixture. To replace a light bulb, unscrew it from the socket (or pull it out if a pin-shaped mount is provided). It is usually not necessary to remove the luminaire itself.
How to care for stretch ceilings: professional advice
Compliance with the operating rules allows you to extend the service life of the ceiling covering. Here are some tips to help you clean:
- Usually wet cleaning is done several times a month. In the kitchen and in the bathroom, you can do it more often - at your own discretion and the rate of dirt settling.
- When choosing a detergent, it is recommended to avoid formulations with abrasive properties. They should also be free of solvents. Otherwise, the cleaning agent may damage the canvas. It is best to pay attention to specialized products, but if you do not have them, you can use a liquid for washing your mirrors.
- To get rid of greasy stains, use regular soap and water.
- An alcohol solution will help to restore the shine to glossy ceilings. For example, you can use ammonia. He also removes stains.
- Hard-bristled brushes are strictly prohibited. They can puncture or tear the ceiling.
- You can not scrape off dirt, crush, rub actively. Only soft forward movements. It is forbidden to press too much on the material.
- The water used to wash the canvas should be slightly warm so as not to cause deformation on the material.

More details about Bauf film: Bauf

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